
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*


Part 97, Explaining Where These Annoying Challenges Come From

"Some of you have a misconception about how we encourage and send Love to our children. There is a misunderstanding about how and why we do that. We send Unconditional Love, as we mentioned yesterday, to all beings, on Gaia and elsewhere, because it is what we feel toward the Creations of our Heart. It does not matter whether they are young souls or old, whether they are embodied as mouse or human, or whether they are Ascended Masters or beginners on their soul path. It is not a reward or a gift, or something we dole out to the deserving few. We love all equally because that is what we do; it is who we are. 

"Loving equally does not mean we simply send out blasts of love energy to blanket the Universe, although we do do that sometimes, as in the Ascension energy around December 21. In addition to those extra focused energy flows, we send our Love/Light to individuals, shaped and delivered in the intensity we see as most appropriate for them, at the level they are most likely to be able to absorb it. Thus, entities who are at a higher vibration level are able to absorb higher levels of Light energy, increasing their own vibratory power incrementally, as they grow and elevate along their soul path. 

"So, you see, we are aware of each one's needs and abilities, and provide accordingly. However, this is not the end of the story. Some of our efforts to send just the right loving message to one of our children may fall on deaf ears, as you might say. If a heart is closed, we do not beat down the door. That would be transgressing our free will contract. We will continue to send Love, whether it is received or not, for eternity. 

"This is part of the lessons of the True Way. We wish to teach you about Unconditional Love and Light, so that you can learn to live in the stance which generates it. It is our hope that all our children will eventually evolve to join with us in the pure state of Light which is One. For each of you, this means practicing the actions which generate Light in yourself, continuing that practice throughout your life to make the most of this experience in a body.

"Next, we will address the issue of finding your way down the dark alley which surrounds you when life seems to close in on you, bringing you one curve ball after another. It can be a discouraging time when three things or more seem to go wrong all at the same time. No, it does not mean that someone in the spirit world has put a hex on you, or you have a backlog of negative karma that needs to be worked off. Not at all. Events in life flow along currents of energy, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Like New York City buses, there may be a long time between them, then suddenly a bevy of them appears all at once. There is another possibility which is more difficult to explain. When you contract to come to this life, you agree to a certain number of challenges, unpleasant encounters, emotional upheavals and inconveniences, to test your mettle and hone your skills. Your Guides and your Greater Soul may design challenges to arrive at your doorstep in such a way as to maximize the impact, and therefore the learning potential without actually doing any damage to your overall flow of life. 

"We will repeat here that there are no lifetimes on Gaia which simply go smoothly without a challenge or a painful emotional experience. That is not why souls come here - to take a vacation from learning. Gaia is known across the Universe as one of the most difficult assignments, and therefore an effective training ground. All souls are ambitious in their plans when they are designing a life of optimum potential for learning. This is one of the reasons why the guidance of a Master is beneficial in the planning stage, to prevent overly difficult lifelines which might defeat the person rather than teach them. It is a careful process, this choosing how much to push, and how much to allow for breathing room. Usually, the most difficult lives are assigned to the most ambitious souls who may want to attempt to evolve as quickly as possible. We do not recommend this for young souls; it takes experience and a strong heart to withstand a truly abusive childhood followed by an adulthood of deprivation. There may also be situations where a soul from another galaxy may request almost any life that is available, as long as it meets their basic needs. Lifetimes on Gaia are in finite supply, you see, and so it is a precious opportunity - one that should not be taken for granted or wasted.

"You may begin to see after contemplating this description that it makes no sense from a spiritual point of view to complain or be depressed about the conditions of your life, or how difficult the trials you face. At any time, you have the opportunity to mitigate the destructive effects of the contracted challenges by living out the principles of the Universal Law of Flow and the Law of Attraction. You will bring into your life what you ask for when you go out to be of service to others, and you will attract to yourself the kind of energy you express toward the world. In this way, you may experience the planned obstacles, but they will be accompanied by heartwarming friendship, abundant help, and other positive influences.

"This is some of the fundamental background knowledge which will make sense of the guidelines we are giving you to explain The True Way. It is important to understand the effect of your own actions on the outcome of every day, every lifetime on Gaia. There is an old saying, 'You reap what you sow.' It is true, and it is a good illustration of the truths behind The True Way: there is no punishment, there is only the Universal flow, which runs in every direction at once, and which responds by giving you more of what you are currently concentrating on and putting into action, positive or negative. This is why we often tell our children to think creatively and act positively regardless of what fears or doubts you might be having. The actions carry more weight.

"Continue to assess your feelings to root out all negativity and naysaying, for this is the source of much of the Darkness in life. Take actions every day to be of service to others, and envision your dreams every day. Make small steps in the direction of accomplishing your Dream every day, even if it is making lists of what you will need to bring your Dream to life. And do not forget, ever, that we are here by your side, acknowledging every triumph, no matter how small, and feeling your pain when you fall.

We are eternally your Mother/Father God"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 30, 11:30 pm


Part 96, God Advocates for Sex, and Forgiveness

"We are delighted to see how many of you are reading our messages every day, starting your day with a smile, we hope. Our intention is to give you reasons to feel relief - that the things you suspected all along are true - and happiness knowing that living a good and rewarding life is much less about sex and money, and much more about being with the people you love and enjoying it. Well, let's rephrase that. Let's say it's about more sex with the one you love and less about money.

"We do enjoy scandalizing our readers once in a while with our jokes about sex, because so many of you have been taught such ridiculously rigid rules about how life should be lived in regard to sexuality. It takes the gift of physical delight out of the realm of passion and love and categorizes it as if it is a commodity to be traded or 'given' to someone as a favor, or worse yet, as a sin. No, we do not consider sex between two consenting adults to be a sin. In some cases it might be a mistake, but we would not call it a sin. Of course we do not endorse sexual behavior between an adult and a child, ever. That is not really sexuality; it is a power play on the part of the adult, and you already know how we feel about abuses of power. When a child is involved, it is a truly destructive act, one which leaves the child feeling overwhelmed, confused, and shamed. As we said, this is not sex.

"We do thoroughly enjoy seeing the bright light which is generated when two people in love find each other in the physical expression of love. It is the entry into higher dimensional feelings, opening the gateway of the heart to communion with the soul and with those of us in the spirit world. It is the time when two bodies and two souls meet on a higher plane than the ordinary 3-dimensional life they share the rest of the time. Since you have now risen to the 4th dimensional plane, you may find that your lovemaking is becoming even more ecstatic, and that the warm feelings carry through the rest of your days in a more tangible way. We wish to encourage you to focus more on the delights of being a sexual being and less on the pursuit of power and money.

"You see, sexuality is intimately woven with the energy of Creation. As human beings, the act of love-making which leads to the creation of a child is a sacred act, one to be appreciated for the tremendous power it carries. This does not however, mean that every sexual act is intended for reproduction alone. That would be absurdly limiting, and we do not place limits of any kind on our children. There is magic in the loving expression, and there is wonder in the creation of a child who will provide the opportunity for a soul to join in the marvelous journey of living on Gaia. We do not insist that every fetus should be brought into life where the conditions are not sufficient for the child to thrive and for the parents to nurture the child and provide at least the minimum of what it needs to survive. We have given you free will so that you can make your own choices about what is right for you, and when.

"Many in your culture have argued loudly for a ban on any abortion, and even any birth control measures. We are sorry to see such misuse of our name. We have also been blamed for wanting a woman who has been raped to be forced to bear the child of her attacker. This is simply an arrogant excuse for brutality toward women, since only women can become pregnant. It is a shadow from the Middle Ages, rising up to haunt the vulnerable and innocent among you. These are the last ditch efforts of the Dark Hats to foment cruelty and promote unwarranted punishment on those who are weaker than themselves. They are unwittingly doing their part to illustrate the ignorance of their prejudices and to reveal at last to the world just how insane these ideas really are. Do not worry that they will gain ultimate power. Do your parts to stop such discussions, and be sure to vote these people out of office as soon as possible, but do not believe in their power to persuade or to win out in the public forum. The time for witch-burning and slavery is past.

"Remember, it was the people who instigated the burning of innocent women who claimed to be doing God's work. There is a simple 'litmus test' if you are not sure about whether a person who says they are speaking for Us is truly hearing our words or the rantings of their own ego. If the proclamations and pronouncements they make result in suffering, discomfort and discord, and if they are designed to put themselves up as judge and jury over others, then they certainly do not speak for Us. Even with the most destructive of the Dark Hats, we would welcome them Home with open arms if they choose to turn toward the Light. This is all we wish for: that you each find your way back to us, to our Unconditional Love. We will help you to recover, to heal and to begin again to follow the path of Light, as was the original plan for all of you.

"We do not condemn those who go astray, no matter how far. Whatever the results of their transgressions against others, we know that those others who were hurt by their actions will come back to Us to be comforted and nourished, healed in the Light. It is not the victims who suffer endlessly; it is the Fallen Ones. And so, we continue to send our Love to them, even as they rape and pillage, because we know that only Love can heal an angry heart and bring a lost soul back to life. 

