
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*


Part 41, Lesson #15, A Planet Based in Love and Friendship

“Many of you have gotten used to reading the words of channels who reach across the dimensions to make contact with us in order to bring you helpful information and reassurance during these difficult times. This by itself is a sign that the consciousness of the planet is rising. In just a few months, many of you have come to look forward to learning and sharing these messages, the words of Yahweh. It gives Us great pleasure to be able to communicate with so many of you on a regular basis. We know that it is difficult to pull yourselves away from the distractions of your fast-paced lives to ponder thoughts about cosmic events and the history of the Universe, when you are focusing on issues like how you will pay your rent and what to make for dinner.

It touches our hearts deeply to see how many of you are struggling every day to become better at what matters to you - being better friends, lovers and parents, searching deeply within yourselves to root out the source of your unhappiness and fear. We commend you for your efforts, swimming against the stream, as you might say. It is a difficult challenge to look inside your own psyche when you are hampered by the limitation of a human brain, but you keep trying, and with greater and greater success.
We will remind you once more that the answers lie outside your brain, within the realm of your soul/body, that connection between soul, heart and spiritual mind which allows you to expand your sense of knowing far beyond this life experience.

As the time draws nearer to the 21st of December, your restlessness may remind you of the important choices which lie ahead. Again, I will remind you that although there may be difficult transitions for some of you, there will be no Apocalypse. Gaia is readjusting to her ascended vibrational level, which will effect all life on Planet Earth in the coming years. There will be room for all to experience the soul path you chose before entering into this incarnation, whether it be to fulfill your desire to Ascend once and for all to the higher realms and to remain there to continue your soul journey, or whether you choose to continue the journey with your fellow humans in some way. Many of those reading this may choose to Ascend, and then return to be of service for your fellows. Others may choose to experience the birth/death cycle, but with the opportunity to experience a planet based in Love and Friendship. 

The coming years will be a transition time for those who remain with Gaia, a time for reevaluating and recreating a way of life which will be very different from the dark, fear-based experience of life as you have known it until now. As your DNA is activated to include abilities of greater spiritual expansiveness and connection, you will experience a level of exhilaration and peace of mind unknown to you now. Generosity and kindness will become the way, because anything else would be unthinkable. There will be an end to greed, competitiveness in the sense of wanting to control or defeat others, and the wish to be superior in wealth or material goods. These tendencies will melt away, taking the institutions and practices which supported them along with them. It has already begun; your financial systems will undergo massive adjustments, as poetry, philosophy and architecture take precedence over economics of all kinds. Trade will benefit all, and the purpose of establishing distribution channels will be for the pleasure and comfort of all. Hunger and poverty will become unknown, as the source of those scourges - war, corruption and greed, become a distant memory.

Yes, what we are describing is a Paradise on Earth, compared with what has occurred over the last 5,000 years. As you go through the next few weeks, the shifts to your conscious and unconscious minds will prepare you for a new day, a new paradigm. Nothing you have experienced in the past will be repeated in the New Gaia, so your old adages about the need to study history lest you should repeat it will no longer apply, although you may want to study the history of your planet for the great interest and lessons it holds. 

This is a difficult concept for most humans - the act of suspending judgment, withholding reaction, waiting to see how things play out. It goes against your training, to judge, inspect, analyze and scrutinize every detail for answers. But, you see - and here is the philosophy lesson for today - all those activities presume that The Truth lies in dissecting and understanding something which has already happened. This is true whether you are analyzing a subatomic particle or dissecting a cadaver. You can only analyze something from the past. You cannot use these methods to predict or understand the future, because all the conditions will have changed. This will leave some of you feeling upset, even angry at the prospect that you cannot figure it out.

We want to reassure you that your God-given abilities (If I do say so myself) are more than sufficient to carry you through a life at a much higher level than what you are used to. What you experience as intuition is really your deep connection to your Higher Self, the soul-in-higher-dimensions which carries wisdom far beyond your near-sighted view from here on the ground. Your heart, the formerly languishing source of Creativity and Love, will expand to develop skills in the area of telepathy, teleportation and Faith which have been previously practiced by only the most elevated spiritual beings among you. Yes, you will all begin to feel and hear the presence of your Spirit Guides and Teachers, as you have seen the channels doing when they work with us. For most of them, their experience of us is of up-close-and-familiar teachers who speak to them all day long with Compassion and Love. This ongoing experience has taught them to feel no fear, and to seek fulfillment in service to others as a way of life because that is what feels famil-iar (as in family) to them. This is the relationship we foresee with all of you, in the New Gaia which will be realized within the coming era. 

The turning point will occur on Dec. 21. The hopes and dreams of all the Lightworkers of the entire Multiverse have been realized in the transition of Gaia from the darkest of 3rd dimensional experience to higher vibrational levels. It remains to be seen what form this new adventure will take in terms of the activities and structures which will be built anew on Gaia, with the combined consciousness of her newly elevated humans at work.

We celebrate the triumph of a Dream which has been awaiting fulfillment for thousands of years, with Joy and Happiness beyond measure.

We love you one and all, our Dear Courageous Children,

Yahweh and All the Legions of Heaven”

Part 40, A Message for the Torchbearers and Lightworkers

A note for Kathryn, and for her fellow Torchbearers, from the entire Spirit Realm:

“We speak to all of you through her:

You have asked, Dear, why you are so sleepy today that you had to take a long nap and could barely move, even afterward. Many have asked about strange physical symptoms during the past few weeks.

You are a healer, a flame-bearer for the Planet. You have done this work for thousands of years, carrying the Light so that others could walk their paths through the darkness of the 3-dimensional world. This was your contract since the days of Lemuria, the destiny you agreed to fulfill, no matter how long it would take. It seems unbelievable to you, from where you sit, but this is the truth.

You remember how you felt when you finished your many years of study to get your doctorate degree (or for the rest of you, the training you worked so hard to accomplish). It was this feeling, wasn’t it? When you have completed a momentous job, it is natural to collapse on the ground for a little while, before you begin the celebrating. Rest as much as you need. Your job is winding down, this part of it, at least. It is the beginning of a new era for you as well.

You did not know when you signed on for this job how long it would take or even whether it would be successful. You and your fellow Torchbearers suffered disappointments many times along the way. This time it is different, but the first wave of feelings is bound to be relief. The joy will come later.

You have noticed how alone you feel - how lonely it has been for you during this lifetime, as you have often seen friends and acquaintances melt away, as you continued your steady trek. Yes, you have sometimes carried the responsibility alone, away from the warmth and encouragement of your fellow Light-bearers. They have done the same at times, because this is not a job which allowed for long sojourns in the arms of companions and lovers. Your souls carry the knowledge that you are not alone, that your paths will eventually converge, and you will greet each other in triumph, as the members of a relay team do at the end of their challenge.

And now you are thinking - yes, and who can I share this with, even now? Anyone you choose to. They will resonate with this particular story, or not. Each soul has their own part to play in the Great Unfolding. In your hearts, you carry the knowledge and the memory of each one’s contribution, each one’s precious part to play, as we do. As others awaken, they too will feel the echo deep in their hearts - “Yes! This is why we came. This is why we are here!” All those who are drawn to read this will find solace and confirmation in these words.

Of all the possibilities - you call them probabilities - which were available in the unfolding of this adventure which has been the journey of Planet Earth deep into the darkness and struggle of the lower levels of the 3rd dimension and back again, you and your courageous group of souls have kept your eye on the prize, as they say, holding the vision of a better day to come, keeping the probability of absolute success as an option. Without that determination and Vision of Light and Love, it would not have been possible for Gaia to complete this path, keeping her human companions along with her this time. You did not entertain the possibility of global destruction, and so it has not happened. You turned away from the temptations of accumulating great wealth at the cost of great poverty for others, and you kept the heartbeat of Gaia always close to yours, feeling her pain, sending your compassion and love to heal her and settle her convulsive responses to the pain of bearing the injuries she has felt, especially in the last 100 years. Your work as Torch-bearers has always been to maintain the bridge of conscious awareness between Gaia and her human inhabitants, as well as to help show the way out of dark and destructive attitudes toward each other. You have traveled in the forests, the deserts, the jungles and the northern plains, as way-showers and messengers of God’s Love, throughout the centuries.

