
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*


Part 77, Exciting Revelations About Coming Changes

"Our channeling partner has asked that we create a message to be presented to the Sedona Journal, one of the superior publications for messages from higher dimensions. We are honored to create such a message, because it would very well serve our needs to be represented in a publication of such high quality. We will present material which has not appeared elsewhere, since that will be the most interesting material for Ms. Swanson and her crew. Here is our message:

"It is time now for us to tell you something about the world situation as it applies to the war machine - that is, the military power which has been stored in hundreds of secret bunkers and storage facilities, mostly underground. We include here nuclear weapons, canisters of poisonous gasses, bombs, and the hardware used to launch such weapons. It is our great pleasure to announce to you that all the weapons of mass destruction which existed in the world have been disabled. All of them.

"No longer do children have to learn how to duck under desks or run for air raid shelters because massive mushroom-shaped clouds may appear in their cities. There will be no nuclear war, no massive gassing of citizens, no radiation sickness as a result of exploded weapons. This does not mean all weapons have been disabled. You still have your challenges when it comes to automatic weapons and smaller explosive devices, but you will not see massive death at the press of a button. We have been able to do this with the help of Intergalactic forces who have used their advanced technologies to detect and disable hidden weaponry across the globe. They have also had 'boots on the ground' - volunteers from other planets who have incarnated here in order to infiltrate the highest levels of the military in several of the more advanced (in terms of weaponry) nations. 

"We can tell you now that there were hundreds of thousands of these deadly weapons, most of them in the hands of 'peaceful' nations, but there were also some being developed in countries like North Korea and Pakistan. Contrary to the paranoid expectations of U.S. pentagon operatives and conservative political hysteria-mongers, Iran was not approaching completion of a nuclear weapon, nor were Iranian scientists eager to develop such a weapon. The era of fear has ended. No country, no mad general, no power-crazed dictator can ever again threaten the entire planet. The Cold War, which really continued until this month, will never again be able to spread its clammy hands over the populace of entire continents, and the lucrative business of advanced weaponry has been effectively discontinued.

"It will eventually be revealed in detail in the mainstream media that your President, the much-maligned Mr. Obama, has been a leader in these efforts to assure world peace. It has been a delicate ground game leading up to the final denouement. There was a period during which some weapons were still in the hands of those of little integrity. It required diplomacy and some intelligent negotiating to stave off disaster, especially in the Middle East, while the underground work was being completed.

"This is not the end of advancing technology, however. Your Star Brothers and Sisters wish to share their knowledge with you, to allow you to live in a pollution-free, prosperous environment in which clean air and water will be the rule, rather than a long-ago memory. The age of drinking water in plastic bottles is coming to an end, because of the damage to the environment, and because they will not be needed. Landfills and the Great Atlantic and Pacific Garbage Patch will be cleaned up and will also become a thing of the past. 

"First, let me tell you about the simple and wonderful improvements which have long been available but were not able to be developed because of interference from profit oriented global interests. Clean fuel, free electricity, and the technology to clean up toxic spills which have poisoned hundreds of miles of ocean are already known and waiting for manufacture and distribution. Within a few short years, free or nearly free energy will be available to every village, every family, school, hospital and home on the planet.

"We have been working behind the scenes with several groups of good and generous souls, whose personal safety would be jeopardized if we were to announce their names at this moment. There is still some work to be done to dismantle the organizations of Dark Hats who would order assassinations of all concerned if they thought they could get away with it. Fortunately, they are not so secure in their arrogant expectations of protection from their wealthiest and most powerful friends. The global Mafia is feeling the screws tighten; the lock on any inventions which challenge fossil fuel use has been broken, and the middle class will get its respite by seeing their fuel bills disappear, and with it, the high cost of other commodities as well. We - our human and spirit beings in cooperation, have only to make the final preparations to insure that the technology will be given will go to all the people, not to a few investors or shareholders, but to the world at large. No one should make a financial killing by mining Gaia's natural resources, which belong to every man, woman and child. The plunder must not be allowed to continue, and it will not.

"We have asked our channel, Kathryn, to work with those who will be developing the new technologies in an advisory capacity, to ensure that the engineers develop the most efficient and cost-effective designs, and that we have full contact with the leaders who will develop the manufacturing and distribution of the technologies which will free the people of the world from the iron grip of profit-hungry organizations. Old business practices which involved borrowing from banks and large investors who would then own the product and its producers will no longer continue. Advertising will be unnecessary, since word of mouth and internet sites like this one will reach millions of people who will want to take part in the shared work of distributing and installing new energy sources in their own local centers and around the world through informal channels where governments are slow to let go of their grip on the sources of wealth that have kept them in power.

"We have no objection to seeing people live comfortably, even luxuriously, but not at the cost of leaving others homeless and hungry. There is enormous untapped wealth, which will soon be flowing to every town and village to make abject poverty and hunger a thing of the past, so the biggest changes will not be made by taking away from those who are wealthy, unless they are involved in criminal or usury activities. (We include here those activities which poison the food, air and water supply.)

"Now let's say something that will really make your ears perk up. We have a plan, or rather St. Germain and his crew of financial master-minds have a plan, which was put in place many years ago, but which is only now being activated. Some of the details have been discussed on the A & A Report, by our dear Tara and Rama, our hardworking investigators. You can read their findings on their website. We will elaborate on their information here.

"There is a trust fund, you might call it, which was created when St. Germain walked the earth in his recent incarnations - that is, the past few centuries. He established an enormous treasure trove of real wealth, gold, precious stones, and cleverly designed financial instruments which would accrue in value, and put them in the care of a few highly evolved families who have secretly guarded these treasures for the time that they would be distributed to the entire planet, for the good of everyone alive today. It could only be released after the Ascension, to assure that it could be distributed fairly in an atmosphere of higher vibrational energy. The first of those funds will be begin to be processed and distributed THIS WEEK. 

"The first aid will go to efficiently run non-profit organizations which deliver basic health and maternity care in poor areas of the world, and to offer the technologies to make massive changes in agricultural practices and housing in the poorest areas. You will be amazed at the clever practices and designs that are possible. The funds will be carefully managed to prevent any of the usual graft which has accompanied government-run aid programs in the past. It will also be administered with the sole purpose of bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. No poor farmer will be displaced by international corporations or political overlords, and environmental restoration and healing of natural habitats will be a primary focus.

"In many areas of the world, local experts are already in place who only lacked funds to bring their ambitious dreams of peace and prosperity into being. All improvements will be made under the watch of the shaman, or other reliable channelers who have been tested over the past years for the quality of selflessness in their work. These resources are more readily available in less scientifically-based cultures. You see, these will all be co-created projects, shared by incarnated humans and Spirit Beings in constant collaboration. In what might seem like an odd couple pairing to Western minds, we will match the highest level technology experts with the local spiritual leaders to accomplish these ends. This will be the new business model for the New Age. Individuals will receive their generous bequests later.

"You will see increasing numbers of court cases in which greed will be punished with large fines to be paid to victims, and to the long overdue clean-up of Gaia. Those funds will also be helpful in rebalancing global wealth and the use of her resources.

"You see, balance is the goal. Rebalancing the use of resources and reclaiming the wealth which results is not a radical political idea. It is Our Way, the only fair way to protect Gaia and to assure a life of prosperity and happiness for every single being on the New Planet Earth.

"We will bring you updates on a daily basis as these exciting developments unfold. Stay tuned, and encourage your friends who might be taken in by the media discussions about guns and mayhem. The new era has dawned, and nothing will be as it was.

"We send our love and encouragement. Please join us in our glorious work,

Yahweh and the Legions of Light who will serve the highest good in these coming times."

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 10, 2013, 12 am.

Part 76, Pictures to Put on Your Refrigerator

"Tonight's message: Keep up the good work. Things are speeding up to such a degree for Lightworkers that you will see things manifesting practically from one moment to the next. The higher your vibrational level, the faster things will unfold for you. Life changes will arrive and come to fruition at lightening speed, compared to last year, or even last month. It will feel like you are riding in a fast train, and the scenery is racing by so fast you can barely focus on it before it has moved on. 

"Once you are accustomed to this fast pace, you will be delighted by it, for you are the impatient ones who pushed forward this shift into the 4th dimension. The settings are something like this: For all of you, the slowest manifestations will occur at lower 4th dimensional vibrational speeds, which is dramatically faster than 3D. For those of you who operate at higher vibrational speeds in your own energy field, it will happen even faster. This is one of the inherent rewards of elevating your vibrational energy - you don't have to wait for things to play out. In fact, those of you who have objected to the fast pace of life in recent years will see that it was preparation for life in the New Age. The difference will be that you will be doing things that are meaningful and fulfilling, rather than things that make you feel frazzled and unsatisfied.

"Gradually, more of you will be finding more satisfying work environments, because there will be greater acknowledgment of the need for satisfying, creative work for all. Secondly, there will be a leveling of the pay scale to provide for those who work hard but do not manage a massive stock portfolio or hedge fund. Pay for work will become more equitably distributed, with greater recognition for the time dedicated to work, regardless of the skill level, or whether there is money management involved (the exorbitantly over-paid sector). Workers who dedicate themselves to jobs benefitting the greater good, which have been notoriously under-paid, will begin to be appreciated for the valuable contributors they actually are. Already the public is beginning to look at teachers differently, since the brave educators of Sandy Hook displayed valor befitting Medal of Honor recipients, when they shielded the children in their care with their bodies, at the expense of their own lives. Parents of those children will never see their educators in the same light, after such evidence of selfless love and caring.