"Our Universal plan is to see all of our children, regardless of their missteps or mistaken ideas, return to our open arms. Often it is the most extreme transgressions which lead a lost child to return Home for forgiveness, and that forgiveness allows them to truly take responsibility for their own actions. When they review their lives and feel what others felt under their destructive hand, they grieve, and from that grief grows compassion. Eventually that compassion gives birth to the resolve to make up for their Dark ways. In that process is created a champion for Truth and Love. These are sometimes the ones who eventually become our strongest Masters and brightest Angels.

"So you see, we are the ones who keep the Home fires burning brightly, who celebrate your growth, however and whenever it is achieved, and will love you unconditionally, until the last soul is united as One.

We are Mother/Father God"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 29, 2013, 11:30 pm


Part 95, Charity Begins At Home

"Now let us ponder how far you have all come in the past year. Look back, and review - not the size of your bank account or the number of presents you received for Christmas, but the moments of objective self-examination, the acts of kindness, and the efforts to raise your consciousness when faced with old ideas, old thoughts, and old prejudices. Notice how many of the beliefs you took for granted have been shaken or completely left behind. Gauge whether you have learned to remain calm under pressure more effectively, and whether you are able to be patient and loving with those who are younger, less experienced or less educated than you are. These are all important measures of your Light-quotient, as we have called it.

"What goes into learning to be more patient, for instance? Are you aware of the connection to your spiritual development? Knowledge is power, in this case. You may have seen more deeply how important this life is in the scheme of things, how important an impact you have on those around you. You may have also accepted, once and for all, that this life is just a small segment of the life you have lived, in a body or in spirit, over centuries. And yet it is a glorious opportunity to learn, to grow and elevate yourself as you fulfill your soul path. The second truth you may have absorbed more deeply, if you have been reading these messages, is the importance of service to others. This, above all, defines the life you live in the eyes of Spirit. We are concerned with Creation and with Love. The things you create during this life - the relationships you build, the art and music you create or support, the community structures you develop and nurture, whether they be buildings or institutions, and the Love you offer to the people around you - these are the lasting contributions of a soul in ascendance. 

"Yes, of course you have to pay the rent and put food on the table, but those responsibilities would not weigh so heavily and absorb so many hours of your week if the job you performed were not seen as the proof of your worth, the definition of who you are. You are all aware of the phenomenal waste that is produced by your consumer lifestyle, but it is a difficult decision for one in the modern world to acknowledge that a second TV set in a home is not only a luxury, it is a monumental waste of time and money. Children are social creatures, and should never be isolated in a room alone with a television set. Look to your ancestors and their social ways for guidance in how you might change your view of what entertainment really is. Study the people of the South Seas, or the Native Americans to appreciate the integral way in which art, music, celebration and song were woven into daily life. These are the activities that make the heart sing, not sitting alone in a dark room.

"Many of you ask: What job shall I try to find that will fulfill my path? We say: None. Chances are that if you are being paid for the work, then it is not in the service of others and therefore cannot be considered soul development. This may seem a radically different way to look at your life, but that just indicates how far from a spiritual life your teachings have taken you. Material pursuits are by definition not spiritual pursuits. Of course, holding a position which helps others to have a better life is very nice, but it is not sufficient to completely fulfill an ambitious soul contract. Those relationships where you are able to give from the heart, express compassion and forgiveness, are the true meaning of service. Who you are in the context of the work environment is more important than the work itself. Being a kind and considerate boss, or an employee who goes out of your way to help someone else when they are in need of it is far more important than how much money you earn for the corporation you work for, or how much they pay you.

"Listen always to the sound of your voice. Scrutinize the tone you use when you speak to children and to the people who serve you in stores and restaurants, to eliminate any trace of impatience, disrespect, belittlement or superiority. These are the pursuits of a soul on the path of the True Way.

"We have promised you lessons which will help you to move beyond the chains of organized religions. This is what we are doing now. We will teach you by the example of how we listen to you, how we respond to you with Love and Understanding, and how we support and encourage you on your way to greater Enlightenment. We will give you examples, as we did in the paragraphs above, but we will not give you rules or dogma.

"We are not interested in sin or 'redemption.' We will help you to improve your attitude, change the way you treat others, and to learn the rich life of warmth and companionship which comes with service to others. We will not make up regulations and proclamations for you to memorize and follow. This is what is wrong with the state of religion today. In your hearts you know what is right and what is wrong. There are simple feelings which guide you truly, if they remain intact from childhood. Guilt is not one of them. Guilt is an imposed, confused feeling based in fear. So - fear, guilt and shame are emphatically not good measures of right or wrong actions. They are socially inflicted, from the outside in, and therefore not reliable guides. Heart emotions guide us by putting into an immediately recognizable expression the meaning of the experience at hand.

"Let me explain. If you are an adult who is contemplating whether you want to continue in relationship with another person, you are aware in your intuition/soul/heart feelings that approaching the person from a feeling of vengeance or retaliation is not a decent way to end a partnership of any kind. This is not only 'burning your bridges,' it would be inflicting unnecessary pain on the other. But you feel justified, you might say, Yes, but justifying an act of unkindness is not decent, and it is a low-level Dark energy action. This is a very different scenario from one in which a person is trying to attack you physically, or trying to discredit you publicly, for instance. That would require self-defense actions tailored to protect yourself without inflicting undue harm on the other. Notice - we are looking to eliminate aggression, not normal self-protection. This is a distinction which is difficult for many of you, especially those who are inclined toward self-contempt and self-hatred.

"So, let us begin our lessons in the True Way with one simple guideline: Eliminate all hatred from your heart and your mind, and replace it with Love.

"We speak not only of your relations with others; we emphasize here as we did in Kathryn's book: You cannot consider yourself a good person or an evolved person if you think or say disparaging things about yourself. You are a person too, and deserve decent treatment. Let us be clear: We do not care what you have done in the past, when you work to bring yourself to the state of Grace we call Unconditional Love. Every soul is born in Love, was christened with tears of joy, and is of equal value to every other soul that has ever been created. We want you to join with us in Love and Light, and look forward to that time with great expectation. We wish to see you grow and evolve, to increase your Light. That is all that is important. It is to that end that we encourage and teach you, Our Dear Children.

"Begin by evaluating carefully the quality of your own relationship with yourself, and do as you would with others along your spiritual path. Behave decently, with compassion, and be of service to the greater good of this soul that is You.

"We look forward to our work together as this historic year unfolds,

Mother/Father God"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 28, 2013, 7 pm.

Part 94, God and St. Germain discussing Their Talk Show Appearance, New Life on Gaia, and the Trust Fund for Earth's People

"Today was an exciting time for us, because we were able to share the air on a radio talk show with Kathryn, her co-host Ellen, and many listeners and callers who called in to ask us questions. St. Germain and I took turns giving a brief introduction to who we are and what we do, and there will be much more to tell in the coming weeks. We hope that many people will bring their friends to hear us present the teachings of the True Way, which will provide a guide for those of you who have become disillusioned or just plain sick of the rigid, authoritarian teachings of religions as they are presented today.

"We know that there are many of you who are searching, trying to understand what will replace the traditional religious teachings; how are you to explain the world around you, if not through the lens of a prescribed set of rules? It has been a difficult time for thinking people, people of the Heart, because it has been obvious to you that the angry, judgmental ravings you hear from so-called evangelical sects are taking it upon themselves to enter politics in order to invade people's lives with their oppressive and irrational belief systems. 

St. Germain: "The connection between religion and politics is of particular interest to me. I have seen the suffering caused by leaders who believe it is God's will that they enslave others in the name of the throne. It has been done for centuries, and is today being played out in countries around the world, where the issue has still not been settled. It is still not obvious to everyone that good governance is a result of having people of Light in the positions of responsibility, and that being a person of Love and Light is not bestowed by belonging to any religion, regardless of what it is. Since, as God said in his talk today, there is no religion which teaches the True Way, there is no religion which deserves to become the set of laws which governs a people. 

God: "Thank you, dear Germain. You are eloquent in these matters, and we are grateful for your thousands of years of service to humankind and to Gaia's people.

"We believe that the opportunity to present these matters to the people in a way that will offer real answers to their present-day questions will help at this time of transition. Gaia has ascended into 4D, and her people need to learn to leave behind the old ways of thinking - thinking that is embedded in fear, shame and the expectation of lack. It will take some time for this to change. Even in the presence of oceans of Love energy washing across the planet, many do not notice that things have changed, but go on seeing the world through the lens of the heavy, dark energies they were accustomed to.

St Germain: "How often do we hear people complain, as the caller did today, that everything seems so uphill, so difficult to struggle against the greed and forces of power. They have been right, of course, but the vision of struggling against the Dark Ones alone and without the wherewithal to succeed is no longer the way of the world. There may be left-over struggles, the residue of past confusion, but now, in 2013, the Veil has lifted and the energies have risen considerably. You will no longer find yourselves, as Sisyphus did, pushing a boulder up a hill, unless you choose to do so.

God: "Yes, that is true. The time of those kinds of struggles are behind you. As the Light/Love quotient increases, so does your burden lighten, whatever that burden might be. Look outward, Children. Breathe into your third eye to ease the pain and un-furrow your brow. Help is on the way, and no one will be left behind, because St. Germain is a champion for freedom and true democracy - the democracy of equals helping other equals to live joyful and productive lives. The current dog-eat-dog philosophy which holds sway in the Western world is not democracy as we see it. As long as any individual, man woman or child, is given short shrift, a country cannot claim to be democratic. As long as one disabled veteran has to beg on the streets, you cannot claim to be anything but barbaric. 