We honor your determination and celebrate your success, our Courageous Children. You are truly the angels with “boots on the ground” as you say. You have been inspired by the Vision of a 5th dimensional landing - the completion and new beginning which you have reached for, for so long. It will be as you envisioned it, the best of all possible worlds, because of your dedication and Faith.

Please send this message to your group of Healers, for they will know they are the ones of whom we speak. We love you, and we wish to express our gratitude and thanks for your work. Your Ascension through the portal into the 5th dimension will truly be a triumphant return. 

We love you with all our hearts,

Yahweh, Jesus, and All the Legions of Light

Part 39, Lesson #14, No Planning Needed

"It is time to give you some more information about what to expect concerning the Ascension, and how it will effect each of you. We understand that it is very confusing to you to try to imagine a transition which will involve going from the life you are familiar with, complete with mortgages, smog, train schedules and root canals to a life in Paradise in what seems to you to be a change with no time to plan for it.

It is not that there is no time to plan for it - there is nothing to plan for, because you don’t need to pack or make reservations or arrange for your bills to be paid. When we say that everything will change, we mean absolutely everything. The things that will seem most familiar will be the natural beauty of your Gaia, and some of the creations which are beloved to many, like your wonderful museums full of artistic masterpieces, and the buildings which were built with love, and all the music you love, well, it’s already here. There will be enough of the familiar for you to rejoice and celebrate at continuing some of the things you love, but you will not be restricted to what you have previously known. 

We wish to answer the many questions which have been asked of this channel in the past 2 days, especially for Samantha and Johanna, whose concerns are most familiar.

Let’s begin with the transition itself, which seems to make so many people anxious. Yes, there will indeed be a moment in which you will go from the state of heavy atmosphere you are familiar with in 3 D to a lighter, brighter feeling in 5 D. We have made every effort to ease that transition by lifting the level of energy on the planet gradually, as we will continue to do over the next few weeks. Perhaps a visual analogy will help. You are familiar with the way the Panama Canal locks work. The ship enters at the lower level, then the water in the channel is raised to allow the ship to float higher, until it reaches the level of the next lock, and so on until the ship has risen to the new, higher level where it can sail away into new waters. You will experience it similarly - as if you are being lifted and carried to a higher plane.

You do not have to “go” anywhere. You will be transported, body and all, along with your loved ones, children and pets, old and young. No one will be left behind. You need not worry about those who may be reluctant or even belligerent about refusing to transcend. As the atmosphere lifts them to new levels of energy, they will find themselves feeling more agreeable, less aggressive, more loving and compassionate, sometimes in spite of themselves, because the energy waves sweeping across the planet are activating long dormant DNA strands which will expand your capabilities. There may be some who will take a little more time than the others, but as I have said before, it is not my way to abandon or punish my own Children, the Creations of my Heart, no matter what their current state of mind might be.

All will be treated with fairness and compassion, because that is Our way, always.

Perhaps you are wondering why, if this has all been decided, should anyone need to be told of the process at all? Why not just transport you all in your sleep, or something of the sort? There is a very important reason - the one which seems to give you the most trouble. We granted you free will when you decided to make this journey to Gaia, to experience the 3rd dimension as the proving ground for your soul growth. This contract will be honored for each and every one of you. This means that you will be required to be “on board” with the general intention of the project, which is to allow the human race to fulfill our long-awaited co-creation, life in Paradise for all. Ultimately, each individual must cast their vote to be included in the final step onto the shores of New Gaia. As you acclimate to the higher vibration, you will become aware of the past/present/future nature of understanding as well as the state of unconditional love you will experience there. You will then appreciate how important the role of each individual has been in the fulfillment of this plan.

The process of Ascension was able to begin because of the rising tide of consciousness on the planet, the tipping point we mentioned in the last post. It will proceed because more and more of the community of souls are fervently praying and helping to raise the consciousness of more souls every day. This is a necessary component of the success of this Great Plan: it is a joint effort, equally shared by Us, your Legions of Angels, Enlightened Beings, Ascended Masters and all the guides and ancestors who have worked to make this possible, the devas and nature spirits, the beings of All the Kingdoms of the Earth, and you, the human beings who are at the center of this enormously complex confluence of energies. 

Your choices and the desires of your hearts have guided the direction and timing of this Great Plan. Nothing was pre-ordained or taken for granted. You have been playing your part by being who you are, and especially through your efforts to become more loving, more cooperative and generous in your day to day lives. Witness the self-help movement which has swept across the planet in the last few years. This has had a powerful effect on the expectation of how people should be treated, in relationships, in families, in the workplace, and has gone a long way toward clarifying what loving treatment actually is.

The confluence of all these influences and more have come together to create the glorious moment we are about to witness. You have each been an active part all along, so the outcome will not come as a complete shock to you - not at all. It will be the outcome you have planned for yourself, in cooperation with your Higher Self. For a few of you, that has been an entirely conscious process, an act of will. For others, it may have been carried on at a mostly subconscious level. It does not matter; your wishes have been taken into account. 

So, you see My Children, you are more ready than you think to make this historic journey with Us. The coming weeks will bring a shift which you might have thought of as magic just a few months ago. Now, you will adjust and balance and move on with each wave of Unconditional Love you experience. You are resilient in your makeup and courageous in your psyches; you will become more-so with every passing hour.

Go in peace, live in love, and you will truly arrive in the Promised Land.

Your Yahweh"

Channeled Nov. 30, 1 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 38, Lesson #13, A Brief History of the Path of Planet Earth

 "It is a time of great change on Planet Earth. In order to help those of you who are confused or doubting that there could even be such a thing as a dimensional shift right here, right now during you own lifetime, much less within the month, we must attempt to give you a longer view. 

We will try to jog your soul memories to recall the path so many of you have traveled over the past thousands of years - the path which led little by little, not all of a sudden, as you feel it now - from the beginning of human life on Planet Earth to the present. It has been a long and difficult path for many of you, with lifetimes of challenge, suffering, triumph and love, happiness, tragedy, comfort and hardship. Most of you have tried it all, evolving and learning profound lessons of empathy and compassion, forgiveness and love along the way. 

You see, Planet Earth is an exceptional place in the Universe. It is truly, as Kathryn has called it, the testing ground, the Boot Camp for courageous souls who want to learn fast, evolve quickly, and overcome their own challenges, building their strength, fortitude, knowledge and commitment to the Light. The great Masters with whom you are familiar - St. Germain, Jesus, even Ashtar, our Supreme Commander of the Galactic fleet, Archangel Gabriel, Michael and many others - all have proven their mettle by testing themselves in the 3-dimensional experience on Gaia. Without that experience, they could not possibly understand how difficult it is to live in the heavy atmosphere, in bodies characterized by frailties and, at the same time, great needs and desires. This is complicated further by the finite human brain, which is actually the least powerful of the body’s and soul’s combined intelligences, and which is hampered even further by the dichotomy which pervades human life at this time. You see the world and each other in terms of good vs. evil, friend vs. stranger, right vs. wrong, individual vs group, religion vs. science, left vs. right, and so on and on. 

In other higher dimensions, as you may have heard, not only is there no time as you know it, but there are no dichotomies, no opposites and none of the competition or conflict you take for granted as part of the human condition. No, it is not an inevitably predominant genetic quality to be attracted to violence or competition. It has been encouraged and perpetuated by the history and training of thousands of years within the 3 dimensional energy of Gaia. This was not an accident, or an anomaly.

The design of 3 dimensional Earth was co-created by the beings who lived in Lemuria, the early civilization of Gaia which was the birthplace of many of the older souls who are now among you as Lightworkers. It was in agreement with Us that they began the daring experiment to combine the elements of free will with 3 dimensionality, to create a new and exciting possibility for beings to come from all over the Multiverse to experience life on the beautiful Blue Planet. In its initial stages, while still in the higher levels of 3 dimensionality, it was the Eden - the playground of delights where angels came to frolic and experience life, sexuality and joy in the exquisite sensory intensity of a human body. As Gaia descended to the lower levels of the 3rd dimension, it became more arduous, and the addition of dichotomous thinking created the difficult conditions you now experience. This was not a fall from grace, as some of your judgmental religions like to declare. It was with the combined consent of the Kumara people who had guided the original experiment and Gaia herself. It has been the Kumara who have been the Keepers of the Light, keeping the flame alive during all the subsequent civilizations which followed, for nearly 100,000 years - a blink of an eye from our perspective. The Lemurian civilization originally was centered in a large continent in what is now the Pacific Ocean. The Lemurian culture and energy can still be felt in the islands of Hawaii, and is being revived with great joy by its descendants in Maui and to some extent in Kauai.