"Relationships will also take on a new meaning. Marriages of convenience or economic advantage will fall apart, freeing the imprisoned partners to find genuine soul connections. It will become not a romantic fantasy, but an everyday reality for soul partners to find deep and lasting heart connections which begin with putting their energies into service for others. Worthy projects like hurricane clean-up, neighborhood rehabilitation and building, like Habitat for Humanity and other community-based organizations, will become the new dating sites for young people in search of meaningful life experiences. Long hours in the gym to sculpt one's appearance will evolve into challenging and heart-filling community service, which will take on a celebratory atmosphere as more and more young people join in the group projects which bring everyone, of every age and skill level, into the embrace of a loving community. The hubbub of laughter and fun will draw even the most reclusive, shy teenager out of the shadows and into the action. No one will suffer alone in their room or fantasize about killing their neighbors or fellow-students when those people are the source of Unconditional Love and belonging rather than torment, rejection and bullying. 

"We are not describing an impossible dream. It is a reality, just a heart-beat away on the timeline adjacent to where you are now. It is one of the options that has been envisioned by large numbers of you, and one which could manifest very quickly if enough of you turn your attention to making it a reality. Goodness spreads, as you have seen in recent 'good news' news reports - a fairly new feature in the mainstream media. Just as copycat murderers have been known to proliferate after a horrific highly-publicized event, acts of good will are freely contagious, and gain much more traction, because Light is always more powerful than Darkness. Alongside the acts of violence and greed you hear about every day is a rolling tide of goodwill, capturing the imaginations of every-widening circles of individuals and groups. It is a quantum leap to raise the vibration from 4th to 5th dimensional reality, but you did it during the Winter Solstice. You could do it again for the Summer Solstice. Proceed, Dear Ones, as if December 21st were Gaia's birthday, a joyful event to be celebrated every year, or every season, with offerings of gifts of friendship and service to your fellow humans.

"The entire Universe celebrates with you when you feel joy. Part of the new global awakening will be a sense of almost unwitting acknowledgment of the Oneness of life on New Gaia. There are no separate races, but only the human race in all its magnificent variety. There is also no such thing as two separate and unequal genders. You have already seen this in the outpouring of compassion and concern from around the world when two young women were the targets of vicious attacks - one shot for her activism for women's education, and one raped and killed just because the perpetrators knew they could get away with such barbaric acts because of co-conspirators in law enforcement. These have not been the only such horrific acts against women, but they vividly illustrated the primitive conditions still oppressing more than half the population of enormous areas of the globe. Even women in 'developed' countries have not been spared the psychological trauma of having been made to feel less in every way than their male counterparts. The women's movement which began more than a century ago will gain enough high-vibrational energy to create a world in which both men and women will feel comfortably equal in value and equally treasured for who they are as individuals. 

"We give you this encouragement and this Vision so that you can put the snapshot you see in your mind as you read these words on your minds-eye refrigerator, in full view for you to remind yourselves of your deep connection to the lives of others around you, and what a powerful influence you can have on their happiness. Yes, you are your Brother's Keeper, but this does not mean you have to let your brother sleep on your couch rather than working. It does mean you are responsible for creating the environment in which all can thrive. Remember that perennial favorite fable, Dickens' Christmas Carol. It required only a shift in Scrooge's consciousness and a bit of change from his bulging pockets to rewrite the lives of an entire family, and for his trouble he gained a sense of belonging and a future filled with love. You, My Children, can have even more wide-reaching positive effects because most of you are starting from a much higher level than Scrooge. So, as you are fond of saying, 'Go for it!'

"Until tomorrow, we send you Unconditional Love,

Your Yahweh"

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 7, 2012, 9 pm

Part 75, The New Spirituality, as Compared to Religion

This is a good day for Light. The awakening continues across the planet, spurred by increasing numbers of Lightworkers like you, Dear Readers. Those of you who read these messages every day (and I know there are growing numbers of you) are beginning to feel comfortable with sharing your hopeful feelings about the future with others, and telling them about what we discuss here. Send them here too, Dear Ones, so that I may connect personally with more of you. We are working hard to make contact with as many of you as possible, and this new era has given us this new medium of the internet with which to come closer to you. We appreciate this, because it removes the middle man, the priest or pope or minister, who have always pretended to be the go-between for lay people. We do speak through our channel, Kathryn, but she is careful not to impose her own opinions or feelings, and the more you read these messages and do your meditations, the better you will become at contacting us directly. This is the goal, you see, for each and every one of you to feel comfortable opening your channels to speak with us directly. And then, there will be no need for religions as you know them now, where individual humans set themselves up as experts in how We think and behave. We can tell you that a great deal of what passes for Holy Scripture is nothing of the kind.

While we're on this subject, let us give you a few examples of places where the Bible pontificates on topics which are simply made up to reflect the feelings of the writer, not Us. For instance, we do not punish or retaliate against our Children. The system of soul development which is in place is sufficient to allow each soul to progress individually, at their own pace. Punishment doesn't work anyway. It just makes people angry and resentful. We also respect Gaia's independence, and her need to shake the violent invaders off her back from time to time, as she has been ready to do when underground nuclear testing became a popular fad among rich governments. And now, fracking - a diabolical invasion of her mantle - has caused her enormous pain and anguish, but we have not intervened. We do not single-handedly create tsunamis to drown sinners, nor do we cause earthquakes to swallow up fornicators or merry-makers. We gave you sexuality for your pleasure, not to punish you over it, and we love singing and dancing, especially rock and roll. (I am told to put a ;) here - K.)

In the book we wrote with Kathryn, our beloved Jesus asked to have a single chapter which could debunk the most unfortunate myths about himself and his life. I will not paraphrase the chapter here, but we will mention a few of the most horrific lies. First among them was the lie that Jeshua, as he prefers to call himself, was a celibate monk-like man, and that Magdellan was a prostitute whom he befriended because he felt sorry for her. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our Mary Magdellan was a strong and loving wife, passionately dedicated to teaching the Word as he was. This slander has remained unchallenged for centuries, to our amazement. Only in recent years have scholars begun to search for the truth. As with many other myths, this will eventually be cast aside as fantasy, or a powerful tool for the manipulation of vulnerable minds. It was perpetrated by power-hungry men who deliberately fabricated lies in order to weaken the power of His teachings, and to enslave people with a rule-bound religion which is impossible for normal people to succeed at, but which does create enormous guilt and shame. People who are immersed in guilt and shame are far easier to control.
The second Big Lie was that Jeshua came to Earth to establish a new religion which would worship him, and which would be called Christianity. There was no such intention, to pit the Jews of his heritage against non-Jews. In fact, as you know, Jeshua was a Jew, and was carrying on the traditions of Judaism with the intent of opening it up to more expansive and joyful traditions, bringing the practices back to direct contact with Us, rather than becoming even more rule-bound and rigid. But We will not spoil the story for you; you can read it for yourselves.

Now, back to how we manage difficult challenges when they arise anywhere in the firmament, and especially on the topic of not resorting to punishment, which it seems we cannot explain too many times, since the concept is so ingrained in your picture of who We are. No matter how many times we describe our respect for your free will status, there are still those who object that our actions are arbitrary and unfair. This misunderstanding may arise from the 3-Dimensional perspective which requires thinking in terms of duality - good or bad, fair or cruel. Just as with your complex societies, we are often confronted with complexities which arise from the destructive actions of an individual or group which presents danger to other souls. We are dedicated to the Protection (Yahwehs traditional role) and Nourishment (Mother Gods role) of our beloved Children. Yes, all the beings, even the deranged ones, are our Children, and we will make great efforts to help those injured souls heal and come back to the Fold, but not at the risk of damaging those who are working hard to ascend.

For this reason, the Ashtar Command is standing as Protection against any negative outside forces which might interfere with Gaias successful Ascension, for a planet in Ascencion is like a mother giving birth. She must not be interfered with or damaged in any way. We are grateful to Ashtar and his Legions, which number in the millions, but that is a story for another day.

Now, about evil. There have been times when, in rare cases, a soul may become so deranged and dangerous to others because of a dedication to Darkness that no amount of counseling, Unconditional Love and special attention has succeeded in convincing them not to act outside any contract with other souls, by bringing misery and death as a matter of their own choice. There have been rare occasions where those souls were denied further incarnations, and if they continue to cause havoc around the Universe, they can be “dissolved� back into the infinite matter from which all souls are created. We strongly resist doing this if there is any chance a soul can be saved, and sometimes We wait for many centuries before we decide to take protective action to safeguard the smooth succession of soul work for others. So, you see, we are anything but the angry, punitive male with a white beard who sits on high, meting out punishments and rewards. Well, perhaps we are a bit liberal with our praise and planned festivities to celebrate the triumphs of our Children, but we celebrate all equally lavishly, because all our Creations bring us delight.