St Germain: ..."and until everyone has a comfortable place to sleep and a satisfying dinner at the end of their day, you cannot claim to be a civilized country. I have lived many lives on Gaia, as a champion for the causes of which we speak, and I have seen abominable arrogance and greed on the part of highly respected and powerful people. What sort of culture honors the abuse of power? What sort of person subscribes to the belief that they are entitled to more than others have, just because they can claim to hold a title or occupy a chair in a large corporation that mints money by polluting the planet, or enslaving children in far places to produce their products? What world is this? Well, we are happy to tell you that this world is gone, over, done for. It is only a matter of unwinding the tentacles and releasing the parasites to be swept away in the winds, as Gaia cleanses herself, and the people rise again to the promise of peace on Earth and plenty of joy to go around.

God:"And so it will be. The Legions of Light, the Archangels and all the Masters and Guides are working with us to help Gaia, and all the other planets and stars in the Universe to ascend in harmony with all the others. It is a plan for heavenly cooperation, peace and justice on the scale of the Multiverse, and Gaia is inspiring the rest with her grand plan to elevate with all the beings who inhabit her land and waters. This ambitious plan is being co-created with all who share her abundance, and will continue to evolve to higher levels as each individual raises their own level of vibration, thereby adding to the great concert of Joy and Light which awaits you.

St. Germain: "Yes, Dear Ones, and before we go, let me offer you a little 'tease' about what is coming soon. As some of you might know, when I was here in body, I established a trust fund, funded by great stores of gold and precious jewel - more than you can even begin to imagine. This fund has been held by several trustworthy families, who have guarded it and followed my wishes that it be overseen in such a way that it could grow by quietly taking profit from the robber barons who were robbing and squeezing the governments of the world in their financial grip. You see, it does help to have multi-dimensional Vision. 

"The fund, which was established some 7 generations ago, is now worth more than all the bank and all the GDP of the planet combined. We will soon begin distributing this wealth, first through proven non-profit agencies which work for the greater good, and later directly to every man, woman and child on the planet. Yes, it is a daunting task, but one we can accomplish and will accomplish, with careful concern that we do not destroy all the world's markets and structures suddenly. Our pledge is also the Hippocratic oath: First, do no harm. You can be sure we are more than eager to see prosperity return to every corner of the Earth, as it once was long ago.

God: "We wish to give this message to all, so that each and every one of you can hold your heads high, grasp the hand of your neighbor, and jump for joy, for there will truly be manna from heaven to be shared by all. Then it will be your part to keep that equality, and help it to take root as the True Way of life on Gaia. We know it will take time, and there will be those who will try to regain their old status, whether it be as Emperor or underdog, but we see you working every day to overcome old habits and old ways, and we commend you for that.

"Dare to dream, Children, and dream your way to taking part in the most glorious transition ever to be witnessed in the Universe. We look forward to speaking with you next week, and to answering your questions in person.

St. Germain: "And I will be honored to join you, our Beloved Creators.

"We will continue to send you these messages to read. Pass the on to as many as possible. This is how we tip the scales toward the Light for all the planet.

Mother/Father God, and St. Germain, until tomorrow."

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 27, 2013, 11 pm


Part 93, Lessons in The True Way Begin (same as part 92)

(this is the same as part 92, it just has a different name)

"Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, in the same space where you walk and talk and work and sleep, here just beyond your 3D perception. Yes, we see you clearly. We can even hear your thoughts - especially the ones which are carried on the waves of emotion. You can hear us speaking to you, if you open your hearts and your minds, and especially if you move into the Center of Operations in your brain where all your senses join forces in a higher vibrational frequency. So, let us put our heads together and make a plan for a better world.

"What are the things you see now, in recent days, which indicate clearly the changes that are necessary if your civilization is to rise to a place where all people can leave in harmony, and without desperate poverty or starvation? What will allow people to live with dignity and freedom? What will allow young people to grow up at peace with themselves, rather than angry and alienated enough to want to kill their family members, and even people they don't even know?

"These are difficult questions, are they not? What is really wrong with your society? Why is it so hard to pinpoint the causes of these terrible events? Why, in a culture of such prosperity and abundance is there such disparity between rich and poor, and why is there such rage among both rich and poor? Why has this rage reached down even to the very young, who viciously attack each other behind the anonymity of their electronic devices to such an extent that we hear of suicide by social media gang warfare almost weekly? 

"On the face of it, there seems to be no one answer to why the level of hostility and fear continues to rise, no matter what bullying programs schools try to implement, and no matter what level of education or family status the perpetrators and victims come from. Yes, traditionally violence and the ghetto seemed to grow together, but this is no longer the simple answer. College campuses have become as vulnerable as inner cities, and no amount of security or police presence seems to quell the violence. In many parts of the world, religion, not economic disadvantage sparks the most hostile conflicts.

"The answer, My Children, is hidden in plain sight. The single cause of all these examples of malaise and unrest is the lack of spiritual nourishment and connection to something greater than one's self. Difficult parents, or poverty, or bullying at school do not alone lead a person to madness. It is the loneliness that does it. A life without a connection to the Unconditional Love of your Creators is a life without uplifting joy. You are taught that a doting and considerate lover can provide all the affection and love a person could need, or that the love of attentive parents is all a child needs for a successful start in life. It is not true. A life without the deepest connection to the Heart of Mother Gaia and to the world of Spirit is a life without an anchor. 

"Modern religions teach outwardly imposed discipline and guilt, or even self-indulgence and self-importance, but few provide even a hint of real examples of the joys of living a life of service to the community. Money contributions replace real involvement with others, and one hour a month is considered 'community service.' Religious services frequently focus on achieving personal prosperity and abundance, without regard for the cost in suffering to Mother Gaia or to others whose lives will be impoverished by the actions of the prosperous few.

"You, My Children, are beginning to awaken to the empty promise of material rather than spiritual pursuits. You are souls first, material bodies only for a short time. This material existence was never intended to take the place of fulfilling your spiritual path in this life. Rather, it was provided for you as a way to strive for higher levels of spiritual understanding and Grace. As we have said before, earning is not living. Only through intensive engagement with your Guides and with Us will you learn to recover your balance and begin to lose the fear of engaging with each other in deep and meaningful ways. We can help you to shrug off the destructive religious and cultural teachings which have, literally, driven you all to the edge of madness. Yes, all of you.

"The levels of anxiety and depression, even among Lightworkers, is still tragic. You are working against the tide of prejudice and contempt from your fellow humans who largely hold this work in great disdain, thinking they are more successful, more important and more valuable because of their worldly pursuits and their 'scientific' skepticism. It is helpful to gather in likeminded communities to celebrate and share your rituals of gratitude and thanksgiving, but when you reach out to include your less initiated neighbors, you are again reminded of the scorn, distaste or at least indifference with which you are seen by the population at large, especially those who consider themselves 'believers!' We will declare here, that if they are not expressing Love and acceptance, then whatever it is they believe in, it is not spirituality, it is not about Us, and it has nothing to do with the True Way. 

"Let us call it that, My Dear Ones. The True Way is the simple pursuit of greater Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Empathy, Gratitude, Sensitivity to others, Appreciation for the conscious, living Mother Gaia, and dedication to the great project which is the Co-Creation with Us, the Legions of Light, of the New Gaia, based on your continuing, glorious Ascension to higher vibrational levels. This process of learning, sharing, loving and growing is the Path of Light which you all came here to walk. It has been a time of Darkness and forgetfulness on Planet Earth, even as you thought you were moving toward great scientific proofs and earth-shattering discoveries. But those discoveries are incomplete, empty without the true story behind the story. It is our Co-Creation with you, Beloved Ones, which is the real miracle, and the real essence of Truth which will bring you peace of mind, security and contentment.

"Do not be afraid to acknowledge what you know in your Heart: that a stripped down, simple meditation practice without fanfare or trappings is the most effective road to connection with your Higher Self, and by extension, with Us. Towering cathedrals are a nice place to experience the resonance of thousands of years of devotion etched into the stones, but a mountainside holds the same or greater vibrational inspiration. A simple room or a blanket spread on the grass, or a fallen log in the forest amply provides a setting for the most intimate connection with Gaia and with Us. It is this connection: Gaia, God and You which make up the Trinity of Faith and companionship which provides an abundance of Love and Peace, without which life is barren and empty. Striving each day for that connection is the practice we call The True Way. This, and being of service to others are the only practices needed to live a rich and full life, abundant with the kind of fulfillment which cannot be found anywhere else. 

"With this we leave you to ponder how you will use these understandings to do your part to change the way the sorry world is suffering, and how you will bring Light and Love to those who are still hypnotized by the old ways of pursuing money rather than the genuine wealth which is being One with each other and with Us.

We love you one and all,

Mother/Father God and the Legions of Light"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 25, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 92, The True Way Replaces Religion

"Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, in the same space where you walk and talk and work and sleep, here just beyond your 3D perception. Yes, we see you clearly. We can even hear your thoughts - especially the ones which are carried on the waves of emotion. You can hear us speaking to you, if you open your hearts and your minds, and especially if you move into the Center of Operations in your brain where all your senses join forces in a higher vibrational frequency. So, let us put our heads together and make a plan for a better world.

