
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*


Part 80, Who We Are and How We Can Help You

"Yes, My Dear Ones, it is a glorious time to be alive, whether you reside on Planet Earth or elsewhere. All the beings in the Universes are reverberating with the positive energy flow emanating from Gaia and her inhabitants. All beings are souls, of course, and all souls are on individual and shared paths of Ascension. When one of you makes a leap, it is like watching your team win the Olympics. The only difference is that no matter which team is reaching a new level in their growth, it is your team, because we are all One, even as we are all unique entities. It is a paradox for those who think 3-dimensionally, because it is impossible in 3D to imagine something which is separate and together at the same time, but it is not only possible; it is the way of the World.

"There is a New Age misconception which says that we are All One, meaning there is no differentiation between us. This is not true. We are not all merged into an enormous all-encompassing blob which allows for no uniqueness, no individuality, no generativity. By this I mean the ability to create, generate and carry out original actions, original thoughts. Of course, as you climb the ladder to the highest vibrational levels, certain differences tend to drop away, like the tendency to experience the Self as male or female, or the tendency to see the differences between us rather than the similarities.

"The Oneness of which we speak - the understanding that you all are God - is a difficult one for many to grasp. One's mind tends to go to ideas about "God" meaning all-powerful, which you do not feel, at least not if you are mentally balanced. This is not what it means. What it does mean is that you each have qualities, strengths and virtues which are the qualities We express toward you, like compassion, empathy, kindness and Love, and that you also are capable of creating, destroying (in the sense of doing away with, leaving behind), evolving, growing, and ascending. These are all the qualities We appreciate in Ourselves. You have learned that God is perfection, but it is not the kind of all-finished, absolutely static, unable-to-be-improved-upon concept you think of as perfection. Our perfection is the same as yours, except that we embody (not literally, of course) all the qualities at once, while you experience them in varying shades and variations in your many lives, as you work your way toward developing all of them in finer form as you move into higher vibrational levels. In that way, you become more and more God-like, you might say, as you evolve. 

"It may surprise you to learn that we, Mother/Father God are constantly evolving and changing, as is everything in the Universe. Nothing remains exactly the same, and as we told you in the Creation Story, we learned about the process and developed our creative skills over eons, in the time before time. We continue that process, just as you and all beings do, but we have learned great patience and restraint. We have learned to let the forces we set in motion millions of years ago to play out, and of course we do not see things in the linear way that you do, and so we see infinite possibilities just waiting to become fulfilled. 

"So, our preference is to support our Children by sending the energies of Love and Light. This is our contribution to your growth, this and working to increase the energies you have already put out to the world in your process of envisioning and dreaming the fulfillment of your passions. You see, the Universal Law of Flow is really a description of the way we and our teams of Masters, Guides and Angels - the Legions of Light as we call them - do our work of throwing our weight behind the projects of our human Lightworkers. By Lightworkers we mean anyone who is in the midst of a moment or a project or a lifetime of effort in the service of others. The more energy a person dedicates to selflessly serving others, the more Light they generate and transmit outward, like a beacon that can be seen across the great firmament. And so it is clear to us who will be needing some extra energy coming their way, because those around them may not always be as cooperative as they could be because of lingering fear or other impediments. We do not intervene, as we have said, unless specifically asked to do so, unless it is for the greater good, and it helps to manifest the thing that has already been set in motion by our human co-creators.

"As you can see, We are offering you an inside view of the way we really operate here in the higher dimensions. These revelations would not be news to you if you were here on the other side of the Veil with us, but they will contradict much of what you have thought you knew, or what someone else thought they knew about who we are and what we do.
As the energies shift and more of you realize you can now feel the truths in what you read here, the base of knowledge will gradually shift toward the more loving and celebratory form of spirituality which is being taught by many of the increasingly recognized and respected channelers and teachers of the New Way.

"In offering you this new material, along with the book we wrote with Kathryn, we wish to give you a strong and clear foundation in Truth, relayed to you in the most direct and understandable terms. There is much to learn about the fascinating subjects of physics, sacred geometry, esoteric ancient practices and the dynamics of space/time, to name a few of the popular pursuits of knowledge in your culture. We appreciate your insatiable curiosity and encourage you to pursue any of the mysteries which fascinate you, but our purpose here is not to cover all the possible knowledge bases, but to give you a basic understanding of the intimate feeling-based structure of the world of Spirit. Here we speak to your hearts and your souls, which we know have been hungry for clear and simple explanations about well, yes, your old saw - what is the meaning of life?