The experiment into 3 dimensionality has at last reached fulfillment, as Gaia herself has ascended through the 4th into the 5th dimension and beyond. This process has been gradual, but has speeded up enormously during the last 30 years or so, as Lightworkers of higher consciousness have evolved in concert with Gaia’s progress, lifting themselves and others along with them. Unlike previous attempts to complete this process, this time success is assured because of the power of large numbers of people uniting in prayer, meditation and visualization. You see, no movement or change in the Universe is simply a result of edict or unilateral Creation. This process has been a concerted effort, aided in recent times by the arrival of many others from the more advanced planets, who wish to offer their help and their technology to enhance your Ascension process. Because of Gaia’s request and your call for help, we have been able to intercede in limited ways to prevent or mitigate the most dreadful manmade disasters. We have also circled the planet with a protective cloak which will prevent any interference from outside forces. A planet in Ascension is a sacred event, one of which all the existing planets and stars are aware, and are watching with great interest. You are ascending with Unconditional Love as the protective cloak and the ultimate energy state which you will exist within upon the completion of the process of Ascension.

So it is that enormous numbers of beings and celestial entities - your Sun and Moon are important players as well - are in the position of having what you would call “a lot of skin in the game.” You are not alone, no, not by any means. Your success is legendary, and visible by the amount of Light which shines from your planet at this time. Yes, there are still pockets of real darkness, but those are being shrunk little by little as more souls awaken to expand and elevate the level of Love and Light on the planet.

In the coming weeks, you will experience continued unsettling waves of electromagnetic energy, washing over you in waves of increasing intensity. Many of you are experiencing the symptoms of Ascensionitis - illnesses, digestive malaise, headaches, sleep disruptions, aching joints, fever and chills to name a few. This is an unfortunate side effects to the rapid adjustments which are being made to your DNA, which will in turn modify your nutritional needs, your physical health and most dramatically, the expansion of your brains to accommodate the 5 dimensional mind of your future. As we have frequently said, you will not die, but will continue in your living bodies, with modifications.

Now, to help you understand the impossible: When we speak of moving, ascending, higher levels and so on, it sounds as if you will be going somewhere different in space. This is the way your brains work, to interpret change in terms of time and space. Your limited language and the structure of your present thinking does not allow for the understanding of the infinite possibilities of which we speak. You will not be moving to a different planet. You are already there. Your experience will change dramatically, in a very short period by your time measurements, when it is actually the completion and simultaneous new beginning of a 100,000 year process. Dimensions are not places, or directions on the compass; they are possibilities within other possibilities. We can only assure you that your existence will change to one of joy, lightness, unlimited unconditional Love and creativity. You will just have to be there to know it and to revel in it.

The only requirement for you to join in the glorious completion of this process is your own agreement and active participation. No one will be dragged against their will into a new experience of life. Neither will anyone be denied if they are at the level of vibrational energy which allows them to move through the portal. It is a simple process, really, something like the experience of walking through an open patio door as opposed to banging into the glass. The level of your energy alone determines whether you will sail through or hit an energy wall which is too different for you to move through comfortably. This is the case at every juncture of soul development, as a soul moves through higher levels of experience. One can always move downward through as many levels as they wish, but ascension requires elevation. You cannot go to visit the Ascended Masters at their level, but they can always come to work with you where you are. (You see, we have to use “where” as if it is a specific place because we don’t have a word for here/now.) 

We accept without judgment that each soul’s here/now is unique. Each ascends according to his/her/its own plan and preferences. We are here to help, to encourage and reassure you, but not to judge or decide. We hope to see all the souls of Planet Earth ascend at this glorious juncture. If some decide not to, well, the Multiverse is a place of unlimited possibility and infinite opportunities. 

All souls will be accommodated according to the level of development and their relative energetic preferences at the time. We can reassure you that those ascending to the 5th dimension or higher will not have to experience war, or greed, or slavery, or any forces of external control such as you have experienced in 3D. Those who choose not to ascend will continue in this vein to the extent they identify with and envision those things as their here/now.

Celebrate, My Children, you are being offered the life of your dreams, the fulfillment of the longings of your heart and soul. 

We await your triumph and your return to Us in your true Home,

Yahweh/Sue/Sam and the Legions of Light"

Channeled on Nov. 28, 1 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 36, Lesson #11 is MISSING from Kathryn's website

Part 37, Lesson #12, Choose Your Own Version of Life After "The End Of Times"

“We have something important to tell you. The elements are coming together for the Ascension of the human race in a way that is more dynamic, more positive than we could have asked for. A tipping point was reached some time ago (we prefer not to use exact dates, although you love them so) which allows for the successful fulfillment of the Plan we have anticipated for eons. 

You see, this is not the first time earth has tried to accomplish this momentous transition. Earlier civilizations were unsuccessful, ending in the destruction of the way of life they had established on the planet. Although you have come very close to a similar Armageddon - it lives still in your consciousness as a remembrance of Atlantis - you and Gaia will not experience a similar fate. 

This time, Lightworkers in every area of life, including some political leaders, have worked very hard to mitigate the danger of nuclear disaster and global war, often behind the scenes, against the wishes of their more hawkish power-hungry colleagues. At the same time, the level of spiritual connection and understanding has steadily risen, to the point that large numbers of your population now identify themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” as you call it. This higher level of spiritual experience requires no dogma, no rules or restrictions, and no priests or popes to guide you. You have learned to follow your hearts and the voices of your Higher Selves, who nudge and gently prod you forward. Use that perspective of deep Faith as you read the words here.

We celebrate with overwhelming joy the fact that so many of you, along with your spiritual teachers, channels and other individuals who have been quietly searching and learning, have been able to elevate to higher consciousness over the last 20 to 30 years. Your combined hours and years of service to others has had a powerful cumulative effect in achieving the tipping point of which we speak. 

This tipping point has facets of energy/power which reaches into every area of your lives. The change has been gradual, so you hardly notice it, but we watch every nuance, as you turn away from the everyday horrors of racism, slavery, sexual predation and child abuse which were common practice just 50 or 100 years ago. This is conscious evolution at lightning speed, although it may seem too gradual to you who live within the timeline of one lifetime.

We have now reached the Moment of Truth, as you might call it. In less than one month, you will all make the decision to elevate or not. As we have told you, it is a free will choice. You cannot “wait and see” what others are doing, or decide at the last minute to begin the transition process of turning away from darkness, anxiety, depression, greed, competitive and destructive practices and then race through the gates at the last minute. The energy shift would be too traumatic for your bodies. This is why you are being prepared for the Great Event, even without your awareness.

During your hours of sleep, you are taught to anticipate and acclimate to the pleasures and delights of higher dimensions. Many of you may find yourselves flying in your “dreams,” or being challenged by the “monsters” you have dealt with all your life: destructive, threatening people who have held you psychological captives. Now is the time to defeat these specters of fear and self-doubt. Disperse them with vigor and self-confidence by reliving these dream moments in triumph. Clear them away, with any imaginative life-force you find suitable. Melt them away, or disappear them with your powerful wand of Light, or freeze them into impotence with the force of your will. In this way, you will free yourselves of the old fears and doubts which have made you “skeptical” about being able to manifest the life of your dreams and your hearts’ desire. 

Go forward in your Vision of Life to a higher plane - one where you create with the power of your imagination. “Imagination” is a paltry word for the power you possess as Creators. It is in fact a combination of mind, soul, and will (not mere brain power) which allows you to materialize the Vision you have created. 

This Vision of how you want your life to be will determine where you will go when the End of Times come. 