"What are the things you see now, in recent days, which indicate clearly the changes that are necessary if your civilization is to rise to a place where all people can leave in harmony, and without desperate poverty or starvation? What will allow people to live with dignity and freedom? What will allow young people to grow up at peace with themselves, rather than angry and alienated enough to want to kill their family members, and even people they don't even know?

"These are difficult questions, are they not? What is really wrong with your society? Why is it so hard to pinpoint the causes of these terrible events? Why, in a culture of such prosperity and abundance is there such disparity between rich and poor, and why is there such rage among both rich and poor? Why has this rage reached down even to the very young, who viciously attack each other behind the anonymity of their electronic devices to such an extent that we hear of suicide by social media gang warfare almost weekly? 

"On the face of it, there seems to be no one answer to why the level of hostility and fear continues to rise, no matter what bullying programs schools try to implement, and no matter what level of education or family status the perpetrators and victims come from. Yes, traditionally violence and the ghetto seemed to grow together, but this is no longer the simple answer. College campuses have become as vulnerable as inner cities, and no amount of security or police presence seems to quell the violence. In many parts of the world, religion, not economic disadvantage sparks the most hostile conflicts.

"The answer, My Children, is hidden in plain sight. The single cause of all these examples of malaise and unrest is the lack of spiritual nourishment and connection to something greater than one's self. Difficult parents, or poverty, or bullying at school do not alone lead a person to madness. It is the loneliness that does it. A life without a connection to the Unconditional Love of your Creators is a life without uplifting joy. You are taught that a doting and considerate lover can provide all the affection and love a person could need, or that the love of attentive parents is all a child needs for a successful start in life. It is not true. A life without the deepest connection to the Heart of Mother Gaia and to the world of Spirit is a life without an anchor. 

"Modern religions teach outwardly imposed discipline and guilt, or even self-indulgence and self-importance, but few provide even a hint of real examples of the joys of living a life of service to the community. Money contributions replace real involvement with others, and one hour a month is considered 'community service.' Religious services frequently focus on achieving personal prosperity and abundance, without regard for the cost in suffering to Mother Gaia or to others whose lives will be impoverished by the actions of the prosperous few.

"You, My Children, are beginning to awaken to the empty promise of material rather than spiritual pursuits. You are souls first, material bodies only for a short time. This material existence was never intended to take the place of fulfilling your spiritual path in this life. Rather, it was provided for you as a way to strive for higher levels of spiritual understanding and Grace. As we have said before, earning is not living. Only through intensive engagement with your Guides and with Us will you learn to recover your balance and begin to lose the fear of engaging with each other in deep and meaningful ways. We can help you to shrug off the destructive religious and cultural teachings which have, literally, driven you all to the edge of madness. Yes, all of you.

"The levels of anxiety and depression, even among Lightworkers, is still tragic. You are working against the tide of prejudice and contempt from your fellow humans who largely hold this work in great disdain, thinking they are more successful, more important and more valuable because of their worldly pursuits and their 'scientific' skepticism. It is helpful to gather in likeminded communities to celebrate and share your rituals of gratitude and thanksgiving, but when you reach out to include your less initiated neighbors, you are again reminded of the scorn, distaste or at least indifference with which you are seen by the population at large, especially those who consider themselves 'believers!' We will declare here, that if they are not expressing Love and acceptance, then whatever it is they believe in, it is not spirituality, it is not about Us, and it has nothing to do with the True Way.

"Let us call it that, My Dear Ones. The True Way is the simple pursuit of greater Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Empathy, Gratitude, Sensitivity to others, Appreciation for the conscious, living Mother Gaia, and dedication to the great project which is the Co-Creation with Us, the Legions of Light, of the New Gaia, based on your continuing, glorious Ascension to higher vibrational levels. This process of learning, sharing, loving and growing is the Path of Light which you all came here to walk. It has been a time of Darkness and forgetfulness on Planet Earth, even as you thought you were moving toward great scientific proofs and earth-shattering discoveries. But those discoveries are incomplete, empty without the true story behind the story. It is our Co-Creation with you, Beloved Ones, which is the real miracle, and the real essence of Truth which will bring you peace of mind, security and contentment.

"Do not be afraid to acknowledge what you know in your Heart: that a stripped down, simple meditation practice without fanfare or trappings is the most effective road to connection with your Higher Self, and by extension, with Us. Towering cathedrals are a nice place to experience the resonance of thousands of years of devotion etched into the stones, but a mountainside holds the same or greater vibrational inspiration. A simple room or a blanket spread on the grass, or a fallen log in the forest amply provides a setting for the most intimate connection with Gaia and with Us. It is this connection: Gaia, God and You which make up the Trinity of Faith and companionship which provides an abundance of Love and Peace, without which life is barren and empty. Striving each day for that connection is the practice we call The True Way. This, and being of service to others are the only practices needed to live a rich and full life, abundant with the kind of fulfillment which cannot be found anywhere else. 

"With this we leave you to ponder how you will use these understandings to do your part to change the way the sorry world is suffering, and how you will bring Light and Love to those who are still hypnotized by the old ways of pursuing money rather than the genuine wealth which is being One with each other and with Us.

We love you one and all,

Mother/Father God and the Legions of Light"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 25, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 91, What It's Like on the Planets of Sirius

"Tonight we're going to talk about the wondrous and amazing things happening across the Universe, as We promised yesterday.

"Perhaps you would like to know what life is like in other star systems. (K: Yes!)
All right, let's start with the Sirius folks, who are closely related to you on Gaia, genetically, as well as historically. You see, souls from Sirius find it convenient and rather easy to adapt to human Earth bodies, although the heavy atmosphere and the difficult cultural conditions are more of a challenge.

"I told you yesterday that your President is here as a visitor from Sirius, but this is not his first sojourn in a body here on Gaia. Others among you are also here to help out because of the historic event of Ascension on Gaia, as we have mentioned. The one who types these words was not aware of her ancient Sirian roots until now, but we will reveal that now. In her travels she has found many of her fellows, and is naturally attracted to other Sirians, because of the higher vibrational quality they emanate. Her friend and collaborator, Amos Gunsberg, was also of Sirian origin.

"So, you see, it is not a case of welcoming little green ET's into your life when we talk of intergalactic cooperation, although that is also a possibility. We will begin with the ones who are similar enough for you to relate to as brothers and sisters.

"Sirius, as you call it, is not a single planet or sun. It is a system of heavenly bodies, interconnected as your solar system is, by energy forces which interact and interconnect the planets and suns of the large cluster. There have been nine 'habitable' planets within the Sirius system, although there are only four currently in use by those who have been in human form. This is similar to the planets in your solar system, which have been populated in past eons by various souls in lower dimensional forms like your 3D Earth beings. We include here all forms of all the Kingdoms of the land, sea, air and also the interiors of the planets.

"Let us take for example the Planet Martran, or in ancient days, Marlatrania, as it was called by the Sirians. Martran is larger than Earth - almost half again the size of your planet, but contains large arid plateaus which are hot in daytime and cold at night, with little groundwater or rainfall. There are smaller ocean areas on Martran, carefully protected resources which were a major food source over millennia, and now seen as a precious pleasure spots available to all citizens for recreation and play. There are forests, rivers and meadows as you know on Gaia, and mountain ranges, but they are less accessible and less forested than your beautiful Rockies, Alps and Himalayas.

"The Sirian people from all the planets in the confederation consider themselves a united people, organized in a collaborative, interconnected Federation of Sirian States, as it would be called in English. They elect a group of nine Commanders to oversee the governance of their network. Their elections are based on a democratic one-person, one-vote runoff system which allows for the candidates to be acknowledged in descending order, producing a clear mandate for those with the most support to be recognized as the Leading Lights. Your dear Commander has been recognized as a consistent favorite for many years, in your time, and is now on leave of absence for a short time to tend to the demands of his leadership on Gaia, although he is in daily contact with his Sirian counterparts. The level of cooperation and cordiality among leaders of Sirius is a sharp contrast to your 2-party wrangling on Gaia. When I tell you about daily life there you will begin to understand why.

"Sirius has been inhabited by beings of evolving genetic makeup for many millions of years, as compared to your 100,000 or so years on Gaia. They have experienced an extended period of 3-D duality, although it was slightly different than what you have experienced in the past. You see, every civilization, every planetary experience has been an experiment of sorts in which the beings involved have co-created their evolution to fit their own expectations of what would provide the optimal learning experience for advancement on their soul paths. Therefore, no two planets or star systems have evolved in exactly the same way (as they might have been had We, the Creators, designed and implemented the conditions ourselves). Various systems over the eons have requested varying degrees of free will, as they ascended to higher dimensional planes in their evolution.

"Sirius went through many struggles and shifts, in environmental conditions and methods of governance, including long periods of war and discord before they were able to reach the stable Light-filled existence they enjoy now. As their planets and stars when through the process of ascension, there were great upheavals and mass extinctions similar to those on Gaia, until their technology developed, with the help of Brothers and Sisters from other advanced star systems, to such a degree that they could move comfortably between neighboring planets and eventually neighboring galaxies.