"We have hoped that as you read these passages, you will learn not so much from the particular words or explanations but from the tone and the underlying meaning behind our words. It is our intention to teach who We are, and by extension who You are in the deepest, truest part of yourselves. In the process, we hope you have been learning to trust your intuition, and to appreciate the fact that you have a soul just waiting to make indestructible contact with you, thereby completing the connection to Us. Once in place, this firm connection to your own heart and soul will give you a base from which you will become discerning and wise about many things, including how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. After all, this is what everyone wants, is it not? 

"We have seen how persistently you search for gurus, teachers who can teach you Truth, who can tell you what is real and what is not, for you have long suspected that what you have been taught is not right or true, but you had little or no confirmation for the things you really felt. Now we ask you to search inward, not into the depths of your brain, but into the deepest part of your heart, where you remember the things you knew before you came to this life, where you knew the experience of Unconditional Love, and where you lived in Light - glorious, nurturing, limitless Love and Light. Here, it is so different from your 3-dimensional experience that your brain cannot conceive it, but your soul knows, and your heart carries the sensations and memories of Home. It is the source of the feelings many of you have of being alone, different and out of place, uncomfortable in your skin and unable to comprehend the Darkness you see around you, and which you even see in yourselves at times.

"These feelings are not evidence of insanity or that you are a displaced alien, or that you were adopted. They are memories of the happy place you came from before you ventured into this difficult life on Gaia. Do not dismiss these feelings, but instead embrace them, savor them as the evidence that there is indeed such a paradise just waiting for you when you return from this precious opportunity to learn and expand in Love and Creativity. You are studying abroad, you see. You have had to learn the language and cultural habits of your new environment, but you are not in it alone. Everyone else is enrolled in the study program as well. So, you and your fellow students are flying blind, you might say, without the structure of a program to guide you. You have only your hearts to keep you steady on your course, and the whispers of your Greater Soul and Guides to nudge you when you go astray. 

"It is a difficult assignment, this Gaia lifetime, but one you entered into with relish and high hopes. Do not allow the obstacles and painful disappointments to cause you to lose heart. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and go. Just around the corner is the person or the opportunity you have been looking for. Life can change in a moment, and not only for the worse, as you have tended to expect. The new era of the 4th dimension means that you have come closer to us, more open to the gifts we have in store for you, and more open to reaching out to us for comfort and solace, yes, but also for the gifts you have thought of as serendipity or coincidence. Accept our help, Dear Ones, and we will gladly fuel your good works with Light energy, lifting you up when you think you have come to the end of our resources. Just ask. We have waited an eternity for our dear children to awaken and open their presents - the ones we have left under every tree, behind every chimney, and within your own hearts and minds and bodies.

"Be at peace, Dear Ones, and allow the excitement of the New Day flow through you, as it does through us. We love you one and all,

Mother/Father God, the one you know as Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, and Sue."

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 13, 2012, 12 am, New York


Part 79, New Gaia Brings New Life Through the Universal Law of Flow

"Here we are, at the beginning of a new year, a new age, a new beginning for Gaia and all her children. All the Kingdoms of Earth are beginning the new age together, expanding in their capacities to experience Love and Light. This includes the animals as well as people, as you have seen by the many videos being circulated which depict unusual relationships between species. This is not just because everyone has a camera now. It is a genuine shift into feelings of Love and Gratitude, especially for those who have shown kindness. Animals have the capacity for these feelings, and their expansion is bringing forth more vivid expressions of those feelings toward each other, and toward those beings who have brought compassion and Love into their lives. You see, their DNA is changing too. It is only fitting that a planet inhabited by Lightworkers and angels in human form be populated with animals of similar nature.

"Those of you who are living consciously within the embrace of the Universal Law of Flow have already experienced amazingly serendipitous events - encounters with the person who appears to answer a pressing question, or someone who offers the very assistance you needed to accomplish something dear to your heart. These are not accidental or coincidental events. They are the natural result of a confluence of energies coming together for a common good. This is the new and powerful Shift we have told you about, and as more of you become accustomed to operating within the higher levels of energy, the strength of these attractions will increase. This is the phenomenon you have traditionally thought of as your prayers being answered. Of course prayers are an important part of the Law of Flow, but they are not the major source of this serendipity. You are. It is your own intention, the outflow of feelings of Love and Light creating the vortex around you which leads to the inpouring of like energies.

"As one evolves into higher and higher dimensions, it becomes increasingly apparent how thoughts, actions and feelings are directly connected to events around you. You are not separate from your environment, the small being who is being buffeted about by forces outside yourself. Not at all. Now, we must explain so that you don't then take this statement to mean that you are at fault for all bad things that happen in your presence. 