Yes, it is the End of Times as you have known it. Unlike your horror movies, this does not mean loss or death; it means elevation, or Ascension, as we have called it. Now it is your responsibility as souls, individually and collectively, to decide what that future version of life on Gaia will be like for you. Those of you who en-Vision (an active process) a life of joyful and peaceful community, instant manifestation of the dreams of your heart, and an environment of unconditional Love, will indeed experience such a place. You will achieve Paradise on Earth, as the prophesies and ancient texts have promised. You, with the help of all human being and animal, vegetable and mineral realms, have asked for this, and we have made it possible for you. Now you only need to claim your part of the glorious fulfillment of a new reality.

Those of you who insist on remaining in the life of darkness and heaviness you now experience will be granted that, although it will be as unsustainable as it is now, but without the mitigating effect of your dear Gaia’s dedication and healing powers. The results of any destructive action will be immediately and powerfully felt, since Gaia herself has ascended, along with her living body and her higher-consciousness inhabitants. The planet which remains will be a mere shell of the vibrant, conscious Gaia you knew. You see, your choices really matter, because nothing will remain as it was. Your powers of manifestation will remain, but you will be operating in the arena of 3-dimensional reality. The effects are very different, although difficult to predict or describe in the limited language we have available.

This is why I have asked many of the Enlightened Beings, Masters and Higher Consciousnesses to speak to you, through the various channels with whom they feel an affinity, to help awaken all of you to this Glorious Event. There are now many who speak on a regular basis, through internet sites, radio shows, and personal appearances, who offer their wisdom and perspective to present the material in many ways and many forms, to suit the audiences who come to them. 

We are making every effort, without interfering with our free will covenant with you, to inform you and to encourage you to shake off your fears and doubts and come forward with us to the Heavenly fulfillment of your soul path, the destiny you longed for before you came here. Do not hesitate or hang back now. Leap and we will catch you. Fly and you will be accompanied by angels. Picture in your mind’s eye the sweet future you will mold and shape, together with your loving families and friends. There will be no more power struggles, no more suffering or pain, no more hunger or death in the eternal world of Unconditional Love we have created for you. How you live your lives, what you build, how you raise your children, what art and music you create for the enjoyment of all - all these things will remain to be invented, designed and co-created as you acclimate to New Gaia. When we say it will be the life of your dreams, we mean it literally. 

Dream/create/envision what you want, and it will be yours. And, as the old saying goes, “Be careful what you ask for.” Set your sights on Love, and it will be yours. I will not elaborate on the alternatives. We do not ponder such things here in the higher dimensions. We will create what you ask for, as always, and destiny will play out in all its possibilities. Manage your dreams to be filled with Light, and your future will evolve accordingly.

We send you Unconditional Love, as ever,

Your Yahweh, in company with All That Is”

Part 35, Lesson #10: Homo Spiritus: The Adventure in Our Future

The event you call Black Friday is over at last. People who stood in line to purchase gadgets and trinkets, clothing and toys have gone home with their treasures, but at great cost, in every sense of the word. This process of creating great need for things people really don’t need by advertising endlessly and promising everything from happiness to popularity if one owns a particular item has created a sickness of materialism which has spread across the planet. Since the promises are false, the buyers will feel disillusioned and unfulfilled shortly after their purchase, but will not associate their malaise with the failure of material possessions to satisfy their hunger, but will instead go in search of a better or more interesting treasure to try to ease their hunger. It is an endless pursuit - one that is destined to fail for several reasons.

The most important reason is that it does not satisfy the soul. The soul needs are for connection with others, in a state of love and cooperation, and the attraction to beauty and excellence, which drives us to create, to build and to shape our environment and ourselves in the pursuit of something greater, more wonderful and more perfect in the most glorious sense. It is an essential part of the human makeup to want to build and create, experiment and learn, things which are entirely too scarce in your present cultures, where some people, who dislike what they do, build and create things of inferior quality and design, for mass production, while the artists and musicians go without work. A video to this effect was circulated on the Facebook page of the spiritual seekers who traveled together with Kathryn in September. One of them astutely questioned whether this was a 5th dimension perspective.

Yes, indeed, Diane. In the 5th dimension, no one works at something they dislike, because there is no need for money or for obedience to any system of economics. In fact, there are no “economic” needs, other than the Law of Preservation of Matter and Energy, which we discussed yesterday. In the 5th dimension and above, souls work and create and build whatever they choose, because of their own inner drive toward beauty and Light. There is no greater need, no greater fulfillment than to express one’s individuality and skill in the pursuit of beauty in all its forms. The greatest architects, as well as the greatest painters and musicians have famously pursued their work with complete disregard for the ego demands for fame or fortune, going without food or sleep if necessary to bring into form the vision of their inner eye, the soul’s eye. These are the needs which are met most exquisitely in the higher dimensions. Yes, Marjorie, you will build castles or schools, concert halls or houses - whatever you wish, and you will work with greatly skilled teachers if you choose, who can satisfy your need for more inspired levels of creation, the creation of objects and buildings for the greater good, whether it be for individuals or groups.

The second important reason why your current economic systems do not work any longer is because they have devolved so far from the original purpose of what you call “capitalism” - the opportunity for all to do what you have been used to in your trips Home between incarnations on Gaia. You are souls first, having adopted these human bodies temporarily for the purpose of learning, but with each passing century, humans have drifted further from a deep connection with the Earth and with their own soul desires. That drift has created ever deeper feelings of alienation and hunger for what you miss in soul fulfillment. The result is the pursuit of replacement satisfactions like wealth, material possessions, and bodily cravings like addictions. Your current state of depression and disease is a symptom of these unmet needs. In your souls, you naturally yearn for the Paradise you lost when you made the great sacrifice to take the path of learning rather than comfort, soul challenges rather than the eternal state of grace you enjoy with us in higher dimensions. This is one of the reasons your contract to live on Gaia is limited to relatively short lifetimes, with interludes in higher dimensions between each lifetime to recover and process what you have learned.

You see, the Ascension you are being offered is truly the best of both worlds, as you would say. You will retain many of the sensations of physical experience, without the soul-challenging conditions of hunger, suffering or want. You will manifest your desires for Beauty, Love and Light as is the rule in higher dimensions, while continuing in the bodies you have become used to, and the life experience you cling to, even to the moment of death in most lifetimes. This time, you will keep many of the conditions of life as a human as you have known it, but with perfect health, greater and more expansive intelligence, and a closer connection to Us, the guides, ancestors, Masters and angels who have been your constant but unseen companions on your difficult journeys to Gaia and the 3 dimensional plane. You will become a new race of human beings, the expression of a spiritual evolution rather than Nature’s slower version your scientists examine with such diligence. It will be a quantum leap, as they say, from 3 dimensional experience of Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus. 

Homo Spiritus is the new combination of human body with higher level consciousness, suited to life the 5th and higher dimensions - as far as your inspiration carries you. This is what we offer you now. It is your free will choice whether to ascend with your fellow humans of higher consciousness or whether to remain in the heavier, darker atmosphere you acclimated to in this single lifetime. Either way, your eternal soul will live on, either with Gaia in her new home in higher dimensions, or elsewhere, where the atmosphere will match that of your current level of dark/light energy, whatever that might be at the time of final transition.

Perhaps you now understand better why we are urgently encouraging you to lift yourselves now, relearn the ways of Home, even as you remain in your familiar bodies, even as you cling to old suffering and complaints. Release the old familiar pain and begin your ascent to greater Love, kindness, forgiveness and the freedom it brings. As you do, you will daily draw nearer the portal through which you will all travel at last, to fulfill the destiny you came here to achieve, that of eternal life in human form.

We encourage and support you. You are now being protected, as was our contract with those of you who wish to Ascend. Do not fear for your “survival” - it is guaranteed either way. We hope that every soul will ascend. Help your loved ones and new acquaintances to understand what is happening, and what wonderful events lie just ahead, in this historic year, 2012.

With our love,

Yahweh and Company

Channeled Nov. 24, 5 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 34 (no title)

My dear children,
We wish to talk with you today about the progress you are all making in your transition toward a higher level of life, as we have planned for you when you all ascend with your dear Gaia.

Today was a glorious day in the U.S. People everywhere celebrated with those they loved, creating a warm glow of Light and Peace across the entire country, beginning early in the day with families everywhere stuffing a turkey, or gathering whatever they had to share with others in communal feasts. Some of those feasts were modest in presentation or quantity, others sumptuous and expertly prepared, but all were presented with a recognition of gratitude and thanks in a way that has rarely been seen on the planet. It began on the East coast, where early risers participated in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, and families all across the East coast, freshly recovered from the hurricane, or still struggling, as many are along the coasts, but all demonstrating new-found affection and gratitude toward their friends and neighbors. 