"Because the privilege of experiencing free will was withheld - by mutual consent - until souls had reached the ability to function in the 5th dimension and higher, their progress was not hampered as profoundly as yours by the presence of Dark forces who could win over free will beings who were still in lower dimensional levels of development. Although this allowed for a less chaotic process than the oppression-revolution-oppression-revolution struggles you have experienced on Gaia, it also did not provide the dramatically intense soul challenges which have honed souls who venture to embody on Gaia.

"It was for this reason that the Sirian Federation took part in the seeding of human genetic material on Gaia, in order to prepare opportunities for embodiment in human form on the new young planet as an alternate learning environment for them. Similar participation occurred with Pleiadians and others. It is an important rite of passage for Ascended Masters to have experienced one or more lifetimes on Gaia as part of their spiritual preparation.

"In this present era, Sirius is populated by souls who have all ascended past the 3D level, and so their physical needs are far different from yours. For instance, there is no need to provide for the massive nutritional needs or physical necessities you experience. Their health is perfect, allowing for lifetimes of 1,000 years or more if they wish. They are capable of time and space travel, instant manifestation of anything they want or need, and telepathic communication across the Universe. Their current mission is to be of service to others who are in the process of learning to ascend to higher spiritual levels. These responsibilities also serve as part of their own continuing spiritual growth, since it is understood in higher dimensions that the ascension process is ongoing.

"We depart tonight with a special thought for the day: What is your Dream? What contribution do you wish to make to leave the world better than you found it? How will you take the first step to reach that goal? Now, begin, Dear Ones,

Your loving Yahweh"

Via Kathryn May, Jan 24, 11 pm


Part 90, News About Our Visitors From Space, and an Invitation to Talk in Person

"We will tell you something about what is going on in the rest of the Universe, if you would like to know. (K: yes.) All right then, here is just a small part of the news from 'out there.' We will begin with your atmosphere, just beyond your eyesight. 

"This week was an enormous celebration on more than just your planet, for the President you inaugurated is known far beyond your shores. He is one of the Council of Nine, the leaders of the Sirius star system, well liked and admired for his steady hand and deep commitment to justice. It was exhilarating to watch the outpouring of Love, there in the Capital as hundreds of thousands watched and waved their flags. All around your planet, standing watch as a protective cloak of Love, was the Ashtar Command. Their numbers now approach one million; that is how interesting and compelling this time on Gaia is for visitors from afar.

"You can imagine the uproar in the Sirian ships when their dear brother was sworn in, and when he gave his ringing speech, a declaration of the ideals and intentions he came here to help manifest. Yes, of course there were those who tried to criticize and pretend there was something other than glorious about his message, but their protestations sound sillier and sillier with each passing day. The people are with our dear Barack, as you know him, and the energy produced on that day will carry forward in very important ways, giving him greater latitude to present new ideas and to hold a firm line with the cranky opponents who wish to defeat him at any cost. You can be assured we are standing by his side and protecting him at every turn.

"Soon there will be a public acknowledgement of the presence of so-called alien spaceships, and recognition that your government and many others have been in contact with them for some time. This will open the possibility for open collaboration. The Ashtar Command has come here, after all, to protect Gaia from any interference from those galactic troublemakers who still roam the Universe, bent on Dark conquests. Their power is waning throughout the Multiverse, as the forces of Light have united very effectively to protect the more vulnerable planets. Yes, there are still reptilian forces in other places - the same sort that have caused so much Darkness and pain on Gaia, but in some ways it has served to spur the Intergalactic Council of Light on to forge closer and more effective alliances throughout the Multiverse.

"So, you see my Dear Children, you are about to enter an age - we hope this very year - in which you will join with your Star Brothers and Sisters in an open and joyful collaboration which will be of great benefit to Planet Earth. You have been recognized as a Planet in Ascension, an honored tradition which many of them have experienced, but not in exactly the same way as you are doing. In the past there has been less synchrony between the planet and her people. For instance, as planets in the Sirius system ascended, their inhabitants were either swept away in the upheaval, as your civilizations have experienced in the past, or the more advanced populations traveled to other planets around the Universe to resettle during the Great Shifts. There have long been Sirian souls among you, fellow travelers with common goals. This experiment you have embarked on, to co-create with your young Mother Gaia in order to elevate together - the entire human race of Gaia along with Gaia herself - has never been attempted before, as we have said. And so, it is not only attracting Intergalactic and interdimensional attention, but is serving as the vortex which is emanating Light outward, creating ripples that are felt as uplifting and inspiring to all the Beings of all the Kingdoms of Light. 

"You have all heard the story about the butterfly landing on a flower in China which creates the stirring of the breeze that is felt on the other side of the world. Such it is with your adventure here, but the world we speak of now is far greater than you ever imagined. They are here to share with you, to give from their hearts to their dear little Brothers and Sisters. You see, they are all somewhat farther along in their spiritual and technological development than you are at this moment, because they have been working at it longer, but this is a blessing for you, because it means they have already resolved many of the thorny issues you are facing now and have learned to live in Love and Light. They have no need to conquer; they feel great fulfillment in being of service to you, and wait until you see what they have to give you! It will be Christmas all year long, as your scientists and theirs collaborate to develop technologies which will elevate the conditions on your dear planet ten-fold. 

"We foresee a glorious experiment in change which will be carefully adapted to your particular conditions and needs, while maintaining a gradual pace which will not be chaotic or severely disruptive. It will be like all the Olympic productions combined, merging creativity, sound, lights, music, new architecture, entirely new energy systems and above all, international and intergalactic cooperation. There will be a need for talented people in all walks of life to share in the creation of New Gaia: teachers, farmers, merchants, chefs, technical and scientific specialists, gardeners, butchers, bakers and lighting designers. Let your minds run free; see yourself joyfully taking part in the rebuilding and redesigning of cities to create human-nurturing environments. Imagine yourself breathing the sweet-smelling air of a planet without any pollution, where the rivers run clean and clear and the only garbage produced is carried out to the garden as compost and bird food. 

"You will be offered the best help from experts in every field, but we know this will require an open-hearted attitude on the part of your population. It will be tempting for many to respond with old ingrained habits like jealous turf-wars and paranoia about losing your power to someone you might see as an authority figure and therefore the enemy. This is why it is so important for you now to begin to clear away all old tendencies to want to control and protect as you did in the mentality of insufficiency. Having lived in a world where those in power used their influence to steal from others, you have been conditioned to fear strangers, hang on to what you have, and only share with your closest family members, if at all. All this is changing, and will require more rapid change as the time comes to meet your new neighbors.

"We have told the story of the firmament beyond your atmosphere as it relates to you directly because your recent Ascension to the 4th dimension has captured the rapt attention of all. In future messages we will give you a larger picture with some news from other galaxies and star systems beyond the view of your most powerful telescopes. There is much to tell, and if you are willing to suspend judgment completely and hear about the wonders your scientists have only dreamed about, we will tell you some interesting stories you will be able to tell your grandchildren.

"We have now completed a ninety-day run, bringing you a message every day but one. We hope that you have benefitted from this crash course in the True Way, and we hope you will share the understandings you have gained here. You will be the ones to carry the new Spirit of Love to your children, your neighbors, your colleagues and friends. These messages, which will continue, will provide the basis for new spiritual teachings which will be the foundation for the next thousand years. This week we celebrate the beginning of the New Golden Age - an Age of Enlightenment which will move far beyond the religious and moral teachings of the past.

"Dear Ones, we welcome your questions and your participation in these discussions - for this is the way we see them. We have asked Kathryn to begin a radio talk show in which she will channel our voice so that we can speak to you directly. Each week there will be one person who will be awarded a session to speak with me on the air, through a simple lottery system. I am taking this opportunity to announce the beginning of the show on Sunday, January 27th, at 3 PM Eastern Time. (This is news to Kathryn too.) It will feature original music from new artists, guest channelers, friends, and our channel, The Voice of Yahweh. If you have questions you would like us to respond to, please send them on to Kathryn through the web site in advance of the show, and we will answer as many as possible. 

"You will find our new radio show on BlogTalkRadio, on your computer. Look for the title of our show, 'Channel Panel.' During the broadcast, you will be given the call-in number to speak with us live. We are very excited to be taking part in this wonderful new adventure, and hope you will join us to hear the live show every Sunday. It will be rebroadcast Wednesday evenings. Stay tuned for further details.

"And now we wish you a glorious day filled with adventurous encounters, astonishing discoveries, and love at first sight. Until we speak in person, we are with you,

Your Mother/Father God, through Yahweh"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 23, 11:30 PM

Part 89, The New Matrix is Under Construction

"Tonight the planet celebrates the first day of the officially inaugurated Golden Age, with the inauguration of Barach Obama to his second and most important term. At this point, he will begin to show the world what his leadership has been intended to create: the fulfillment of the Great Hope of Democracy, the United States of America. There have been many struggles, many fits and starts, but the destiny of this country is with the Light, and it will be so as we move forward into a new era. Yes, there will be some obstruction, some more lies and obfuscation, but the tide has truly turned for all of you. 

"The promise of freedom as it was intended by the Founding Fathers was much more than the permission to own guns or to say anything you want any time you want on any subject, no matter how rude or deceitful or cruel. No, the intentions of the greatest of them was to provide the culture of Light within which every person would be able to reach their true potential, where no prejudice could prevent any individual from rising to their highest level of accomplishment, dignity and respect, and where all opportunity would be equally available to all the people.