"We have already explained the process by which you plan the outline of your life before you come to Earth. That outline contains the probability that you will encounter any number of difficult challenges, as will the people around you. Every lifetime can be expected to carry with it the possibility of 'bad things' happening. These are the preplanned (though not predetermined in the strict sense) events which are placed in your path to help you grow and learn as a soul. They are (we repeat) not designed to make you suffer. They are opportunities for growth. People who approach their challenges with this philosophy always find their burdens lighter and more manageable than those who experience themselves as victims, because they experience themselves inside the Law of Flow, knowing that good energies are swirling all around them, and help for their problem is just around the bend.

"Imagine yourself as a moderately strong swimmer, cast into the water when the railing of your Caribbean cruise ship gives way. Alone and unnoticed, you suddenly find yourself in the warm water, several miles from land, which is visible in the distance. The water is calm, it is early morning, and your calls for help have gone unnoticed. What do you feel? What do you think? What do you do? Let us contrast - the difference between an experienced spiritual Earth traveler with strong connections to their own heart, soul and Spirit Guides on one hand, and the person whose 3D duality-thinking leads them to think in terms of good and bad, right and wrong, punishment and reward.

"Here might be some of the thoughts of the 3D person:

'I'm a goner. Help! It's too far. I'm alone, I'm going to die. There are probably sharks just waiting to eat me. How could they have allowed this to happen to me? Maybe they will see I'm missing and send a rescue boat. I'm terrified; I can't breathe; I'm going to drown. If I live through this I'm going to sue them for all they're worth. How could God do this to me??'

"The spiritual seeker would be inclined to think something like this:

'Yikes, this is a problem. I haven't ever swum this far, but then, I never needed to...They don't see me. I'd better get my shoes off and start swimming. I can float, so no matter how long it takes me, I can just take it easy and save my energy. I can do this. I have a lot to live for. Archangel Michael, could you please come along with me here and help protect me while I swim for shore? St. Augustine, could you talk with the creatures to give me safe passage? Mother/Father God, please breathe the breath of life into me to give me strength. It's a lovely morning, not too much sun yet. Someone will see the broken rail. I'll send a message to my friend Joe on the boat to look for me. Here I go'.

"Who do you think was rescued first? Who made it home without a scratch? Would it be deemed a miracle if Joe suddenly got the urge to look for his friend? If he was mysteriously drawn to the broken railing and sounded the alarm? If the swimmer was accompanied by a school of dolphins squeaking and calling? If a small cloud shielded the sun so that the swimmer did not suffer sunburn? If the sailor with binoculars on the bridge was drawn to a whale breaching and spotted the swimmer?

"Nothing is impossible, My Children. When your heart is open to the miracles around you, life becomes a thrilling and magical adventure. Even in the worst devastation of war or natural disasters, people fall in love, children are born, and as the song goes, a flower grows. You always have the choice, to concentrate on the disaster or seek Love, to sink into depression, or put your shoulder to the wheel and push through to a brighter future, and to notice the flower beside the path. 

"As you take hold in your 4th dimensional energy field, be aware that you can continue to rise, like a leaf on the wind, toward the Light and Love that is your destiny. You are not limited by the energy around you; it is only your springboard to higher dimensions. Do as daring souls have always done, and keep moving, keep growing, keep reaching out to others to give them a hand, and you will be lifted along with them. You are my birds on the wing, my leaping gazelles, my valiant tigers, and my gentle children of Light. You possess all that you need to live courageously, create brilliantly, and transcend the Dark memories of life on Old Gaia. 

"Take the golden flame that is my gift to you; hold it high in triumph, and lead the procession to higher elevations still. There is no limit to the glorious successes you can envision and bring into being. Think big, as they say, and then think bigger. 

"We are here to add the spice and the comforts to your days; We love you beyond words,

Your Yahweh and all the Beings of Light"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 11, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 78, Healing Our Traumatic History

"When you look up at the stars on a night like we've had recently, you can see stars you did not know existed before, when the haze of lights or cloud cover created a film over the sky. You don't realize how crowded the sky looks with twinkling stars and glowing planets until there is a crystal clear night with just a sliver of a moon for proportion. Those moments, which may happen only a few times in a lifetime for some of you who live in urban areas, give you a sense of the enormity of the Universe you can see, and a sense of wonder about the parts you cannot see. We assure you, the parts you cannot see, even with your enormous telescopes and orbiting cameras, are far more vast than you could conjure in even your wildest dreams. If we were to write the numbers of lightyears you would have to travel to even begin to penetrate the farthest reaches of space, you would fill the entire page with zeros, and yet, there is something much faster than the speed of light. It is the speed of thought. 