Even families who have had a difficult time being comfortable in each others’ company are beginning to find ways to reach common ground with one another, setting aside longtime disagreements, looking at each other more tolerantly, with greater patience and forgiveness. 

It may not be obvious to you on the ground, but we are exhilarated, even overjoyed with the changing environment on the planet, and in the Western Hemisphere, where change often comes most quickly. With the reelection of your President, who is very well liked and respected around the world, it is as if the planet breathed a great sigh of relief, knowing that real leadership would be available from the country they still tend to look up to as a beacon of progress and change. You will begin to see the balance tip toward more cooperation, although those we have called the “dark hats” are still trying to sew the seeds of divisiveness and fear. It is no longer working with the majority of the public. They were not able to steal the election, and although there are many of them displaying outright tantrums about their impotence, greater numbers of the public are becoming aware of the dark side of their concerted effort to block change, and to preserve the status quo in favor of their own selfish interests.

We do not condemn those who have joined with the dark forces at this time. We simply report to you what their activities are and encourage you to find ways to contain their destructiveness, because they have made their contribution - they have caused many of you to awaken to the importance of looking out for one another, and they have shown you in stark relief what selfishness and greed really looks like. In many cases, it was their soul path, their contract with Us and with you, collectively and as individuals, to come here in this life to create the kind of morality play that helped to reveal the choices, good or evil, selfish or generous of spirit, arrogant or humble. The struggles have played out before us, and the choices are being made every day, in everyone’s life: to be or not to be a being of higher consciousness, to reach beyond your 3-dimensional experience toward something yet unknown. 

Your DNA is being activated more every day now, as the waves of electrical energy flow across the planet. Your sun is generating more powerful energy waves, day by day. Those of you who have worked hard to clear away old emotional burdens are beginning to feel the lightness of the brighter atmosphere to come. Those who are still struggling with negative feelings and thoughts will feel the weight of them, even to the point where you may feel unbearably distressed, “at the end of your rope,” as you say. It is very important to find your way through those issues - especially the self-hatred you have carried with such pride and pain. The time for worry, paranoia and distrust has passed. It is time to begin a new kind of cooperative activity, like the model of helping and sharing which has been an example for many years now, called Habitat for Humanity. It is a truly forward-thinking organization, created by your President Jimmy Carter and others, to bring together ambitious helpers and ambitious people who needed comfortable housing. We honor this model, and are delighted to see that the many years of its existence has created a way of thinking in the minds of people who are now in need because of natural disasters.

Many of you wish to understand more about the scientific influences of the Shift which is now taking place. We will tell you a bit about the energy exchanges which are happening, and how they are able to create the changes we are telling you to expect.
You are Lightworkers all, those of you who are reading this, and you are able to accept the first premise that although there is a kind of evolution which is a process of Nature, there is also Conscious Creation. The heavenly bodies and forces of energy involved did not come to be by accident. It has all originated as part of a Great Plan, the conscious creation of the Supreme Being of Light, brought into being with the help of Us, Mother/Father God, who in turn work with Nature, as well as the entire Multiverse of Conscious Beings who all play a part in the co-creation of the Great Plan. You are Lightworkers all, those of you who are reading this, and even those who would earnestly dispute the possibility of such an arrangement while they are there in the veiled condition of living in a human body. 

All beings, from the most massive planets and stars to the smallest insect, play a part in the ongoing evolution of the whole, as we each live out our conscious contribution to the growth and change of the All That Is. The Original Plan, which is beyond the scope of the finite mind within the human body, has been brought into existence with the help of Mother God’s creative force, as you would understand the birth process, with the help of I, Yahweh, who have helped to order and shape the process in the ongoing development of The Plan. We are scientists all, in the sense that we follow the Universal Laws, some of which your Earth scientists have discovered. For instance, the processes we oversee include the Laws of Thermodynamics, including the familiar one which says that the changes you see happening are the result of energy being transmuted, but never created or destroyed. Thus, the process of change is fundamental, always ongoing, always to be expected. It is also a truth that the fundamental energy of Creation is Love. This means that the process of change is always, over what you would measure as billions of years, in the direction of greater Love and Light. From your perspective that looks like an evolution toward greater order out of what appears to be chaos. It is not chaos, but only an intermediate step in the ongoing process of change. Now, Mother God is chuckling - that is as clear as mud. We do not expect you to grasp the enormity of the Great Plan, but just to know that there is order behind all that you see. I am also being reminded to mention the importance of the Legions of Angels who oversee and implement their part in guiding the growth, over the millennia, of the ascension process of conscious beings, including human beings.

Now, we tell you all this to help you understand that you are not alone, that the energy you experience as a self is never destroyed but lives on in Eternity, and that we are all One in the participation of fulfilling the Great Plan, which is Love and Unity.

It is not at all obvious to you as you go through your individual life on Earth that this process on Gaia is an integral part of the development and organization of transmuting energy into higher levels of Consciousness and Light. It is, in a glorious way. Part of what makes life on Gaia so difficult is that this is a testing ground which combines the forces of Creation in a unique and powerful way, giving each being the opportunity to experience emotional, physical and spiritual challenges in an intensified way which is unique in the Universe. Gaia has been your lifegiving Source, your nurturance and sustenance during this process, an intimate guiding force in your growth, and now she is ready to move higher in the dimensional scale - what might seem something like a ladder of evolution to you - and she has been granted that, as all beings are when they have fulfilled something of their part of the Great Plan. You are being given that opportunity along with her, as the natural evolution upward, as you might perceive it, to higher level of experience. 

(I am being nudged, now, to describe to you what I am experiencing as these words are being given to me. Initially, I was awakened by the pain in my right second toe, which I associate with Yahweh’s special way of getting my attention. As I wrote about the Creation process and Mother God, the sensation shifted to my left foot, second toe. The remainder about the angels came with a nerve activation in my left foot, third toe. At the same time, I am experiencing burning and tingling in all the nerves of my left leg and heel, where an old injury left the nerves partially diminished. It feels as if every cell is being activated and stimulated. Now, the fourth toe, left foot, which seems to indicate the combined energies of healing Masters who are contributing to the restoration and renovation of my body. I feel as if they are playing me, like an instrument or an orchestra, with the unique and identifiable energies which are characteristic of their individual roles and “personalities.” The effect suggests the coordination, cooperation and complex interaction which is beyond description in our mere words. Perhaps I, in my human incarnation, am a reflection of the massive complexity and interaction of the Universe itself, in flesh and blood form. Now, I feel tears of joy and confirmation - yes, I have understood an important Truth, which they want all of us to experience and understand. We are Creation: Created, Creators, an integral part of the magnificent Whole. Now the nerve orchestra has subsided, although I continue to feel all of it, in subtler intensity. We will go back to the discussion -Kathryn)

Yes, it is what we wished to illustrate for you - that we are all here, all the time, and although I am the Voice who speaks through Kathryn, I am expressing the feelings and intention of the One of which we are all a part.

Now, you were promised a bit of science about the energy part. What is happening now, as part of the fulfillment of Gaias transition in combination with other evolutionary forces of the cosmos, is a shift to a higher level of vibration. It is the fulfillment of a long-anticipated step toward greater Love and Light. The forces which are too complex for measurement by your current instruments to capture in total, include the movement of the planets and other heavenly bodies, the flow of electrical energies across the Multiverse, and especially the influence of your Sun, which is also a major player in the relationships which are being lived out in harmony and cooperation, as was anticipated billions of years ago. Although anticipated, it was not pre-destined, because of the interaction of infinite numbers of consciousnesses - the great orchestra of beingness, acting and reacting in form and intention. At this juncture, the forces of the cosmos have come together in a joyful and celebratory climax of inspiration: the elevation of the entire human race to a plane of higher consciousness. 