"Celebrate, My Children, join together to share the joy of knowing there is a Council of helpers from every dimension, some here in bodies, many participating fully with the leaders and teachers among you who are completely aware of our presence. We are in constant communication with your dear President, whose knowledge of the workings of the world goes far beyond the confines of your planet. He has patiently held back, waiting for the developments which are now unfolding, but now he will wait no longer. It was a joyful occasion for all of us as we watched with pride as he addressed the millions who hung on his fascinating words - the new Declaration of Independence, more than 200 years since the beginning of this glorious experiment in freedom.

"Let us now communicate across the dimensions - you who are reading this and others whom you will encourage. Open your hearts and your minds, and you will clearly hear the voices of your Guides and helpers. They are there, talking to you just as your partner or your friend does. There are now people teaching the techniques which will help you to develop your intuitive skills, those deep places of knowing where your most receptive abilities have lain dorment all your lives. Ask Kathryn to teach the Visual Centering technique, which opens the pineal, the third eye and the fontanel, creating the necessary matrix for multi-dimensional Vision. We have asked her today to include the sound vibrations of ancient Peruvian whistles which will activate the hearing part of the equation and awaken the rest of the brain for the most powerful entrance into a new and creative capacity, beyond the brain you are used to experiencing. 

"We are encouraging you to make a quantum leap into new abilities, new ways of using your brain which go far beyond the everyday thinking you are used to. It is not impossible, Children. You are being recalibrated for the job. Now you need to leave behind the familiar limitations of your 3-Dimensional brain, for you have entered a 4-Dimensional world. Your abilities are increasing, just as they did when you were 14 or 15 years old and you discovered conceptual thinking. Now it will be thinking which allows non-linear conceptual reasoning, and even more - the ability to see and hear just as the medium who brings you these messages has done. Each one of you will begin to observe fleeting images - at first out of the corner of your eye, then in full color in your dreams, then more fully in your waking hours. Your sensitivities are increasing, for sensitivity is the foundation of higher levels of intelligence. You will need to work hard to undo the habits of many years of subduing your most brilliant intelligence through television watching, alcohol and drug consumption and memorization of large amounts of trivial material. These are the accrued accumulation of the equivalent of intellectual fat cells which will respond to the new brain work-out which is genuine reasoning. 

"The new thinking bears little resemblance to the old style of thought, which is based mostly in descriptions of the things you can see and touch. New thinking involves the deep understanding of symbols, metaphors and poetic references which resonate in the heart and soul. It engages many areas of the brain at one time - a new experience for many people, who are just beginning to learn multi-tasking. The new brain-as-multi-tasker will provide greater versatility and deeper understanding, and will find a welcome with those of you who have always learned better in a multimedia way. You will begin to recognize your multimedia brain as the tremendous resource it is.

"Your bodies too will change. Although many of you have been ill during the past few weeks, recovery and healing will come, and with it a new kind of health and well-being. Your bodies need to detoxify and prepare for the greater healing powers which are being activated. Can you imagine complete health - the absence of disease? You will begin, even in this overly stressed body, to feel greater resilience and strength. To appreciate these changes, you must let go of the old aches and pains.

"Do not insist that an old allergy or lingering illness must remain as it has always been. Illnesses have been, in the past era, simply an expression of imbalance in the body, usually brought on or aggravated by fear, or as you call it, 'stress.' The same will hold true for moodiness, depression or bouts of high-intensity anxiety. Notice any time you say 'MY depression,' or 'MY arthritis,' or 'MY migraines.' These ailments do not belong to you, nor do they define you. They are remnants of a destructive culture-based lifestyle in which people were told by the sickness establishment that an illness generally indicates a seriously defective foundation or a weakened immunity, and is therefore inevitable.

'Here is the message for today, Dear Ones: Nothing is inevitable. Not even death and taxes. Prepare for new health, new prosperity, new peace of mind, and new ways of thinking. Do not cling to the formulas for living you worked so hard to hone and put in place. The New Age will be the Age of the Heart, not the beta brain. It may yet sound impossible to you, but much of what you see around you that appears familiar and predictable is just the leftover reflection of old expectations and projected fantasies.

"This will be the first year of a new order. Those who are able to be open-minded and truly free because of their solid soul connection will feel the changes first and will reap the reward with great joy. Awaken to the glorious music. Claim your place at the party. It's going to be a fabulous ride.

With all our Love, Mother/Father God"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 23, 2013, 1 am


Part 88, Civilization Five, Planet Earth

"Dear Children, We would like to talk with you about the growing need for Torchbearers and Lightworkers to come out of the shadows and shine, for all the world to see. It will be possible now because since Dec. 21, there are many, many more people who are awakening to a new sense of spirituality, but are afraid to mention it to those around them for fear they will be considered 'crazy.' It has been an unfortunate duality in your culture that spirituality has been seen as the opposite of rationality. It absolutely is not, except in the strictest definition of the words alone. Science is not the opposite of spirituality, although it has thankfully opposed some of the most irrational and cruel practices which fell under the rubric of 'religion,' like burning people at the stake as witches. Science itself is not to blame for the rigid and - I must say irrational - stance against Faith. In fact, the greatest scientists, the most imaginative and original ones, have all been deeply connected to their own Greater Souls and Guides, which allowed them to look into the Universal wisdom and understand, and then apply that understanding to their scientific pursuits.

"This approach - searching deeply for the Universal Truths while simultaneously learning the basics of one's science - is the creative mindset which leads to great discoveries and inventions. (One without the other leads to impracticable fantasies or pedantic narrow-mindedness.) It is a stance toward work and life which will produce the great works of the Golden Age. 

"Knowledge is a wonderful thing, when it is used in the service of others, but knowledge without Heart spawns abominations. Take for instance the robot doctor who cannot look at or touch his patients but can only spout the probabilities that symptoms X and Y lead to a diagnosis of Z in 85% of cases, therefore you have Z and should take drug A because it is successful in treating Z in 70% of cases. Now, given this 'scientific' approach, you have been hustled into a drug treatment which has a less than 60% rate of success, (barely better than chance) and probably risks numerous serious side-effects. (You know that list.)

"The truly skillful and artful work requires thorough training, an open heart, an open mind, and a connection to Spirit, for it is the heart and soul at work which creates magic, whether it is in healing, teaching, the fine arts, scientific research, or great inventiveness. 

"Who among you has practiced this skill of perfecting the academic and technical elements of your art - or your artful craft - while also purposefully remaining open to guidance and inspiration from beyond the Veil? Are you raising your hand? Then it shall be you who will lead, you who will be the teachers of this balanced approach to Enlightenment and Wisdom. You are the ones who will be the model for the new Artist-Scholars who will Create the new structures, the new institutions, and the new technology for the Golden Age. What advancements will be possible when you are able to truly open your hearts to collaboration, with Us and with each other? What remedies for social discontent will become apparent when you are able to tap into the wisdom of millions of years of advanced civilizations at the far reaches of the galaxies, but as near and accessible as a thought-wave? 

"You are the inspired ones, My Dear Children, who have the curiosity and openness to read these messages and absorb their meaning. You have sensed the Truth behind the words and have felt the excitement of envisioning a better world. You have already begun to dream the dream of a great civilization built on true equality in every area of life. Prosperity will follow, since it is the product of shared effort. Your politicians who think you can achieve prosperity by eliminating debts are making up a tale based in meanness and unconcern for those in need. Of course this cannot work, because it is based in Darkness and divisiveness. Generosity leads to Prosperity. The Universal Law of Flow leads to prosperity: give first, and great fulfillment will come to you. It may not be in the form of money; there are all kinds of prosperity. You will learn to experience riches beyond your dreams in the coming years.

"I speak to you today, on the day of the great inauguration of the Sirian Commander to the Presidency of the U.S. It is the beginning of a new era of Understanding and Love. His Inaugural Address called for all the great virtues to be embodied in the leaders and citizens of the country and raised the Golden Flame of community, Love and sharing on the path toward greater freedom and greater responsibility. Enumerating the names of famous civil rights struggles (Selma, Stonewall and Seneca Falls) cast a bright light on the great milestones of the past which symbolize progress toward genuine democracy in the country which has opened the eyes of the world to what might be possible in the future. 

"You have not yet achieved that great civilization for which you have laid the first stones. It is now the time of clearing away the remnants of failed experiments - the crumbled Empires, the cruel Fascism, the Communism enforced by despotism, and oligarchy masquerading as democracy. You have not yet built your pyramids or sent your spaceships to other galaxies, but your time has come, and this time you will accomplish the greatness without sacrificing honor. You have vowed as a people to move together this time, shaping a new and highly evolved civilization of Light and Love. The boundaries of this great experiment have not yet been determined. It will be entirely up to you as you now enter the new era of great change.

"It is you, my Dear Ones, who will build the cities of Light, and you who will invent the new art forms, architectural marvels and life sustaining technologies which will enhance life by preserving your dear Gaia as you also sustain your soul growth, your friendships and your loving communities. And so it will be as you, the ones who manifest Dreams, will create it. 