There are circumstances where one of the angels or other Master Teachers may be authorized to intervene in an individual situation which might otherwise end badly for ones who have not yet fulfilled their life path. For instance, there have often been reports of angels sighted around accident sites, like car crashes, where one or two people might have died without helpful intervention. There are also nature spirits who sometimes help out when an animal or even a plant is suffering. These are individual circumstances which are deemed to be out of sync with the soul path of the person or being involved, and it gives our beloved angels great pleasure to rescue a child from a fire, or deflect a bullet when the targeted person did not include such an incident in their life plan. So, you see, it is a complicated and many-faceted organization of which you are a member. 

You have a plan before you come here; one which will best serve your evolution as a soul. You have chosen to come into this life with certain other souls because your plans are in synchrony, or because you have spent lifetimes together in the past and you wish to complete unfinished business. Always, the goal is to elevate along your individual path, and the plan is to devise scenarios which will benefit all involved. Your idea of karma accumulated from one lifetime which needs to be “worked off� in another is not accurate. Each life is a learning experience in its own right, and further lessons along similar lines would only be recommended if it would benefit the soul in question. There are often life plans which include, for instance, one life as a slave master and the next as a slave, but this would be planned as a logical learning experience, not as punishment for having played the role of the slave master. It is common for a soul to request a wide range of experiences to fulfill their need for learning all the difficult lessons on the way to Ascending to the highest levels.

Our original plan, which we have tweaked over the eons, has always been to allow our children to experience as wide a range of life choices as possible, and they choose for themselves which challenges they wish to take on, with expert guidance from more experienced souls. No one is ever forced to live a life which is beyond their ability to succeed, although souls do occasionally take on a great deal, from the comfort of the higher dimensions where Love and Light reign supreme. They may be counseled against extreme difficulty, but none are ever denied their hearts desire, as long as it is not damaging to anothers hearts desire.

So, Dear Ones, we create and we oversee, but we do not control and manipulate you as you do each other. We are not concerned with power, because we have the power to create, and that is enough. We have concern for each and every one of you, and we follow your progress with great interest and pleasure, especially when you find ways to fulfill your path by being of service in ways which use your talents and gifts most effectively. Remember: the things you are good at are your gifts. Do not take it for granted if the “onlyâ€? thing you are good at is making friends, or baking, or riding a bicycle. This is a gift which will play an important part in your life path, and which may bring important learning experiences for you and others around you. This is what matters, all that matters - your soul development - not making money, not being famous or winning awards, not building an empire of one kind or another so that you can be the emperor of your own domain. No, it is only the relationships you create with Love, and the contributions to the greater good you make from the bottom of your heart which really matter. 

Accruing knowledge is a valuable pursuit, if you can use that knowledge to help lift the level of vibration around you. So, look to your strengths, my Children, and begin to find ways every day to use those strengths in service to others. You will find your heart expanding along with your mind, and you will feel fulfilled in ways you never dreamed were possible. This is the only religion human beings need: the commitment to one another, and to making the connections to Us, your loving Creators, who will teach you, comfort you, and encourage you to learn the ways of God, which is the ultimate resolution to your Ascension - to join with us in joy and Unity, and we will truly become One.

I Am That I Am; We Are That We Are; You Are That We Are. Yahweh.

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 7, 2012, 11 pm


Part 74, A Time For Forgiveness

It is good news We bring today. The forces of Darkness have taken another blow. This time it is in the area of politics. You will soon be hearing news of another scandal; this time it will bring down one of the most powerful and contentious of all obstructionists in the U.S. government. We tell you this with relief for your continued uplifting, but with sadness for those who have dedicated themselves to the conquest of wealth and power over others. We ask you now to prepare yourselves for further shocking revelations, and to be ready with forgiveness for all the diabolical acts you will see revealed in the coming months. We remind you again that it is through the lessons these Dark Ones bring to the populace that you are able to grow in your resolve to carry on in integrity and Faith. By their example, they teach, and by your feelings of revulsion, you are taught to turn away from Darkness and from the people who seed much of the pain, material deprivation and political upheaval on the planet.

The levels of extreme deprivation you have seen in your brushes with poor neighborhoods in your own country or documentaries of 'third world' countries, will cease to be, as quickly as your envisioning and actions can make it happen. You have felt powerless to effect needs of such monumental scale in the past, but the portals have opened, and the winds of change are indeed blowing fiercely across the entire planet. The charity work of past generations which provided a drop of hope, or a grain of rice to millions will now bring real change, as travel to remote places becomes more available and people with love in their hearts are able to find new ways to offer themselves in service, for an hour or a week or a lifetime. They will be seeing with new eyes - the opened third eye which sees every human being as a brother or sister - and there will be greater resources available at every turn. 

Just as you are preparing yourself for forgiveness toward those who created such starvation and want, also prepare yourself for hope. You have an expression, the tide has turned. Well, it has, and rather than receding, prosperity will increase, but in a completely new form. There will be no room for hoarding to assure one's security. Rather, security will come from being part of a nurturing, reliable community where no one goes hungry, and no one is alone or isolated. This will require increasing vigilance concerning the way your food is produced (by small farmers who raise their crops and their animals with love), and the way your natural resources are distributed and consumed. Water would be plentiful in areas of current drought if the technologies to minimize waste were used, and if humans again learn to associate the water flowing from the tap with the streams and rivers it originates from, and the needs of the planet to distribute her riches across vast regions as is natural to her own inclinations and tendencies.

It has long been standard practice for the most powerful cities, states and nations to take what they need and more, regardless of the impact on those whose land, water and energy resources are pillaged. There has been a sense of entitlement - in fact, general agreement - that the one with the biggest stick gets the victor’s spoils, whether it be in politics, commercial competition, or social interactions. This philosophy, which celebrates greed and wanton gluttony, has been the source of great sadness for Us, for Gaia who suffered terribly, and for the victims themselves. This wantonness is the legacy of Darkness, brought to Planet Earth by the Dark Hats we have referred to the Orion/reptilian faction. We have watched as they co-opted the hearts, minds and spirits of our Dear Children of Gaia. 

It was our hope that as you came back to us between each life to restore your balance and heal your hearts, that you would one day be able to return to your dear planet as the Warriors for Light you intended to be as you returned for each round in the ring, where you were pummeled and beaten down by the Dark Forces. Our contract with you did not allow us to intervene directly, but we continued to be the team in your corner, cheering you on, throwing the weight of our Love behind your brave project. And now, the power of your convictions and the persistence with which you have pursued justice and fairness has tipped the scale. Every act of kindness, every vision of Light and Love, every expression of compassion has had its effect in increasing the Light and decreasing the Darkness. 

It is now a time for celebration, and also a time of mourning. The Legions of Light are clearly carrying the day, and it will be a time of reckoning for the ones who served as the Dark catalysts for change. Some of them are fallen angels, but some are victims of the cruelty which destroyed their connections to their own hearts and souls. They were “recruitedâ€? to be foot-soldiers of Darkness, sometimes for only one lifetime, against the protests of their Greater Souls. Others - and this may seem strange to you from your perspective - were our highest Masters, who came to create havoc on such a grand scale that all the world would rise up against them to create a groundswell of change. 

These valiant souls (Hitler is a recent example) have done Our work at great risk to themselves so that vast changes could be initiated. The Jews, our special emissaries of strength and commitment, were souls who volunteered for the Great Wave of Change which became World War II. We understand that this may be shocking news to you, but we urge you to remember: We do not command or order our Dear Children to take part in events which will be dangerous or deadly. The volunteers who come for these difficult assignments do so because of their own commitment to Light, and to creating a better world for those who come after them. They also come from the higher dimensions, where it is known that Life is eternal, and that enlisting for duty on the Earth plane is a brief opportunity to elevate and grow. 

We tell you these things now to prepare you to forgive, for the ones who may appear to be the worst enemies of Light are not necessarily as Dark as they appear. You see, the Legions of Light are not strangers to Special Ops activity, and have had their own ways of rebalancing the scales. Therefore, do not judge, but simply work to protect your own, and take the necessary steps to constrain the activities of the Dark Ones, but do not turn to revenge or inhumane punishments, for that taints you with the lower vibrations of Darkness. Those who have created evil will be required to return to the fold - the cycle of reviewing their lives and feeling the effects of their destructive actions as they replay every act, every word which caused pain to others. Thus, each soul learns compassion and empathy. We can assure you that the Darkest Ones sometimes become the strongest advocates for peace and justice after a life of evil.

And so you will now enter a phase of Peace and Reconciliation. How effectively you are able to negotiate these sensitive issues will have great bearing on your progress toward establishing the foundations of the New Golden Age. Great responsibility will fall to your lawmakers, judges, attorneys and especially, your Presidents and Prime Ministers. Choose carefully, My Children, to assure the qualities of steady hands and big hearts in those who will lead you into an arena filled with either hatred and vengeance, or with compassion and Light.

Breathe, fill your hearts with joy and hope, and go forward together, my Dear Ones. You have begun a brand new phase of evolution in which companionship, kindness and prosperity will reign once more on Planet Earth.

With love and admiration, we envision your success,

Your Mother/Father God, speaking as Yahweh, I Am That I Am.�

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 6, 11 pm

Part 73, The Work Of Building a New World Begins

Dear Children, time is passing quickly on your Earth plane. This is not only a personal perspective - it is a reality. Because of the energy shifts happening over that past months, the flow of time was literally compressed, creating a sense of faster movement. You have now passed through ˜the eye of the needle and are being propelled in the direction of positive change. It will be a time of excitement, exhilaration, and wondrous evolution as you are now working from a higher dimensional level than you were previously. Although the overall consciousness of the planet did not yet rise to the 5th dimensional level, you are on your way. 