We speak to you through this channel in the words of the philosopher/poet/psychologist. It is a preference we have, in these messages, for being able to express the feelings of love which are behind all Creation, rather than discussing simply the interaction of photons on the human body and the gravitational effects of the heavenly bodies on your experience of day to day living at this time, although those things are important as well. You have been experiencing electrical stimulation in waves over the past month or so, which are increasing gradually as your DNA is being awakened to the point where you are able to tolerate higher and higher frequencies. You may be feeling unsettled, even unhinged at times. It is part of the natural process. Continue to do your meditation practices, which help you to absorb and integrate the electrical changes. Drink plenty of clean water, and continue to adapt your diet to accommodate your higher frequencies. You will find you need less meat protein, because your bodies are becoming more able to extract the nutrients you need from other sources, like vegetables, fruits and grains.

Finally, prepare yourselves for the coming waves of energy which will increase in intensity during the lunar eclipse in the coming week, and will be followed by even greater events on 12/12. We are trying to prepare you for a smooth transition. Do not keep this information secret; all your fellow humans need to be given the advantage of reasonable preparation. We wish to ask each of you to give this information to at least three others. Expand your reading to other sources as well, for many different perspectives on this complex change which can be seen from as many perspectives as their are individuals describing it. We have tried here to give you the most basic and relevant information about the effects on human beings which will be felt in the coming weeks. We do this out of love and hope for your successful and glorious Ascension.

We love you all, and continue to support and celebrate you, our Beloved Ones,

Yahweh, speaking for the All and Many Beings of Light/Love, until tomorrow.

Channeled Thanksgiving Night, Nov. 23, 3 AM, by Kathryn E. May, PsyD

Part 33, Nine Women of Light

"Dear Readers,

We wish to say something about the group which met with Kathryn today, even though we did agree to give her a day off from channeling.

We want all our readers to know about the --- words fail us here --- heart-stopping triumph which left us all overwhelmed with tears of joy. The women who agreed to be filmed as Visual Centering volunteers gave their hearts to the project of teaching the world by filming their own efforts to grow right there in front of the camera. That in itself would have been seen as an act of courage and great generosity, but they went far beyond that in their outpouring of love and support for each other. There was such an intensity of feeling, such enormous waves of unconditional love, tenderness and awe for the person who was working with Kathryn each time - it was wondrous to behold. Seven women who had never met Kathryn before, and many who hardly knew each other were brought together by her friend Ellen for an afternoon workshop. The result was phenomenal. As each woman reached her Center of Authenticity and joy, the Light increased, to such a degree that a beacon of Light shined forth with such power that by the seventh glorious shift of consciousness in the group, all the angels wept with joy, and we, Mother/Father God, looked on in wonder and adoration of the brave and glorious souls whose Light was so bright it lifted the hearts and the cumulative energy of the entire planet and was seen and felt across the Universe.

We thank you, our dear children. The event you created, seven volunteers with Kathryn and Ellen, resulted in the glorious synergy of 9 beautiful bright lights merged and reinforcing each other. This number is sacred in the geometry of light-energy dynamics. Nine souls together can generate enough energy to lift the Darkness around the entire planet by a measurable degree. Yes, it can be felt, literally, from pole to pole, in every corner of Gaia. You have contributed to the Ascension of the planet as well as assuring your own progress on your paths to the 5th dimension and beyond. For this, we stand in awe of your strength, the culmination of years of hard work as individuals to clear away the accumulated pain of traumatic childhoods and life events. You had all worked hard to elevate yourselves, to become the brilliant, joyful beings you saw in your own mind’s eye, but never had you reached the level of brilliance and clarity we saw today.

We are not exaggerating when we say this was a truly momentous event, a shift for each of you individually, and a triumph for the Legions of Light who have, in this month of November, tipped the balance irrevocably in the direction of Light. You have assured your own progress and created a rising tide which will carry thousands across the boundaries of space/time to the fulfillment of the Great Dream of Ascension of Planet Earth.

Welcome Home, our dear daughters. Continue to glow brightly as you have today, and your lives will be filled with happiness and greater love than you have ever known.

We honor you, we thank you, we love you beyond words. Keep us, your guides and helpers, close to your hearts, now and forever.

Your Mother/Father God, your Yahweh.”

Part 32, Lesson # 8, What Will Change?

“It is November 17, 2012. I remind you of this date so that you can mark in your memory the fact that I/We are speaking to you now of the things that are to come, and the things you have already left behind. Look back over the past month and see how far you have come in such a short time. Those of you who are reading these messages on a regular basis are awakening quickly, beginning to acclimate to the way of discussing shifts to higher dimensions, even though you live in a culture where most people do not openly discuss these things, even if they do sense them and believe in their hearts that what we say here is true.

Yesterday, I encouraged you to talk with your friends about Ascension. I know that the idea of opening the conversation with people who have not already declared themselves to be “believers” is a challenge for you. It is unfortunate that you all live in cultures where being the first one to discover something, or the first one to openly discuss something puts you in the position where it is likely that you will be ridiculed or thought of as “crazy,” or misguided, as if you are easily deluded or seduced by unusual ideas. You have people who label everything new or unusual as a “conspiracy theory,” for instance, even though there are massive and real conspiracies which have allowed powerful groups to control large parts of the world economies and/or religions over many hundreds of years. It has long been difficult to present new ideas - look how the greatest of your spiritual and political leaders have been assassinated in recent past, and before them, the scientists whose new ideas threatened rigidly held beliefs.

Yes, I am asking you to “stick your neck out” now, because here in the higher dimensions we have a different view of what is happening on your planet than you do. We see the numbers of people awakening, hungry to learn new information and to have an explanation for their dreams, their new feelings of longing for connection at the most unlikely moments, with a boss, or a co-worker, or a neighbor who has not been close to them in the past. Follow those impulses of your own, to reach out, to acknowledge that you talk with God, by way of these messages. Say to someone tomorrow, “ I know someone who talks with God. Do you know anyone who does that?” You may be surprised when they tell you, “Oh, yes, my grandmother (aunt, cousin) always used to tell us what God said to her.” You will probably be surprised at the willingness to talk about it, if you approach the person when they are alone. Better yet, try it with 10 people in a row, and keep track of the response you get: on a scale of 1 to 10, (with 10 being an enthusiastic positive) how do they respond? This way you can broach the subject in a way that is not threatening, but allows you to learn more about what others are thinking.

We are not asking you to risk your life or your reputation here. We want you to have fun with it, and at the same time be reassured that you are not alone in your sense that something is indeed happening - it is happening now, and it is important to every single person on the planet. In addition, you will reassure them at the same time that this is a subject that others are talking about and questioning. You do not have to declare to the world whether you absolutely believe that Ascension is imminent, and that you will be going along. Just open the discussion, and along the way, you will have the opportunity to mention that you have felt new electrical energy surges, or your diet and sleep patterns seem to be disrupted lately. 

People often are fascinated by people who quote scientific information. Tell them that December 21, 2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle in which the stars and planets will align in a powerful way. (Read a few articles to brush up on which are the major players in this alignment. I will tell you that major influences have to do with your sun and the center of the Universe.) I am not suggesting that your planet will change magnetic poles or send all of you flying off into space. It will be an enormous shift in the energy fields which you, as human animals, are able to detect with the finely tuned center of your brain. Those who are centered in their brains and firmly grounded in the heart of Gaia will ride through the changes as if you are on a great tsunami of joy. You will feel yourselves being lifted, body and soul, in a surge of freedom and lightness the likes of which you have never experienced before. 

When the wave comes, do not try to fight against it or control it, or mitigate its effects on you or those around you. Ride it, like a surfer on the Great Barrier reef or the beaches of Hawaii. If you have never had the pleasure of riding an ocean wave, imagine yourself in the videos of surfers who soar along under the crest of the wave, steady on their feet, riding the powerful wave to its completion, where they emerge, unharmed, into the soft surf and warm sun. You will experience the exhilaration they feel, in even greater measure. Another example: Have you ever seen films of expert skiers who leap into a crevasse to soar across the white powder, arcing across the mountain, barely skimming the snow, as if they might at any moment launch into flight? You will feel that, only better, for the transition you are making holds no danger, or discomfort - only the exhilaration of expansiveness, freedom and Light.