We celebrate your glorious adventure with anticipation and joy,

Your Yahweh"

Via Kathryn May, Jan.22, 2013, 1 am.

Part 87, Uncovering Conspiricies, Redefining Culture, and Making Love Not War

"Yes, things are really changing fast. Do not rely on the mass media to give you information about the true state of the world. They are still caught up in reporting every violent act, every shooting and every celebrity wardrobe malfunction they can uncover. It does not tell you anything about what is really happening. There are good internet sources where real news and pictures from around the world are pouring in to inform everyone of the conditions on the ground. There are also reputable spiritual forums where channelings are posted and investigative reporters continue to uncover real news about the exposure of underhanded dealings on the part of the Cabal, as you have called them.

"There are now many documentaries about the mounting evidence that 9/11 was in fact a false flag operation to create an excuse for going to war, and the recent entries into the field of investigation include Jesse Ventura, the flamboyant Governor who is tying together the evidence of several conspiracies, all committed by the same network of power-hungry political and banking and military officials and their flunkies. The truth will set you free, as he repeats often. It has taken 50 years for people to come forward, in some cases, to tell what they know about the assassination of JFK, and many are still trying to be heard who were eyewitnesses to extremely incriminating events around the 9/11 attacks. It is only a matter of time now before the weight of evidence tips the scale, and those who have been afraid for their lives will feel there is safety in numbers and will speak out.

"These are all very positive developments, because the U.S. citizenry has been confused and discouraged about ever being able to trust its political leaders, because many have been complicit in former administrations, and cover-ups have been the standard procedure in past years. Frankly, we have advised the current administration not to take a public stand yet in regard to the prosecution of the most powerful leaders of the Cabal. It was a deadly pursuit for the Kennedys and for so many others who have challenged them, and we did not feel it would be beneficial yet to make a move, until the weight of evidence has been disseminated to the people. There are many in private life now who will pick up the banner and will pursue the truth. The more of these investigators there are, the safer it becomes for all. Then, the American people will finally see justice and a cleansing of the Darkness which has overshadowed public life.

"Now, what is your part in elevating the consciousness of the planet concerning the resolution of these modern conspiracies which are far more than theory? Do your part by educating yourself so that you can speak intelligently about the questions which have not been answered. Watch the videos about 9/11 - each one brings new light and questions to the table. Question the research, the propaganda and the stories on both sides, and do not forget to consider that those who are pursuing investigations have much to lose, and that cover-ups are always a sign of wrong-doing. Always question why evidence has been destroyed, ignored, or hidden, and look to who has profited by the suppression of evidence and by the commission of the crimes.

"It has been so repugnant for Americans to even consider that the leaders they have voted for and respected might in fact be mass murderers, that they have been willing to believe the most unlikely propaganda, like the idea that buildings would just fall down of their own accord, and that for the first time in history black box recorders from four airplanes disappeared, and that a poorly-trained motley crew with box cutters could have outsmarted the most technically sophisticated, efficiently designed national defense system on the planet for several hours, when the average response time for hundreds of previous highjacking threats had been less than 10 minutes.

"We will only remind you to look to your own emotional responses to these idea, and examine your own tendency to deny Darkness when it is close to you. This is not simply a matter of believing or not believing someone's theory. It is a serious example of the need for clearing away of old evils, evil-doers, and also the tendency for many to hide their eyes and cover their ears because the truth is so painful that it is easier to pretend it doesn't exist. Freedom has always required that good people remain awake, and that everyone insist that the public description of events actually match the sensory evidence being presented. 

"This message is not actually about politics or conspiracies. It is about the need for each and every one to awaken to their own willingness to cover up, redefine or white-wash behavior which suggests a lack of integrity, a tendency to manipulate or lie to others, and especially to subdue others with the threat of holding power over them. It is a very personal failing for many humans to make apologies for the people close to them who have behaved badly, especially when the bad behavior is toward themselves. How many abused women have said, 'But I love him...' about the man who later killed her? How many children have defended their parents, even after they have been beaten and starved? 

"It is part of your human nature to try to deny evil, especially in the early phases of soul development. It is often the seasoned, older souls who are willing to 'call it like it is,' without trying to hide from the truth. They have seen from the experience of many lifetimes that pretending evil does not exist is an invitation for it to breed and multiply. Here on Gaia, you are going through great change in this regard. It will no longer be acceptable for people to cheat one another and call it 'just business,' or for friends and lovers to casually mistreat each other without apology. 

"Insensitivity to another's plight, rudeness on the part of people who are supposed to provide help for others, and the disregard of children's basic need for affection and warmth will become a thing of the past, if you begin now. But this time, it will not be a movement toward fighting evil with rose-colored glasses. Goodness is not weakness. Kindness is not vulnerability, and evil is not power. In order to defeat abuse, the defender must see themselves as carrying a power greater than evil. That power is Light.

"You each have it within you to begin to redefine the underlying belief system which bows to the power of the bully, the warmonger and the well-heeled thief. It has persisted as an unconscious theme throughout the generations that might makes right, and to the victor go the spoils. You have entered a New Era, and with it must come a new system of beliefs and behavior. In the New Gaia, civility will reign, friendship will flourish across all boundaries, and children will be able to play freely in the streets and parks without fear of abuse or molestation. When the time comes that all children are raised with tenderness and Unconditional Love, there will be no mental illness as you know it now, and no interest in guns or violence as a hobby or entertainment.

"Begin now, My Children, to rewrite your stories and songs, to insist on movies without barbarism and neighborhoods without fear. Reach out to offer friendship and support to someone less fortunate than yourself, thereby elevating your own vibration and theirs. Learn to dance in the streets, play an instrument, no matter how simple it might be, and sing out loud. Make love every chance you get, and hold your loved ones close to your heart. It is the beginning of a new day.

"We will celebrate every small victory, and support you with Love every step of the way,

We are Mother/Father God"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 20, 2013, 11 pm.


Part 86, Mysteries of the Universe, Explained

"Now, let's talk about the mysteries of the Universe. They aren't mysteries to Us, of course, but they are to humans in body form. For millennia, you have come to Earth with the agreement that there would be a Veil between you and the memory of where you came from and why. It served the purpose of allowing you to exercise complete free will, and also to avoid the direct memory of past lives, because they might have influenced your relationships and interactions in this lifetime. In other words, each life was to be a fresh start, as much as was possible, although you still have the potential to access to feelings of connection with beings in other dimensions, and your soul memories of past lives seep through via your heart and intuitive connections.

"So, for the most part, life is a mysterious blank slate for most people, who come into adulthood having learned to believe only in what they can see and touch. They call this being a 'skeptic' or 'being practical.' Unfortunately, it also leaves them out of touch with the Guides and Masters who can be most reassuring and most helpful, by giving them information of the sort I am about to offer. The Veil has lifted; more and more people are awakening to the fact that there is indeed a life after life here on Gaia. There are billions of souls actively working, creating, and very much alive beyond the dimension you are living in. Some are in bodies similar to yours, others in various alternative forms, just as you have animals, fish, insects and plants in your world. Many are as intelligent, in terms of brain power, as you are, and some are far more advanced spiritually, intellectually and technologically. This is not intended to be what you call a put-down of you; far from it. You are looked upon fondly by the Light beings of the entire firmament because of your pluck, determination and enormous creativity. You are known as the Creator Race because of you ingenuity - not always used for the greater good, but ingenuity nevertheless.

"The evolution on Gaia has been a dramatic one, and not slow by galactic terms. Yours is the fourth major civilization to inhabit Earth, and the first one to evolve effectively to a higher vibrational level. It has been an effort which began when Gaia was a new-born planet, the Paradise where angels could frolic in physical form, experiencing the taste and touch and smell of being alive in a new way, in the most beautiful environment ever known. Gaia has always been admired as the Blue Planet, and renowned for her breath-taking landscapes and wondrous variety of flora and fauna, as you all know if you have traveled at all. It was by agreement with the human souls who wished to remain with Gaia and also learn the most intensively effective lessons, that it was decided that Gaia would descend into a very heavy lower 3D vibrational level. This proving ground for souls was also to include an across-the-board duality system of Dark and Light, enclosed within a finite system of time/space experience. To accommodate this, the human brain and body were adapted to perceive a limited reality - the one inside their 3-dimensional sphere.

"Let me give you examples to make this clearer. Your two-lobed brain is well-adapted to survival in a world which can be divided up into segments of light (day) and dark (night). This encouraged you to observe time as if it were linear, one day following another predictably and in order. It was also designed to allow you to experience space in a limited 3-dimensional way. Your eyes register size, distance, shade and color in such a way that you are adept at measuring the environment around you, seeing objects as solid and permanent, when in fact there is much empty space between the molecules that make up all the matter around you. 

"For instance, it is inconceivable to you that you could move through the walls or windows that surround you, but those of us in higher dimensions are more suited, in our lightbodies, to passing through the spaces between, which feels perfectly normal to us. The tiny amount of matter, compared to the amount of 'dark matter,' or fluid space, is no obstruction for us. Because we experience ourselves as coherent, as you do, even though we do not have solid physical bodies, we are not disassembled or disrupted by passing through a field of molecules, whatever the object might be made of, and out the other side, just as you would pass through a gentle breeze without losing your sense of physical integrity. This is the reason people see 'ghosts' walking through walls and appearing seemingly out of nowhere. These are simply humans in spirit form who have not yet transitioned to higher dimensions but linger close to the Earth plane because they are afraid or reluctant to move on, or they have unfinished business with the people they left behind. Occasionally, these spirit beings are disoriented or 'lost' because of a sudden traumatic death. They often find help from intuitives who are able to detect their trauma and help them to move toward the Light to come Home to Us where healing and greater understanding are available.