Because the original contract you all joined into with Jeshua and your guides, there was an agreement that you would move together - something that has never been done before. Although some of you have indeed moved to the 5th level and beyond, we have asked that all remain for some time further, to help your fellows to raise their level of consciousness as well. Your work as Lightworkers is being felt, Dear Ones, even though you may identify with Sisyphus, pushing his rock up the hill. Your touch is felt every time you come in contact with others, and even when you meditate to raise your own consciousness you are making a contribution. So, do not become impatient with your own progress or the progress of others. We have designed alternatives for everyone, regardless of their level of awakening, so no one will be left without life lessons to help them elevate, as has always been the case.

We did spur you on with our descriptions of the possible mass Ascension to the 5th dimension, because we could see how close you had come to lifting the entire population to walk through the portals together. In terms of overall success, yours was phenomenal. In the process of working hard to raise the vibrational level on the planet, Lightworkers everywhere raised themselves to new levels, and the people around them were greatly affected by it. For you to have accomplished the shift out of the 3rd dimension and into the 4th was a heroic act of will, and of Love. From the perspective of evolution, think about it! You have evolved to more loving, more spiritually open human beings within the space of a few months. This has given you a base from which to operate which will allow further change in a much accelerated timeframe. 

Now, we wish to encourage you to take up your banner once more, and to renew your commitment to the most remarkable social contract ever created. We know you may have become discouraged by the traumas and bad behavior which have flooded the airwaves in recent weeks: gun violence, seemingly pointless contention in the halls of government, and loud discussions on topics which in and of themselves sound barbaric, like whether women should be protected from rape or not, and under what circumstances. It does reprise the Middle Ages, but there is good to come of such idiocy. It is awakening those individuals who were so complacent they did not notice the Ascension process even when it blasted over them, because the discussions have reached such a level of ignorance and meanness that even those who had been inclined toward self-protection and isolation are becoming outraged. This will take some time to be felt, but the effect on more and more citizens in all parts of the world is reaching a groundswell. 

As Americans, you are not used to watching other countries closely, but things are happening quickly elsewhere too. For instance, Portugal's President has strongly challenged the banking system which has a strangle-hold on most of Europe's countries who have been forced to borrow from the cabal. The systems of economics and banking have become so secretive and protected from scrutiny that it is difficult to see that there is much more to the story than the fact that deficits are created by spending too much on social programs. This is not the problem. Countries all over the globe have been entrapped into taking part in the usury of the IMF and the World Bank, and once seduced, the noose tightens. 

We will soon see global resistance to the “austerity measures imposed by the bankers who know well how they will cause suffering and hardship to the people, but turn the screws to maintain their power. This power has put them in charge of most of the wealth of the planet, except for a small portion controlled in Asia. The tsunami in Japan was partly man-made, an attempt to bring Japan to her knees, and to cause her to be forced to borrow and thereby be enslaved. So far, Japan and China have mostly resisted the siren song which has entrapped the rest of the world, but the money-manufacturers continue to try. You will see continued upheaval in the markets, which will affect mostly those whose goal it is to hoard money. Others who have deep connections with their communities, their neighbors and families will ride out the shifts together, finding creative ways to help each other as the world economies shift along with the global consciousness. 

Now, back to your personal development. Continuing your efforts to elevate yourselves and those around you will contribute to the swift and positive resolution of the global upheavals. The shifts are necessary and inevitable; the timing and smoothing out of the effects will be up to you. You have seen that prayer - especially group meditations - have a powerful effect on the planets vibrational levels. In fact, this whole Ascension process began in earnest with the uplift following the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the first organized mass meditation to heal and bring peace to the planet. So, you see, it has been a mere 25 years since we saw the real possibility that mankind might reach Ascension by the end of 2012. And so it is. You have lifted yourselves and your planet to a place from which much greater change is now possible. You will now need to cultivate the ability to continue working toward it as you did when you had a deadline, without becoming discouraged or impatient. It was a useful strategy, to have a goal of a single date, but of course the Universe does not actually work that way. It served to spur you on, but at the cost that you might become disillusioned or upset if it didn't work out exactly as we all had hoped. 
Now that you have settled down and begun to integrate the changes which continue to take place, we hope that you will find it in your hearts to continue the climb to higher elevations. It is in your natures to grow and to build. Most of you have had a short rest, and will continue onward on your spiritual path. We congratulate you, we celebrate you, and we will be here, working behind the scenes with the ones who have pierced the Veil in order to keep in constant contact with Us, as we work together to co-create the New World on Gaia, which will evolve as quickly as your combined efforts allow. Look around you; more and more of your fellow humans are softening, learning to listen, and are becoming willing to reach out in service as never before. Take heart, and call on us to offer our support, our comfort and our Love as you take on the difficult challenge of moving your civilization forward, one nano-millimeter at a time.Â

We send you our blessings and our Unconditional Love,

Yahweh, for the Lightworkers who are working beside and around you always.�

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 5, 2012, 10 pm

Part 72, Radically Different Points of View Arise from Different Levels of Experience

Today let's talk about why there is such a schism in American life between two groups of people who feel strongly about their heart-felt beliefs, to the point that it is difficult for both sides to even conceive of why the other would think and feel the way they do, since the feelings are completely alien to them. There is a simple, but not at all obvious explanation, which I will try to give to you. We understand that the readers of this blog tend to be spiritually evolved, relatively open-minded, and inclined toward fairness and compassion. Because of this, we feel we can offer you this information without danger that it will be misused.

In our message yesterday, and in an earlier post, we discussed the process of elevating through dimensions, and in the Story of Creation and The Earthling Story we told you of the great influence of visitors from other places around the Universe who helped to “seed� their DNA for the early development of the strain of humans who have grown up on Gaia. Gaia and her children, by comparison, are at an early phase of development, still mostly stuck in the 3-dimensional heaviness of their lives on Planet Earth. By comparison, souls who traveled through and evolved on planets in the galaxies of Sirius, as I mentioned a few days ago, (The Sirians are Coming), the Pilaiedes, Virgo and many others, have already experienced the ascension process, have evolved into the spiritual levels, and so are not in need of further 3-dimensional lessons to complete their soul path. Instead, many of them have a special interest in Planet Earth because of their experiences on Gaia in the days of her beginnings and wish to help her inhabitants, whom they look upon as young brothers and sisters. These are the elder brothers and sisters we refer to as Star Seeds. They have incarnated in growing numbers as the Ascension of Planet Earth approached fruition.

The Star Seeds of whom we speak have developed a sense of natural camaraderie and generosity toward their fellow humans from having lived in the atmosphere of Unconditional Love which is characteristic of their home planets. The ones we call Lightworkers are mostly these souls from afar. Their philosophy of life and attitudes toward their fellows tends to be one of taking the caring, compassionate approach which encourages gentle handling, respect for one's free will, appreciation for the struggles and failings of the individual, and a strong belief in the power of unified action. They also tend to be positive and life-affirming, and trust in the process of living through life lessons to provide for one's enlightenment, rather than externally imposed control. They are peace-loving, creative thinkers, they tend to strongly resist oppression, and abhor power struggles of any kind.

On the other hand, “nativeâ€? Earthlings have lived through a very different experience, and a shorter one. It has been complicated by the combination of complete free will and the intervention by the beings we have called the “fallen angels,â€? who have deliberately and very successfully created a civilization of fear, mistrust of one another and competition engendered by artificially devised scarcity in every area of life. They have learned to be wary, cautious, and resistant to change. Since this has been the pervasive atmosphere on Gaia, it has affected everyone, including many of the Star Seeds, who have struggled to remain positive and self-sustaining in the face of the Dark Forces who have remained in power and in control of all the important resources, including the health of the planet herself, which they have come close to destroying. 

So, you see, Dear Ones, each of these firmly-held perspectives springs directly from the experience of the souls involved. Neither is strictly right or wrong; they are simply different levels of experience, projected outward onto the world. Someone who is innately fearful will see danger and expect confrontation and attack; someone who has learned and lived with generosity and trust will feel safe and trusting and will expect cooperation and friendship. Out of these differing experiences and their external expression come fully formed theories about politics, child-rearing, religion and education. You can see from this description why there are progressives and conservatives, Tories and Whigs, and the progression of similar opposites through the ages on the Earth Plane. Of course, this bifurcation is carried to fruition in the atmosphere of duality which is an inherent part of life in this 3rd dimensional world. It is combination of duality, 3-dimensionality and free will which makes life on Gaia seem so utterly divided at this point in the last stages of her 3-D existence. 

You are feeling the frustration of witnessing these extremes which are dividing the populace. However, the hopelessness you might have felt is not warranted now, as Gaia raises herself out of 3-D to leave this extreme duality and intransigence behind forever. The loudly proclaimed “conservatism� which has muscled itself into the town square is in its last throes, because elevating means leaving behind, not keeping and rectifying old ways. It also means that during this incarnation on Earth, even the younger and less experienced souls will learn trust almost by default, by experiencing it in their hearts, their bones and their minds as they are bombarded from afar by our waves of Unconditional Love.