Be ready to fly, my children. Reach into the memory of your soul and prepare yourselves to soar with happiness. You will land in a place of absolute love, together with the ones you love, including your pets, your favorite gardens and forests, the trees you have known all your lives, and the people you have been most comfortable with and trusted the most. What will you leave behind? We answer Diane, who was reluctant to leave behind what she knows, what is familiar. We would ask you, Dear, what is it you want to keep? The tax forms, the dentist appointments, the slums in your cities, the limp and unattractive vegetables in your supermarkets, the plastic toys, the air pollution, the harried pace of your over-scheduled lives? Or would you prefer to spend long hours with those you love, walking through pristine natural landscapes with your children and friends, basking in the warm sun, or perhaps you prefer to work together, building a glorious hippodrome for the performance of music and dance, where you can all go without having to buy a ticket. Perhaps you would like to play a musical instrument, with the greatest teachers to instruct you, or try your hand at painting, weaving, drumming or teaching children. You will decide how many hours you wish to spend at your favorite pursuits, and you will have eternity to try them all.

We do not mean to imply that there will be no more challenges for you, if you wish to evolve on your spiritual path. You will have the entire Universe at your disposal, as you always have had, to continue your efforts. Some of you have already determined that you will work toward becoming Ascended Masters, a fulfilling and revered position in the Ascension process. All are encouraged to continue toward that goal, but you, my children, may well want to “spend some time” in the Paradise beyond time, New Gaia, the beautiful Blue Planet which has been your home, in a new and more wonderful incarnation.

Do not be tempted to bring worry and fear into your days by bringing disasters, pain or loss into your experience of Ascension. Remember: you will be moving “higher.” Those who have ascended to the 5th dimension can always go back to lower dimensions if you wish to visit those who have not come as far as you have, to bring them with you, to teach or to express your love and encouragement to them. We have already told you that Kathryn and many others have volunteered to be here to help you at this time. More and more of your star brothers and sisters are here to witness and share this wondrous event.

We will continue to explain, encourage and reassure you in any way we can. Send your questions to Kathryn and we will answer them. Do your meditations every day, and it will become easier and easier for you to feel the peace of mind, warmth and unconditional love which comes as you rise, little by little, until you find yourselves here with us at last.

We await you, my children. Do not delay out of fear of losing anything that is dear to you. You have so much to gain, and you have planned this with us for thousands of years. Fulfill your own promise to yourselves, this week, this month, this year.

We love you. You are the children of our hearts.

As always, Yahweh”

Part 31, Lesson # 7, Talking With Others About Ascension

"Now, here we are right in the middle of a dramatic transition, and half the population of your country, the United States, is still asleep. Actually, that percentage holds true for much of the Western World. Other parts of the planet, where indigenous people have continued to live close to the land, are in a different phase, in which all the people will be elevated because of their ancient wisdom and practices.

But, here you are, surrounded by people who are either indifferent or oblivious to the momentum gathering all around them. We have plans for waking them up, but so far they have not responded in large numbers to the waves of Love we have sent. Those who are defended against change or any kind of direct experience of Spirit connection - although many of them profess to be religious - remain shut down, reluctant to experience anything they don’t already know. Ironically, they may even react to our Light and Love energy treatments with grumpiness or anger. It is clear that more help is needed if all the souls are to be included in this glorious transition. We must ask you, our children - all of you within the sound of our call - to help awaken the others. 

We know it is difficult to broach the subject of Ascension with someone you know is closed, but we ask you to try. You may be surprised how many people have been thinking about these things, but they have closed their minds because of the disaster movies and Apocalyptic predictions they do not wish to believe. That is not a problem. What we have to tell them is good news. Here are our suggestions about how to broach the subject:

Talk about the scientifically documented facts. We are heading into a cosmic event which has been predicted and measured by the astronomers. On December 21, the Earth will align with other heavenly bodies in a way that occurs only once every 26,000 years. We are already beginning to feel the shift in energy that results, just as the Earth tides are effected by the moon’s alignment, but this is a much bigger event. Tell them that your friends are talking about a cosmic event which involves a shift of dimensions, an evolution which involves not only the planet’s land and water masses, but the destiny of the Earth’s soul. We do call her Mother Earth, after all. Refer to the ancient mythology of the Mayans and the Egyptians, and the predictions in the Bible - not the ones that talk about hell-fire and brimstone, but the ones that promise Eternal Life. Do not try to argue them into anything. Ask them if they think all these people who are joyful in their hopes and dreams of a new way of life in a new dimension are just insane, or deluded? There seem to be many who have agreed with them, like Albert Einstein and more recent physicists who are talking about how a particle can be in two places at once, and therefore we could have a body here and a soul in the “afterlife” at the same time.

And what about the people who have died and come back, because of our advancing medical treatments? The all talk about feeling overwhelming feelings of unconditional love, and about meeting guides and angels, and about coming to greater understandings about our Oneness with all things. How could a lack of oxygen produce the same vision in so many different people, from different religions and walks of life? Many of them say they never believed in any form of afterlife or spiritual connection until their “near-death” experiences. They talk about how wonderful it was, and how reluctant they were to return, but came back so they could share what they learned. They have said it was a life-changing experience.

Ask your friends and neighbors what they plan to do on December 21st, and if they are going to have an Ascension Party. Plan a party yourself for that night, and invite a number of people who do not believe there is any such thing as Ascension. Let them mingle with others who joke, sing and cheer for rising to higher levels of consciousness. A few doubters can add spice to the mix, as long as they are not violent or hostile in their beliefs. This is asking you to do more of what you have come here to do in this life: Every time you face a problem which causes you to rise to the occasion with your best intelligence and an open heart, you become stronger and more confirmed in your own beliefs. You may not succeed in convincing anyone to Ascend, but you will have planted the seed for a later time that day, or that month. We understand this is a difficult task, but one which is crucial to the success of our mission - to see everyone come streaming through the gates, even if it is at the last minute.

The reasons the Mayans and others used a single date to predict the shift is because that is the way of thinking humans are familiar with. We have resisted placing a particular date on this event because it is ongoing. The so-called gates have already been flung open, and the early transitioners have already begun to come. Like Kathryn’s client Diana, you may have been having vivid dreams of people ascending, as in Diana’s dream of many people dressed all in white in an all white area, being carried upward on an escalator. Her dream was not an accident or a weird anomaly. It was a gift from her guides, who have all been instructed to present their humans with such imagery to jog their memories so they will remember the truths they knew before they came to this life. You all were aware of the importance of this life journey, and the promise of eternal life and the ability to pass over to the 5th dimension without having to die to get there. 

Will you see the souls who have passed over before this time? Your grandmothers and friends and loved ones you miss so much? Yes, of course you will. They will be visible to you, as I will be, in our energy forms of Light. 

You may have noticed symptoms in yourselves during the past few weeks, like headaches or wooziness, or days of unusual hunger, or times when food does not interest you. You may have noticed a greater craving for vegetables and fruits rather than heavy meats. Even the cats and dogs have become more interested in vegetarian foods. You may remember the prediction in the Bible, that the lion will lie down with the lamb. It is already beginning to happen. All across the planet, animals are becoming more loving and nurturing, more attached to members of their own and even other species. They are the first to show the symptoms of Ascendinitis. Humans are more likely to attribute their symptoms to illness or stress. It is not simply those things. You are all reacting to the higher vibrational level, as if your space capsule were being filled with a denser mix of oxygen. Unfortunately, you are reluctant to talk with each other about real things, so you might not know that your neighbor is suffering the same disconcerting feelings you are. 

Ask. Ask the people you meet standing in line at the grocery store. Ask the mailman, the gas station attendant, the butcher, and your children’s car pool parents: “Have you been noticing what everyone is calling “Ascendinitis”? Children will also feel the lifting sensations, more purely and without as much fear as adults, because they are closer to Us, the younger they are. You need not worry about the children. They will be among the first Ascenders.

Yes, we are asking you to be the leaders, to risk your credibility and perhaps your reputation as an Old Gaia Old Guy (or Gal), one of the crowd, a go-along with the crowd regular guy. Stick your neck out, take a risk - all those dreadful things you call being yourself or expressing your own opinion. You see how constricted and oppressive your culture is? Anyone who dares to think original thoughts or believe something not entirely within the mainstream is considered a kook or a weirdo. Do not be swayed by this rigid thinking. You sense in your bones that what you are reading is true. You are the ones who are educating yourselves in order to be awake and ready. They will either learn from you, or they will be left behind. 