"No space ship is needed to carry a thought wave across the entire Universe, and no resistance to its passage. All that is needed is the intention to make the connection between two conscious beings, and it is done. This is how we are able to send these thoughts to Kathryn, and to you at the same time if you are listening carefully, across thousands of lightyears so that she can type them down on her computer with hardly a pause. This is how you communicate with the people close to you, whether you believe it or not. Especially children have a gift for psychic connections, which they have not yet learned to stifle or deny at the risk of sounding 'weird' And now we are suggesting, as we did last night, to conduct your life and make business decisions based on the perspective of messages like this one. Please understand: we are not suggesting that you take our Word as Law. That would be establishing yet another religion, which is what we are trying to release you from here. We are suggesting that you open your minds and hearts to a Universe of information, understanding and wisdom to which you have never had access before. 

"We are encouraging you to open your minds and hearts to the stars and planets around you because this is a very important time in your relationship with the Universe. Your young Mother Gaia is coming into her own, so to speak, by elevating herself to levels beyond 3D, while the rest of the community of stars and planets look on with interest and good will. Many of them see her as their little sister, and the beings they support see you as younger brothers and sisters. In the story we called The Creation Story, we mentioned that your forebears began life on a planet far away and long ago. So you see, you are among the youngest of the tribes we have nourished and nurtured, although you are seen as the scrappiest and most ambitious Creators, and are admired for your resilience and originality. 

"Each race of beings, each planet or star system is a bit different in their DNA configurations, making even the other humanoid races a bit different from you. As we mentioned before, your ancestors from the Pileides, Sirius and other star systems contributed to your genetic makeup, but you are not exactly the same as them. You are unique, my Dear Children, unique in your emotional depth, your ability to make strong and lasting connections, and your adaptability to changing environments. We love you for your efforts to develop these qualities, which are, as your Holy Books say, in our own image. Of course we love all our Creations, but we do not love all equally. We love all completely, unconditionally, and with all our hearts, but each one is different and unique, so we love you all for your differences, just as you love your children or your dearest friends or your parents differently. You are each precious to us, each of you created to fulfill a special path, play a unique part, bring a new Vision into the mix, because each of you has traveled a path of learning that is different from every other. Of the billions of Earth inhabitants, not one has exactly the same blood type, the same physical features or the same life experience as any other. 

"We tell you these things at this particular time in your development because today, this week, this new year is a time for healing the deepest wound of all, the one so many of you suffer from since infancy - the feeling that you are not worthy, not good enough, not lovable, not deserving. Millions of children, as they make the passage from birth to adulthood, establish as their foundation the gnawing conviction that they are unworthy, and this leads to a life of doubt, unhappiness, frustration and fear. As a civilization, you are plagued by depression, anxiety, and all the forms of mental illness which flourish in this toxic climate of pain and self-doubt. These feelings must be healed, Dear Ones, before you can elevate to higher dimensions and happier times. This time, we wish for you to work to eliminate those underlying triggers for the fight-or-flight response before you return to Us to heal in the life-after-life. No more will our Earth Children need to limp through a painful, angry life until the time when they can return to us to be restored and made whole again, only to repeat the traumatic process.

"Those were 3-Dimensional feelings, generated and sustained by the planet in a heavy, dark atmosphere. It provided a powerfully effective learning ground for your soul growth over the millennia; however, most of you have used this proving ground to hone your skills over enough lifetimes to have accrued repeated injuries, which have taken a toll on your souls. There is a saying, 'If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger'. We generally do agree with that, but we are seeing that it is now time for you to graduate to a higher form of learning requiring sensitivity, compassion and Love, not only courage, stamina and resourcefulness. You are entering into a New Era, and with it, your life challenges will change in accordance with the needs of the new Golden Age. In the past, business and commerce were the considered of highest value to the cultures. In the coming era, art, music, poetry, and dance will not just entertain; they will inspire and teach the values of creativity, expansiveness and compassion.

"We encourage you to choose from the burgeoning number of healing modalities which are becoming available to you to heal from the traumas the childhood. It is inevitable that the only way to truly heal from emotionally inflicted pain is to involve oneself with another person who allows the true antidote: a relationship with someone who is considerate, gentle and kind as well as skillful in the art of healing the heart and mind. These are not medical issues. Do not be fooled by your body's recent symptoms which may have sent you to bed with inexplicable fatigue or aches and pains. Those were simply the symptoms of an emotional residue of pain which is trying to escape your body. Look for the underlying feeling: 'I am not good enough.'

How will I recover, you ask? By replacing the dark shadows of doubt with the Unconditional Love and Light we send you every moment of every day. Trade in despair for fire, sadness and anger for peace of mind. Our next messages will contain exercises to release the pain and replace it with Love. Until then, we continue to shower you with Unconditional Love.

"We are Your Yahweh, Your Angels and Your Guides"

Via Kathryn May, Jan 11, 2 am.