It is an important element of this Ascension process that the new atmosphere be continued over an extended period, for one day or one week would not be sufficient to overcome the convictions of many lifetimes lived in Darkness and fear. It is for this reason that we proceed with a combination of compassion and insistence (for we know it is truly in the interest of the entire population of Gaia to elevate to higher (and happier) levels of existence. We nudge you if you stray from your path of fulfillment, and we celebrate (“Halleluja�) when you go forth with renewed levels of Love for your fellows - yes, even the ones on the other side of the fence - and a sense of compassion where it is warranted. Be gentle but firm with those who would drag you down into their Dark view of the future, and of humanity's potentials. Just as you acknowledge with your own children, someday everyone will grow up and see the Light. It is the way of the Universe.

For now, continue to teach patience, forbearance and tolerance, as your U.S. President has become so adept at doing. Do not slow down your pace of working hard to elevate yourself through acts of service, daily meditation to review and learn from each days events, and by practicing balance in every area of your complex and demanding lives.

"Write your questions to us, or ask Kathryn, and encourage others to do the same. We will try to help you move through this difficult time with grace.

We love you beyond words, our brave and resolute Lightworkers,

Yahweh, and all the Lightworkers in Spirit who are standing ready to help you.

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 5, 3 am.

Part 71, 8th and 9th Dimensions Described, From Our Point of View

Dear Children, We are watching with interest to see how many of you will realize how profound the changes are since we began to cover the Earth with kisses - like the wind on your face, the warm sun on your back, we have sent the energy of Love and Light in continuous showers across the planet. Do you feel it? We hope so. Ellie joked today that the symptoms of Ascensionitis are affecting everyone, but a lot of people just think it's something wrong with their stomach, or it's the flu. It is true that many have been stricken with some seasonal illnesses, like colds or bronchitis, but this is partly because their immune systems may not be keeping pace with the rising energy patterns. It is also the case that especially hard-working Lightworkers bear the heaviest burden, in that they are most susceptible to feeling and fully absorbing the energies, and may have the most severe symptoms, but they will also be the first to raise their dimensional levels, according to their own soul paths.

We promised you earlier to tell you about the higher dimensions beyond the 7th, and many have asked how many levels or dimensions there are, or if they are unlimited. 
We will try to answer your questions in as understandable way as possible. In a sense, the levels are as infinitely numerous as there are souls; in another sense, they are finite, in that souls must rise to a certain level to pass through the gates of each higher dimension as they work their way up the ladder. It is not that there is anything exclusive about higher levels. They are simply not accessible to beginner souls because the higher vibration would not be tolerable to someone whose standard operating level is lower, so you see it is a natural progression, much the way you progress through grades in school. 

Also like school, there are souls who proceed very fast in one area but may need extra work in others, and so their plan for further lives on Gaia or elsewhere will be tailored to help them develop their strengths and minimize their weaknesses, and this continues at every level of development. To accommodate these varying needs, there are several levels within each dimension, which allows for a fairly fluid transition from one to another as souls progress.

We described the 3rd through 7th to you earlier. Today we will describe the 8th and 9th dimensions. As we said, the 7th is the level of Christ Consciousness, the training ground for developing Love and Compassion where our dear Jeshua can often be found planning and overseeing the Ascension process for Planet Earth, but many of the Masters who work on this level have ascended to the highest levels and come back to serve in a teaching capacity. The qualities of Love and Light increase in intensity and purity at higher dimensions.

Now, the Eighth Dimension. This is a level of special studies, you might say. It allows souls who wish to practice their creative and manifesting skills to do so at a higher vibrational level, studying the art and science of manifesting while also learning how to free themselves of the restrictions which commonly hold back souls from discovering their true God-like powers. This is an ongoing challenge, to become more and more uninhibited, untrammeled in the ability to co-create new objects, new technologies, or new worlds. Of course, this is a simplified explanation. There are greater complexities to explore and understand at each level.

At the Ninth Level, it is possible to use the lightness which souls feel in their Lightbodies to experience things which would not be possible at lower levels. For instance, here is where St. Germaine and others might be found teaching their students how to transport themselves across great distances, and how to change form, by entering into a human body, then back to Lightbody and back again, for special missions which involve trans-portation of Lightworkers for temporary assignments to Planet Earth or elsewhere, where they may serve as special messengers or agents of change. It is also a favorite level for large meetings of Masters from many dimensions and areas of expertise, because of the lively atmosphere. For many of them, it is a pleasant descent from the highest of the etheric atmospheres to a place of greater density, a familiar playground of past studies. So, you see, there are no rigid requirements or rules about what takes place in each dimension; it is determined by the quality of what you would call the atmosphere, and what is possible under the varying conditions of higher and higher vibrational levels.

It is a part of the nature of a soul to be attracted to the adventure and learning possibilities offered by ascending to a higher level, just as the kindergarten child looks forward eagerly to first grade and the still mysterious-seeming lessons to be found there. Such it is in the School of Soul Advancement - there are ever more challenging and fascinating opportunities for scholarship and advancement, but always with the ultimate goal of being of service to others in the purest possible state of Unconditional Love.

And so we have given you a small introduction to the world of Life-after-Life, as it has been called, the world just beside and around you, just beyond your 3-dimensional vision. It is there for you after you complete this life, or it is available to you in meditation, in hypnosis, or in your dreams. We are not separate from you - not at all. We are here, just the other side of the Veil of Forgetfulness. The veil is thinning, giving you greater access to communication with Us, with your ancestors and Guides and with your own Greater Soul. If you practice calming your mind, sitting quietly without trying to make it happen, you will begin to hear and see and feel the energies and colors and voices which are the evidence of our presence.

We send you continuing energies of Love and Light, Our Dear Children,

Yahweh, I Am That I Am

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 4, 2012, 3 am

Part 70, It Isn't Chaos; It's Fertile Ground for Change

Dear Readers, We are delighted to know that there are some who follow our words every day and gain comfort and knowledge which helps them in their daily lives. That was our hope when we asked to begin this project. We have not previously ever had the opportunity to speak with many of you on a daily basis. You are becoming a family, although many of you may not know one another. Perhaps you will meet one day when we plan a gathering so that you can celebrate together. In the meantime, your energy forms a vortex of light, connected by the Web which surrounds the Earth. Like your internet, there is an energy web which allows feelings and thoughts to flow in every direction around the planet. Your energy is powerful, and growing. We are immensely gratified by this, and hope you will bring many more into the fold, as the work of changing your world begins in earnest.

You are already feeling the changes beginning to take hold. People who were belligerent and arrogant (as some of your Congressmen have been) are beginning to soften, although we have not won over the whole lot yet. As the year progresses, you will see changes because the constituents, and others in Congress - especially the women - are becoming impatient with the rigidity and false righteousness with which any progress is blocked. The tragedy of this past Congress has been that most of the rigidity comes out of fear and prejudice, because white men do not want to be led by a Black president. 

We have spoken in the past of leaving behind the old fear-based civilization. These are the attitudes and actions have been standard form in past decades, based in the belief that rage and self-protection are a normal reaction in the face of change which might present a threat to one's personal power. This tolerance for hostility and prejudice will not remain unnoticed or unchallenged any longer. Decent people everywhere are awakening, and with that awakening comes higher expectations about the way people in power should behave, and how leaders should lead. They will no longer tolerate pettiness and lies which have been standard fare in the news in recent years. 

One glaring example was quoted in the news today, without comment, when a Congressman pretended to be outraged that a group of sleep-deprived octogenarians came up with a plan at 2 o'clock in the morning (referring to the Senate, of course). This clever-sounding sound bite completely dismissed the fact that this proposal had been under discussion for many months, but was only agreed to at the last hour. This has been a favorite tactic with those who wish to manipulate and frighten the populace into thinking that government (that is, everyone except them) is completely irrational and out of control, and their lives are in danger because of the recklessness and irresponsibility of this present administration. There is no acknowledgment that the present deficit was increased logarithmically by the inclusion of the debt from 10 years of war. These enormous numbers had been hidden previously by the magic of accounting. And so, deception was layered upon deception, creating a morass of lies which the media blithely repeats without question, and which created the atmosphere of anxiety and insecurity you have all lived under for centuries now.

So, you see, as the population awakens, the atmosphere you breathe will also change, because the overall tradition of dishonesty, manipulation and power grabbing will no longer be taken for granted and therefore encouraged. Outrage will be expressed only when there is genuine unfairness revealed, not as a means of rabble-rousing. When civility and kindness become the norm in everyone's homes and neighborhoods, it will come to be expected in the office place, in the halls of government, and in the schools. 

No longer will there be a child who is isolated and lonely who remains invisible to everyone around them. No family will be expected to live on below-poverty wages while working full time, and no woman will be raped and beaten and then blamed for it, because when you, My Children, raise your voices to insist on creating a kinder, gentler society, you will be heard and respected. You will create together, completely new forms of organizing yourselves, new ways of educating your children, and more humane and effective ways of curing illness, which will become less and less prevalent as you clean up your environment, with Gaias help. Individuals will awaken to the inner knowledge that health is as much a state of mind as it is a physical condition, and that each one is responsible for their own emotional and spiritual growth and for creating a culture of support for others as well.