Unfortunately, the environment for the ones who stay behind will not be as pleasant as New Gaia, because they will be left with the residue of the destruction, greed and competition for resources which has poisoned all of you, physically and psychologically. This is the legacy the left-behinds will cling to, and the kinds of struggles they will take part in. So, you see, it will be a truly tragic thing to see people clinging to old ways, while you and your friends and family ascend, full of joy and gratitude. Many would say it’s just not fair, but do you really want to recreate a world which would be exactly identical to the one you are leaving behind?

Choose your conversations to optimize the possibility of making some headway, but choose them. You might be asking yourself: How is this lesson #7? You will begin to see as we go through these lessons that they are like the Life Lessons you are accustomed to in your life path on Earth. You will be challenged in a way that feels like a stretch, beyond your comfort zone, as you say. It will create a situation in which you must reach deep to find your strength and affirm your convictions. In doing so, you will grow and become stronger every day.

So, my children, go forth and conquer. Conquer your fears, win over the reluctant hold-outs, and be secure in our love and our gratitude for your energy and your help, for it has been your ability to raise your own level of existence which has made it possible for this Great Experiment to take place in the first place. Without you this would not have happened now.

Go in peace, live in love,

Yahweh (or you can call me Sue)"

Channeled by Kathryn E. May, November 16, 2012, 10 PM

Part 30, Lesson #6, Old Gaia and New Gaia Contrasted, and a Joke From God to Us

"Now, my dear, we will try to answer some of your questions.

Why can’t you wake up in the 5th dimension, and only come back here to Old Earth by meditating your way back when you need to be here? You can. Some others have done it that way, but you have made a commitment with us and with yourself to spend the greater part of your time there, helping others to learn about Ascension. Look at your schedule. You spend 18 hours of every day, sometimes more, in your work to teach our message. It has been our guidance to you in your sleeping hours that for now, it will be less stressful for you to remain in 3D for the greater part of your waking hours. It is already difficult for you to manage the details and demands of your complicated life because your heart is in the 5th dimension, where conditions are simpler, truer and more humane. You are aware of how difficult it is when the rather primitive technology you must use to accomplish your video presentations and radio show seem unnecessarily difficult and complex. You have learned to manage the frustration well, but can you imagine how impossible the contrast would feel if you spent long hours here, where everything is created in the blink of an eye?

We use your questions as a lesson to those who are learning to elevate their consciousness to prepare them for Ascension. The contrast between the arduous and nonsensical demands of life on Old Gaia, and life on the New Gaia is as different as night and day. Money, for instance. You just read a quote which said something like, “Humans are the only species that has to pay to live on Planet Earth.” Ridiculous, isn’t it, that your planet was designed to support and nurture everyone in abundance, and you have ended up enslaved to a system which makes you pay for what should have been free to all? As your Vision expands to see through the surface demands and the commercial propaganda which has shaped life on Earth, you see how false the facade really is, and how unnecessary the arduousness of your work lives really is. If it were not for the layers upon layers of financial and political and religious systems of power and control which siphon off the wealth of everyone on the planet, your work would be joyful, creative, and just what you love to do. That is not an impossible dream. It is a reality here on New Gaia, as our channel, Kathryn, and many of her colleagues have seen. No one works for someone they dislike, and no one performs work that is meaningless or not to their liking.

You might think that if there are no survival-related demands involved, that no one would work at all. This could not be further from the truth. Elevated souls are always more motivated by inspiration and their passion to create than they are by the fear of losing their comforts or their immediate source of money. Already, many of the citizens on your planet are “opting out” of the old ways, finding fulfillment and peace of mind in growing good food, building beautiful small living spaces, and joining with their community to help sustain each other. There are a predominance of these folks in the area where Kathryn lives. There, the air tastes and smells of the 5th dimension and beyond, and no one is allowed to go hungry or homeless if their neighbors are aware of it. 

Of course, it is still a difficult transition for some of you because you cannot imagine anything other than getting up every morning, putting on a suit or other uniform of your job, and spending all the daylight hours working at something you care little about, because you are attached to the home or apartment you live in, and the lifestyle you say you like, which you spend less than 20% of your time living out. We do not expect anyone to simply walk away from everything they have known and have become fond of. Just the opposite. Here on new Gaia you will find the elements of life you loved, without the dark or boring or soul-crushing requirements which sapped your energy and interfered with your heart connections.

Do not fear any longer for your “survival,” because you will experience perfect health, (no more concerns about healthcare, aging or disease), food will be “no problem,” and you will create the living conditions you prefer, whether it be a simple cottage by a clear stream, or a crystal palace on a mountaintop. The water will be clean and clear, the air fresh and unpollluted. These are conditions which no one living on the planet at this time has ever experienced. Gaia has already cleansed herself, and is thrilled to welcome the beings of Light who have already taken up residence on her newly-restored body. They are filled with reverence, gratitude and joy to have reached the fulfillment of their deepest longing, the unconscious dream they have carried in their soul memories for many lifetimes. They weep with joy and relief to see the warmth with which they are all embraced and welcomed, by their guides and angels, and by each other, travelers in Faith who have begun a brand new journey together.

Here on Old 3D Gaia, one might not be aware of the monumental change which has already taken place, if it were not for the feelings of unrest, confusion and disorientation you are all feeling. You are now in a position of having to let go of the centuries-old prejudice that what you cannot see in front of your nose does not exist. You all have the full component of sensory abilities, including your ability to detect magnetic shifts, electrical fields, emotional “vibes” and musical sounds, none of which have any substance or weight. You will easily “see” the shifts all around you if you listen the way you listen to music - with your heart. Your dreams are becoming more and more explicit and intense. Pay attention, every night, to the messages you are being given about your personal growth and what you need to do to advance along the Ascension path. Awake each morning with the intension of making the dreams of your heart a reality.

Do not be fooled by the seemingly substantial houses, roads, automobiles and noisy machinery around you. As more and more of you raise your level of vibration, these objects of Old Gaia will begin to lose their sense of reality for you. You will see through them as if they were holograms, memories of an ancient time and place. You will see how unnecessary they are to the fulfillment of your Light-filled path, the destiny you envisioned when you began your last life here on Old Gaia.

We are sending you wave after wave of unconditional love. The atmosphere has been cleansed of much of the static energy of conflict and discord, allowing the free flow of Light energy across the planet. Wars are winding down, as your generals and their power-hungry handlers are being removed from power. Hypocrisy everywhere is being baldly revealed for what it is, creating space and air for people of high integrity and purpose to take their rightful place as leaders of your countries and of the institutions which will shift and evolve quickly to accommodate real work to benefit the needs of all.
These are the interim steps which will help all of you adapt to the expectation and reality of the New Gaia which will become the beautiful home of all who continue their Ascension to the 5th dimension and beyond.

Remember - practice the meditation exercise I gave you in Lesson # 1. That is the first tool in your toolbox to help you elevate. Read our book, Who Needs Light? as a manual for allowing you to finish clearing away the old emotional baggage which controls your feelings of inadequacy and fear. Watch the new videos which we have asked Kathryn to create and post to teach the Visual Centering technique which will give you the necessary contact with your spiritual center, and the portal to communicate with Us directly. We are delighted to be able to offer you these tools, which were created at the request of Yahweh, Ashtar, and the other Guides and Masters who are currently working with our Lightworkers everywhere, in every country and every language on the planet.
Our information is proliferating everywhere so that no one will be left uninformed and untouched by the urgent call to arise! put your energy to fulfilling your own hopes and dreams, lifting your own spirits, and elevating so that you will be ready and waiting when the call of Gabrielle’s heavenly horn beckons all of you Home.

We love you all, and we will be here with you when you fly triumphantly across the “finish line,” which is really a new beginning, a new life.

I am delighted with the energy and joy with which this message is already being received. It tempts me to reveal the laughter and good humor we all feel at this wonderful moment as we move toward fulfillment of the Great Dream.

I no longer wish to adhere to the formality of addressing myself in the mysterious names which have been attributed to me/us over the eons, such as Allah, Yahweh, God, Shiva, Buddha, and so on. You can call me Sam, or Sue, as the old country song goes (and if that doesn’t make you giggle, well, I gave it a good try.)

Love, Sue"

Channeled by Kathryn E. May on November 15, 2012, 4PM.