"The Veil has created this mystery of existence for you, who have forgotten that you were once in spirit form, capable of soaring at the speed of thought and passing through 'solid' objects at will. You have also forgotten the experience of manifesting what you wish to create by the power of your thoughts and your will. And you have forgotten that We, your loving Creators, were present at your soul birth and have watched lovingly over your progress individually and as a race throughout your many incarnations. Some of you have been with your fellow humans here on Gaia for most of your lives; others have come to Gaia only occasionally to take part in the unfolding drama of growth and to experience the challenges that only Gaia can provide. All have witnessed the descent of young Gaia into heavier and darker energies over the eons, until she reached this darkest, heaviest time of conflict, violence, greed and materialism. All the while, however, there has been a counterforce of Lightworkers, some of whom might have been on the side of Darkness in a former life or two, but who returned to keep the torches of hope burning, showing the way to a brighter, kinder future.

"Even as the Darkness descended, and the numbers of Dark Entities multiplied to become a powerful force for evil on the planet, as we have explained earlier in our messages about the Dark Hats and Fallen Angels. Never did the numbers of Dark Hats outnumber Light Hats, but their influence became a serious impediment to peaceful community life or international cooperation. The Dark Hats have been behind the instigation of every major war, and have profited by playing both sides in every conflict. Meanwhile, it became more difficult for Lightworkers to have a definitive positive effect on the flow of life, and so many fell into feelings of despair, and many went to sleep, although their soul plan may have been to come here to help out.

"When the Sleeping Giant - the great number of hard-working souls who had become discouraged and might even have succumbed temporarily to Dark thoughts, feelings and actions - were pushed to the limits of their patience, and the spiritiual awakening began following the Harmonic Convergence, a new sense of hope emerged. The speed with which your forward motion accelerated was truly remarkable. In less than 30 years, the light-quotient has risen as if the newly-released suppressed energy were like gunpowder in a cannon, catapulting the entire planet into a New Age. You are now in 4D. That means that you will soon develop the abilities of walking through objects that were previously seen as solid, and manifesting your dreams through the will of your heart and soul. You will begin to see Us, first out of the corner of your eye, then later as the Lightbodies we are, although we sometimes like to present ourselves in robes or costumes in full regalia, just for fun, or to make it easier for you to relate to us.

"Although you have become so accustomed to expecting 3D experience, and your brains are not yet sufficiently modified by the forces of LIght energy to allow complete perception of your 4D environment, it will come. The spiritually evolved among you will go first - demonstrating powers of manifestation or levitation which would have been considered a hoax or a fraud in the past. The children who have not been trained otherwise will see and hear and experience life in 4-dimensional terms, as their elders struggle to overcome old prejudicial ways of thinking and believing. The year 2013 will indeed be the beginning of a wondrous upsurge, in terms of the balance of Light and Dark on the planet. You have passed through the Dark Ages and are now entering the New Golden Age, which we promise will be a time of wonders and delight for anyone who can open their hearts and their minds to completely new experiences.

"Many of the Masters and Guides are practically giddy with expectation and delight over here, just across the dissolving boundary which divides the dimensions. We are delighted because you are continuing to move, to gain speed even, in your elevation to higher and higher vibrational frequencies. Each day brings a slight shift in the tone, each moment a slight but perceptible ascension, like a scale with 1000 notes being played in ascending tones. To us it is like the sound of angels singing. We look forward with anticipation to the moment when you lift yourselves on high and land, all together, right here in the 5th dimension where Light and Unconditional Love reign free. We do not count days or months as linear time the way you do since we are outside the Earth plane of finite space/time perception, as we described above, so we do not like to set dates. We will only say that we see it coming, and that you are making it happen.

"Continue your good work, my Dear Children. Bring your Light and Love to every encounter. Live fully, with a light heart, and your soul will sing. Work diligently within yourselves to leave behind the old fears which kept you bound in feelings of distrust and anger. Cast off the old pain, self-doubt and Darkness, and you can fly!

"We anticipate an astonishing year for each and every one, and dumbfoundingly astonishing for those who enter into the Universal Flow. Add your Light to the rising tide, and you will all match your vibration to your dear Mother Gaia who is already gleefully experiencing the delights of life in 5D and above.

Lift your hearts and your voices and sing, Dear Ones. It is a time of celebration and good will. This year the Holidays will last until September, and then we will have further amazements in store for you.

With Love and Light,


Via Kathryn May, Jan 20, 12 am.

Part 85, Taking it Higher

"Do not cry, My Children; do not fear tomorrow. The atmosphere on Gaia is lifting, and it will carry you along with it. Your work is not done yet, though. You must continue to elevate, little by little, every day a bit more, because you will need to keep the pace with Gaia, whose glorious achievement will be felt more and more by those who are in harmony with the path of Light. You will begin to see the things you have envisioned and worked hard to accomplish suddenly coming to fruition, as if by magic. It is not magic, of course, it is the culmination of energies which you put into play, sometimes years ago. Those institutions and organizations which have been designed to contribute in important areas for the greater good, like the arts, medicine, child care and education will begin to flower even as the ashes of the old are still being looked upon with astonishment. You have known, but misunderstood the fact that We do indeed have the power to Create and to Destroy, but we do not use those powers in the profligate way you have imagined. We will help to destroy those toxic Cabal-owned institutions which have enslaved humans so that you can rebuild in a new, more egalitarian way because you have asked for this, prayed together to help create the New Gaia, and so you shall have it.

"The plan which would have brought immediate ascension to the 5th dimension was not accomplished, because it would have required that you make a timeline leap which would have required the kind of synchrony of which the Walendas would be proud. The alternative you chose will give you more time to gather your forces in a way that will embrace millions more on the planet. We are working hard to help you disseminate the information to larger populations who have not yet awakened, including the messages which We and other masters are channeling to Lightworkers in many varied forms. The messages you read here are an important part of that work toward Enlightenment, as is the book we wrote with Kathryn. You are among the first to take part in this project of bringing Light to all, but you will see this movement grow, as more and more people awaken to the Truth of what you read here, and understand that there is no other reason for presenting these messages but to help you achieve your own glorious Ascension in harmony with Gaia's most heart-felt desire and your own soul path.

"Do not hesitate, Dear Ones, to spread the word that there is new information and encouragement available to all, and that it will help you to clear away the old Boogie Man misconception of who God is and what life is really about. Copy and give our message from yesterday, 'Why Did You Choose This Life?' to all your friends and family. We only ask that you use it in its entirety, without deletions, and citing where you found this information, so that they can read further to fulfill their own pleasure and freedom.

"We will be taking a few days off to give our dear channel a rest. Use the time well, those of you who have been reading all the messages. Reread the ones that were especially meaningful to you, and the ones you weren't able to absorb completely at an earlier time. You will notice how your brain as well as your heart have begun to accept and organize the information differently. The more you read, the more comfortable and familiar (as in family) it begins to feel, and the more you will feel at home with the thoughts and feelings of the higher dimensions.

"You will now have to begin acclimating to a world where your dreams come true, where justice and fairness are in the ascendence, instead of the downward spiral into Darkness that was the trend over the past 30 years. The work you do now will set the stage for the next Ascension, this time to the 5th dimension. How long that will take depends entirely upon the progress that is made over the coming months, as you adjust to the current energies and begin pushing against the limits of the 4th. Rather than settling in, use this as a springboard to move higher. This time you will have more compatriots at your side, marching in time with the new drummer, who announces the glorious celebration of community, kinship and Light. 

"The next time, your ranks will be swelled by the numbers of people who have learned from this Ascension process, and who have seen it unfold into a life of fast-moving change for the better. You will be more sure of yourselves and more able to share your knowledge eloquently with others. There will be a merging of the fields of science and spirituality, as you can see beginning now with new discoveries in physics, archeology, biology and psychology. There will also be increasing acceptance of 'alternative healthcare,' which is really a rediscovery of ancient healing practices from around the globe made more accessible by world travel, research which reaches beyond the laboratories of pharmaceutical companies, and the technology of the internet. The rigid boundaries between fields of study, between cultures, and even between men and women will melt away in the face of successful collaboration and pollination across previously unchallenged barriers. In this rich mixing of knowledge and belief systems, the resistance to new ideas will melt away, leaving a more pragmatic approach to truth-finding. If our teachings free people to be more creative, more positive and far happier, there will be fewer doubters and '
skeptics' to stand in the way of common sense.

"And so you will move into the new year with the wind at your backs and a brilliant future ahead of you. We will continue to encourage you to push on, awaken the masses, dream big, reach higher, and fulfill your dreams. We will be here to beam Unconditional Love, and you will feel it warming you as never before, melting away old fears and despair and cleansing all in the Light of the New Era.

We love you, Dear Ones. It has always been so,

Yahweh, speaking for Light."

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 18, 1 am.