You are beginning, Dear Ones. You have planted the seeds for your own lives of fulfillment, and you will at last begin to see the fruits of your labors and of your dearest hopes and dreams. You will be the leaders of the New Age which has already begun, and you will lead by virtue of your strength and Light. You have patiently struggled against the tide, feeling isolated and disrespected at times, but the tide has changed, and you are the first ones now moving in the direction of the change. You have always had our admiration and love, but you will now find new respect and acceptance from the world at large. We celebrate you, and urge you on. You are truly the harbingers of a New Enlightenment which will begin to spread to all as the fundamental goal of life, and which will become the center of a life built on Faith, Love and Compassion.

So, today's message is this: when you look around you and see chaos and conflict, shift your Vision to a deeper setting, where you operate in the very center of your brain, and you will see fertile ground being plowed up for a new planting, and you will envision the harvest to come. Should you find yourself longing for the old, orderly systems, remind yourself that the old Matrix, just as the movie portrayed, was actually enslavement.

You are on the verge of discovering true freedom. Prepare yourself by anchoring with Us, with Gaia, and with your family and friends who will be your circle of Love and Support as you all go forward. It will seem like a great unknown, until you are able to reach deeply into your unconscious memories to reconnect with the plans you made before you came here, and with the Universal Truths, available to you through your Higher Self, where all systems and creations are already known.

Go in peace, Dear Children. Do not be unhinged by the demands of adjusting to the new energies your bodies are absorbing. You will acclimate, little by little as needed, and the results will delight you, as they do us.

We Love you and applaud you, our brilliant Lightworker team.

Yahweh, (I Am That I Am), Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light.

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 2, 2012, 11pm

Part 69, We Are Being Given a Make-Over, and It Isn't Surface Deep

Today I'm going to give you some more information about the dynamics of Ascension, and how the forces which are now playing across the planet will affect all of you in the future. The forces of which I speak are twofold - the energy blast we have sent to you through the opening which was created by the special alignment of the Milky Way, your galaxy, which reached a peak on Dec. 21. The waves of energy we spoke of earlier contain the Unconditional Love essence, and more. It is the very essence of your Mother/Father God. You might think of it as Gods breath, which we breathe into your lungs, your eyes, your hearts and minds, that you may know Us and feel our presence. A second extremely powerful influence is the solar activity - your scientists call them solar flares - but they are much more than that. Our dear Archangel Metatron has described the process in detail elsewhere, but here we will simplify the concepts for you.

The Sun was created along with Gaia and other planets to be a co-creators in a partnership which would provide a habitable environment for the human beings who came later, after a long period of evolution. The traces of that evolution are now becoming available to your archeologists for study. It has only been during the last 100,000 years or so that humans as you know yourselves have existed on Planet Earth, and this is the first time in that period that the conditions we describe above have happened here. So, you see, this is no ordinary 11-year cycle of sunspot activity. It is a momentous event, allowing the great force of plasma energy to flow across the planet uninterrupted for many months. 

What we are calling plasma energy is made up of photons which bombard the Earth with great force, disrupting and changing molecular structures in your bodies and brains. Although the feeling it creates may be unsettling, it is a very positive occurrence, which will help to recondition your reactions to events around you, making you less prone to fear or rage responses. It is also beginning a shift from the carbon-based makeup which has been your biological structure to a crystalline structure. This will create in you - especially in those who welcome this Shift and take an active part in moving into the new configuration - the ability to radiate Light in a more powerful way, much the way the crystalline structure of a quartz crystal absorbs and radiates Light.

We understand that it is difficult for you to grasp how all this could be possible, since you experience your bodies as solid and finite in their nature, but it is not so. There are many possibilities for variation in the body's biological make-up; for instance, consider the small variation in DNA which brings about the ability for a fire-fly or a phosphorescent sea creature to light up. Many of the potentialities you were born with, as seemingly inert strands of DNA are being activated, and it will make it easier than every before for humans to raise their level of consciousness and make direct contact with Us behind the ever-thinning Veil of Forgetfulness. 

There will be those who will be able to return to Earth as Lightworkers who will not be unaware of their origins or their life path, but will come ready to be of service in their own unique way. This too will bring enormous advantages to the humans who are on the planet in the coming New Age. In fact, we are already there, for there are many among you who are remembering, day by day, what their mission is, and they are taking up the challenge, against all odds, to speak out, act on their spiritual beliefs, and help others to awaken to the Truth of who we are, what we wish for our dear Children, and how the world works on the other side of the Veil, here in the Heights.

You see, we are not the severe and humorless lot your religious teachers of old and even some of the painters of the Renaissance portrayed. We do not condemn or torture, or even judge you. We simply make it possible for you to learn, and that learning is not inflicted upon you - no, it is co-created according to the needs which your Greater Soul identifies and helps to design. While some of the life paths your Greater Soul creates may seem cruel or unnecessarily difficult, such as lives in slavery, or death by torture, or an early accident, you cannot know from your perspective (unless you learn to discuss it with your Greater Soul) why such experiences were chosen until you begin to understand your soul path, and the growth which results, as the driving force behind these choices. When you begin to truly grasp the nature of Life, which is Soul Life, you will see how the most difficult lives help to elevate your sense of compassion, empathy and forgiveness, thereby raising your level of consciousness to higher levels.

This process of raising your level of consciousness is what we refer to as Ascension. This brings us back to the connection to what is happening now on your planet. The conditions have never been better for each one to elevate, and you have been given the great advantage of not having to live through many more lives of arduous work to realize it. The photon bombardment which will work to adapt your bodies to higher energies is a tremendous gift for those who are able to be here now. Do you see now why so many souls were clamoring to come to Gaia during this historic event? Even the most unattractive slots, by most standards, were filled, with waiting lists. It is the opportunity of a lifetime, as you might say, because much of the soul work is being made easier for you by the biological changes. And so, the Boot Camp which was Planet Earth will be no more. As your cultures evolve to higher levels of cooperation, heart-based governance and spiritual connection, lives lived as war refugees, abused women and children, and in extreme poverty will cease to exist. 

Now it is up to you, Dear Children, to clear away the din of negative news reports, trivial arguments and selfish grandstanding, and forge ahead, with your heads held high and your hearts singing in celebration. Shine your Light, and your Light will increase. Share your knowledge, your wealth, your food and your kindness, and you will receive ten-fold. This is the Universal Law of Flow, which we explained in our book. When you give selflessly, you elevate yourself neurologically, biologically and spiritually. You will be exercising the new potentials as they come on line, just as you did when you were a toddler, and you threw yourself into learning your new skills of walking, talking, and learning about the world. It is the same now. Approach your new life with wonder, openness and Love, and you will thrive. This we know.

Go forth with courage and Love, Dear Ones; your future is bright.

With all our love, Yahweh and the Legions of Light

Via Kathryn May, Jan. 1, 2013, 8 pm

Part 68, A New Year's Blessing, and Guidance About Ascensionitis

Tonight is the last night of your year, 2012. It would be fitting for us to celebrate this glorious transition with a song. We are singing the Hallelujah chorus here in the Heights, as we jokingly call the higher dimensions. Open your soul ears, that intuitive reception capability you were born with, and you will hear the Angel Chorus singing the most beautiful celebration music of all...Hallelujah, hallelujah...

Let those sounds play for you in the background as you read this message from me/us, with hearts brimming over with love and hope for the New Year  a truly historic New Year, even from our perspective where we measure time in terms of millennia. You cannot possibly imagine our happiness at seeing more and more humans awakening, looking around them and discovering that life on Planet Earth is indeed worth living, and worth celebrating.

wonderful, heartwarming event occurred in Canada this week, when 228 people, one by one, decided to literally pay it forward as they pulled up to the take-out window at a Tim Hortons shop. For hours, each person who approached the window paid for the order of the person behind them. Each one in turn did the same, as the restaurant workers counted gleefully. 228 individuals did their part that day to reach out to a stranger, purposefully making someone elses day begin with a smile. Those playful and generous Children of God expressed the simple principle of living in service to others: Just do it. Will any of the people in that wonderful line ever forget that exhilarating moment of shared giving? Will the workers in the restaurant or the reporters who told the story ever feel the same about human potential for kindness as a natural instinct? We congratulate and celebrate them all, for they, and the thousands like them are making the world a better place for everyone.

Now we would like to answer Lindas question about the illnesses she is observing all around her. Yes, it is a common symptom of adjusting to the new higher levels of energy for many people to experience digestive and respiratory illnesses, great fatigue requiring many extra hours of sleep every day, and lowered immunity to contagious diseases. This is indeed due to the physical stress on the human body of adapting rapidly to the changing environment. Unfortunately, it is not a choice at this moment, to adapt or not – it is simply a necessity, but one which you are capable of without any permanent damage. It helps to know that you are suffering from Ascensionitis, as we have called it, and that it will occur in waves, and will decrease over the coming months. Think of it as similar to the acclimatization needed when you go from sea level to 12,000 feet. The body will go through a period of adjustment, then will balance out in time. Be patient, drink plenty of fresh water, eat lightly and keep to predominantly fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine and any processed or otherwise unnatural foods, and you will adapt quickly. Above all, do not revert to the old paradigm of fear. It is normal, and it will pass. As for treatable medical conditions, it is not time yet to radically change our approach to healing, but that too will shift as the new attitudes of Light and Awareness come to the fore.

It is truly a time of great change on Planet Earth. The Age of Aquarius has begun, and all life will be shifting from a time when fear, anxiety, competition and want filled the human psyche, to a time of love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. The energy shift within Gaia and in the air that you breathe will bring about rapid changes, in evolutionary terms, but we trust that all of you will embrace the changes and “roll with it as you like to say. Never in your lifetime has this kind of Shift taken place.

It is a new experience for everyone alive today, and it is a new experiment in the Universe itself, so we urge you to raise your level of consciousness by applying the following simple rules:

 - Do not think or speak negative ideas, not to yourself or anyone else.

 - Monitor you attitudes and thinking to reject any future-oriented feelings of dread, anxiety or fear. (What if??)

 - Meditate several times a day on the people and things you are grateful for.

 - Care for yourself and others in an attentive, loving way, always seeking the greater good.

 - Practice deep breathing, absorbing the nutrients and sustenance now available in the highly charged air. You will find you have less need for food.

 - Sleep when you need it, regardless of your previous needs.

And now we must close, to allow our dear Scribe to sleep as she too must do. Stay the course, Dear Ones. Practice your consciousness-raising techniques every day; read the book we have created to make this Shift easier for all of you (Who Needs Light?), and continue to bring your questions to me so that We can offer you any information or encouragement you might need in this important time.

Until tomorrow, Your Yahweh, speaking for the Universe of Lightworkers of the Higher Realms

Via Kathryn May, Dec. 31, 2012, 11-1am

Part 67, 3rd Through 7th Dimensions Described

First, I would like to answer some of the questions Kathryn has brought to me. There has been a lot of talk about the Ascension process, and how Gaia is elevating herself to the 5th dimension and above, but we have not clearly explained what that entails, what is different about the 5th versus the 3rd, and where the 4th comes in, and what happens above the 5th dimension.

It is very difficult to explain what a dimension is in language. We usually resort to analogies and metaphors because a 3rd dimensional brain is not equipped to picture these things, but we'll try to be as clear as possible, and at least describe what the differences are. As you know, your experience of the 3-dimensional world is one defined by time and space. You see it with your eyes as perspective, you see that things have depth, breadth and distance. This gives the appearance as if the things around you are made up of solid mass that you can touch, see, measure and weigh.
In fact, as your scientists have discovered, this could not be further from the truth. The things around you only appear to be solid. They actually are made up of atoms and molecules which contain tiny bits of matter and enormous amounts of space between them. However, the energy contained in the molecules is not limited to or created only by the mass, or the action of the mass. Einsteins famous theory based on the velocity of the speed of light (C) was only true under certain limited circumstances. 

You see, the space between the particles is the key to understanding dimensions, space travel, and the ability for me to send information through space to my friend who is writing this down, and there is no delay as there would be if our thought-waves traveled only at the speed of light. I can be lounging in my Barcalounger in the center of the galaxy, millions of light-years from Kathryn in hers, and she experiences it as if I am there beside her, because I am in both places, in all places. Our conversation has none of the delays you see when TV correspondents stand in Tahrir Square and talk with the desk in New York. This is because the speed of thought is not constrained by the laws of physics as you have understood them. 

Now, this brings us to the differences between dimensions. The 4th dimension is adjacent to the 3rd in the way you experience it. It is the close-by place-which-is-not-a-place, the nearest space between the particles. When you dream, you are probably traveling in the 4th dimension or beyond. In this place your dreams have the quality of timelessness, events are not sequential, and you can fly. Thus, you have already left behind the constraints of space/time. However, your dreams are still concerned with 3-dimensional experience, people, and you feel the Earth-bound anxieties like fear of missing an exam, or falling off a cliff (but you don't hit bottom). This is a manifestation of 4th dimensional thinking/feeling. Here we will keep our discussion to the experience of being in various dimensions, rather than trying to build a case for the scientific proofs. 

The 4th dimension is the transitional place human beings traverse after leaving the body, before going to the Light which carries them to the 5th dimension, the Home in the Spirit world of many souls. Those specters you call ghosts are those humans who have not completed their transition back Home after a difficult or confusing death. They remain close to the Earth, still connected psychically to the life they just completed. We think of them as the lost souls who need encouragement and guidance to continue their journey to the 5th dimension to rejoin their spirit family and reconnect with Us in the state of Unconditional Love.

The 5th dimension is characterized by the atmosphere (the space between the particles) of Unconditional Love. You cannot see the substance, Love, but it operates like the dark star which can be detected by its effect on the behavior of its sister stars and planets. It pervades the space between, but the essence of Love can only be felt by a living consciousness embodied within a soul being. By embodied, we mean an organizing force, not a literal 3D body.

So, you see, beings in the 5th dimension operate as coherent entities, communicate with each other telepathically, experience emotions, learn from the lessons of lives lived elsewhere, and are helped to integrate the experiences by being immersed in the feelings of Unconditional Love and companionship, and by assistance from Guides and Masters who have ascended to higher planes, but who return to help their students. A 5th dimensional soul who is newly ascended from a human life in 3D might feel fleeting feelings (memories) of jealousy or anger or frustration, but these feelings are mitigated by the overwhelming experience of Love, and are the subject of intense study or additional life assignments, leading to further elevation.

During the time of study in the 5th dimension, after completing their life review, souls have access to the wonders of the Garden, where all the plants and animals that have ever existed on Earth can be experienced in their most perfectly fulfilled state. The Library contains all information about every life, every soul, and every event, in past, present, and future timelines, to be studied by those souls whose special life goals can be more fully met by these forms of information. In the Conservatory/Hall one can experience all the music, art, sculpture and dancing ever created in its most perfect form, as the creators intended it. So you see, there is no limit to the possibilities for expansion of the soul/mind here.

As souls evolve through their lessons and have gained high levels of expertise in their preferred endeavors, they may accomplish the goal of raising their soul vibration to a higher level, which allows them entrance through the portals to the 6th dimension, where Creation takes on new meaning. Whereas creating what one imagines is a characteristic of the 5th dimension, these abilities are expanded to more esoteric levels in the 6th. You might think of it as the Laboratory of Creation, where high level Masters oversee and teach the study of physical properties of the Universe and their use (physics, space travel, energy forms), biology (species creation, hybridization) and other useful sciences. Here you will also find political scientists who work to design better forms of governance, architects who expand the boundaries of materials and design, and healers who combine ancient and modern techniques and medical treatments to be developed for the wellbeing of humankind.

Many are familiar with the 7th dimension as the Home of the Christ Consciousness. Here the essence of Unconditional Love combines with all the qualities we think of as God Consciousness in human form: Compassion, Empathy, Generosity, Truth, and especially Forgiveness. Our dear Jesus (Jeshua) is the representative of Christ Consciousness with whom you are most familiar. Here the School for Ascended Masters begins the training for those who feel drawn to become Teachers and Guides for mankind on Planet Earth or in other galaxies, but it is the special work of Jeshua to oversee the Ascension of Planet Earth and her inhabitants.

Many of you have worked closely with the Christ energy between and during many of your lifetimes, to take your expertise as healers, community leaders and teachers to ease suffering and elevate the consciousness of those who have been under the spell of Dark Forces so long. This work is coming into focus with great intensity now, as Gaia moves slowly, leaving her active involvement in 3D and moving directly to the 5th and 7th dimensions. Like many other souls, Gaia does not stop to take part in 6th dimensional activities. So, you see, Ascension is not a strict step-by-step progression, but may involve leaps, returns to previous endeavors, and pauses to reintegrate, in harmony with the needs of ones soul path and the needs of others, as Gaia is doing now.

For now, I will leave you to ponder this information. If you should wish to continue the lessons to learn about higher levels/dimensions, I will provide further information. Just ask your questions and your channel will pass them on to me, as we did with tonights subject. Until tomorrow, I Am eternally,

Your Yahweh

Via Kathryn May, Dec. 30, 11pm.

Part 66, A Message of Love to Lightworkers

Yesterdays message was a bit stern, we know. It was not simply positive, as we have tended to be for many months now. It was a change of pace because we saw that after the 21st passed without chaos and mayhem, many of you who had invested a great deal in preparations for Ascension were confronted with rather self-satisfied I-told-you-so responses from family and so-called friends. It was a tragic reminder of how out of touch these folks are; how insensitive they are to the energies swirling around them. Even if they were feeling the Shift, they interpreted it as a headache, or something they ate. We hope that our reminder gave you the opportunity to answer their obliviousness with another challenge. Please pass on our words to as many as you can. Do not be concerned that they may refuse to believe it, or may even refuse to read it - some will, and it will touch their hearts, if not their minds.

There is a method behind our approach, you see. The opening line was intended to appeal to those who still only respond to fear. It was not intended to upset those of you who have worked as hard as you could to be of service to others and to clear away old fears and prejudices. You are continuing your ascension work regardless of the naysayers around you, and we admire and appreciate you for that. You have been resting more, spending time in meditation in order to communicate with Us, and have been attended to by our Legions of angels, healers and guides, who are helping to recalibrate your nervous system to accommodate the higher vibrations. It may be amazing to you that people around you seem to be going about their days as if nothing were happening, while you are reeling from the effects. It is a measure of how far you have come, Dear Ones. 

Gaia has slowed her final ascent in order to allow more time for her dear children to accompany her, although we cannot know how long that will be. Those of you who have been the staunch environmentalists and Earthkeepers are very close to her, and will have little trouble remaining in her embrace as she achieves the last degrees of elevation. The same is true for LIghtworkers of all kinds, whose work has been to bring compassion and healing to both humans and animals.

However, we are concerned that the rest of the population, which is still a large number, are lagging behind, and we need your help to lift them, awaken them, and help them to see the fulfillment in a life of service. Because of this problem, we have asked large numbers of you who would otherwise have ascended to the 5th dimension, Gaia A, to remain on New Gaia, which we have referred to as Gaia A/B, the planet-still-in-ascension. Your continued efforts will be rewarded with deeply satisfying moments of fulfillment and pleasure, and life will be easier for you now, if you have learned well the lesson of manifesting your dreams.

This soul work is a continuing process, wherever you might be, in any dimension, time or place. We have begun another phase in the work which combines the efforts of your dear Mother Gaia with her human inhabitants, and all the Kingdoms of Earth. It is a complex and challenging process, requiring the cooperation of all involved, and the help of many Lightworkers here in higher dimensions. 

For each of you in bodies at this moment, there are dozens who are watching in anticipation or actively working to hold steady and balance the enormous energy generated by the Ascension of your planet and the highly charged and conflicting energies of Light and Dark which are colliding with tremendous force across the surface of Gaia. From our perspective, it is like a lightening storm, flowing in waves around the planet, and must be managed carefully in order to avoid the apocalypse which was one of the timelines which many envisioned and still are fascinated by. That timeline, which is just recently passed, included the possibility of another complete cleansing of the Earth, so that she could begin again in a higher dimension, but it was one which many of you, in deep connection with your dear Gaia, did not permit to come into fulfillment.

You will feel the atmosphere lighten as you come out of your deep meditation state. For those of you who have traveled far and wide with us to higher dimensions and other Universes, it may take days or even weeks for you to feel balanced, but you may continue to have the unreal sense of disconnection from time. You will adapt to it, but it will become a familiar feature of life on New Gaia, since ties to the 3rd dimension have already been broken. 

Allow yourselves time for solitary reflection, My Children. This is a necessary part of every day, from now on. Breathe the life force around you; it will strengthen and sustain you. Be open to change in every sphere of your lives, whether it be relationships with people, with food, or with the animals and natural environment. Everything has changed; it is now beginning to unfold. Anchor yourselves deeply into the center of Gaia, and ride with her as she ascends higher into the Light. Do not let anyone or anything distract you from your joy and inspiration. You will find it will become easier and easier to maintain your compassion and Love, even in the face of negativity and violence around you. It is all a part of the unfolding of a new way of life, the triumph of Light over Darkness. Thank those who have played the role of the Dark Hats who inspired your resolve to live in Light and to rise above their destructive ways. Forgive them, knowing that their days are numbered, and their path will be harder than yours is now. In forgiveness, you will be lifted higher, your energy will become lighter, and you will begin to smile in your heart.

It is night in the Northeastern U.S., and a deep blanket of snow has created a profound quiet on this transition night, approaching the New Year. All the creatures who were so busy foraging and chattering with one another during the day have gone to sleep. They too dream of Us, and we send them our Love to brighten their dreams, as we do yours.

Be at peace, go in love, and remember that we are always here with you,

Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am

Via Kathryn May, Dec. 29, 2012, 11pm

Part 65 doesn't exist

Part 64, A Wake-Up Call From Yahweh

Dear Ones, I wish I had better news for you, but there is something you need to know about which may affect your lives in a serious way. Knowing will allow you to take measures to create what you need for success and happiness, but without some work on your parts, the outcome will not be as glorious as it might be. I am referring to the need for all human beings on the planet right now to awaken and join the effort to raise the level of consciousness so that all can remain in the happy arrangement of being carried along and cared for by dear Mother Gaia, the source of your sustenance and comfort - life itself.

Mother Gaia, as we have said, has been rewarded for her good work over millennia, nurturing and providing for her human inhabitants as well as all the other creatures and plants who call her body home. She has elected to finally elevate herself to higher dimensions, leaving the 3rd dimension behind entirely. She has decided to move slowly into her destiny as a 5th dimension and higher planet in order for her dear children to keep up and stay with her - something which has never been done before in the history of the Universe. As we have told you earlier, this is an historic event, this Ascension of planet and human inhabitants together. We had hoped that the Dec. 21-24 period of increased Light energy would be sufficient impetus for all the inhabitants to raise their level of vibration to the 5th dimension, but the resistance to the Shift proved greater than we could overcome, even with the massive input of Unconditional Love. 

So, you see, we now have a dilemma. Mother Gaia is ascending, and some of her beloved humans are keeping pace with her change, but others remain asleep, or blithely defiant of the need to shake off their smug complacency and begin to contribute by putting their energy behind lifting the consciousness of the whole by elevating themselves. As long as large numbers go about their lives as if nothing were happening, the ship will falter, and eventually sink under its own weight, while Gaia goes sailing off to higher elevations. This is not what we wish to see happen. 

Third dimensional life has its attractions - the downward pull of sensory pleasure for its own sake, which can become a hedonistic trap, like a whirlpool which can capture a persons attention for years. Some are able to escape it only to enter another trap of working to prove themselves successful - an ego trap even more addictive than hedonism, because of its high level of social acceptance. And so, large numbers of my dear children spend years of their lives without experiencing a deep connection with Us, or even with each other, and they remain unaware that anything is missing, as long as they have met the standards for success which the culture prescribes. 

It brings us great sadness to see them trapped in the lies which the Dark Forces - the ones we have called the Powers That Be - have perpetrated across the planet. They have convinced the general populace that earning is living, that wealth and fame is more valuable than Love and Light, and that separation from the Source that Created them is not a matter of concern. In fact, they have convinced many that hewing to the traditional beliefs and dictates of a religion is the same as connection to Spirit. This is a tragic illusion, one of the worst of the lies of modern life which we try to dispel by sending you these messages.

Please, Dear Children, listen to the call of the Archangel Gabrielle. Her trumpet sounds from on high: Awake, remember who you are and why you are here. You came here with the sole intention of being of service to one another, to join in the Great Awakening which would raise all mankind to the 5th dimension and beyond. This is our task, yours and Ours. We have pledged to help you in every way we can, but we cannot break our pledge to honor your free will, even if it means we have to watch you sink into the quagmire of a dark and empty planet, the shell of your dear departed Gaia. This possibility is abhorrent to us, if not to you. 

Some among you have done the yoemens share of service to others, acts of unbelievable kindness, as your Red Cross calls it, and compassionate outreach in times of need. They have raised the vibrational levels to the 4th dimension - part way there. Others of you continue on your day to day satisfactions, content in the fact that you are not one whose life has been devastated by natural disasters or family trauma. You are the ones, the fortunate ones, who have lived many lives of service, hard lessons and pain, but you have forgotten why you sacrificed so much and worked so hard in former lives. It was not so that you could lie down and bask in your own fantasies, no, it was because you had prepared yourselves for this moment - this challenging, daring, extraordinary moment which would call on your deepest commitment to the greater good. But you have slept through reveille, and you missed the battles which gained the ground needed to make the Ascension possible. You are now about to miss the roll call when the time comes for all to show up, put your shoulder to the wheel, and push the great vehicle which can carry every one of you to a truly Heavenly triumph.

How? you are saying? The way forward is simple. Put down your cell phone games, shake off your TV hypnosis, leave your desk, and go out into the streets and do something to make someone elses life better. Anything, so long as it is not designed to profit you or your ego. Read a child a story. Take a neighbors dog for a walk. Coach a team. Get groceries for an elderly person, or take them to their doctors appointment. Pick up the garbage on the street. Send a card to someone who is sick. Bake bread for your family. Play catch with your kids, or someone elses kids. Tutor a child in math or reading for free. Take the place of your kids video games by teaching them to talk with you about real things. Sit on a park bench and talk with someone, and really listen to their story. Or sit on a park bench and really connect with the planet, your Mother Earth who needs your care as much as you need hers. Need we say more? It is simple, and it is LIFE.

These simple acts of kindness, compassion and connection are the acts of Love and Light which raise your consciousness by getting you out of your own head, out of concerns for your own comfort and safety and into your heart, and into the flow of uplifting energy which is generated by the Universal Law of Flow: When you give, you create a flow of energy which will carry good will and joy outward into the world, and it will carry you along with it. Give from your heart, without expectation of any reward or reciprocity, and you will feel joy. The more you practice, the more carefree and happy you will feel. Be reckless and daring in your generosity, and you will truly fly.

Awake, Dear Ones, it is time to reap the real rewards of your coming here to Planet Earth this time. Dont miss the Greatest Show on Earth. It was designed by you and for you. We have an appointment with destiny, as you might say. Some of you have slept through the alarm, which has been going off for a more than a week now. Arise, and take your place beside Us as we ascend together to a glorious Golden Age on New Gaia.

We are here for you always. Send your questions and your concerns, and we will answer them. We love you more than words can express,

Yahweh, and all the Legions of Light who are at your service. Just ask.

Via Kathryn May, Dec. 28, 2012, 11pm.Â