
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*


Part 29, Lesson # 5, Self-Sorting Levels of Development and the Effects of Free-will Choices

​“Greetings, Dear Ones,

It is a very exciting time, and much is occurring which we would like to help you with. We have asked Kathryn to create another way of taking our message to the world - an internet radio show where people can call in and ask questions. She will channel our voice, which we call the voice of Yahweh, and she will also invite other channelers to come to our show to channel Ascended Masters and Angels. We like to think of it as “A 
Fireside Chat with God,” but we are open to other names if you would like to suggest them.

We are so excited about this possibility of having a direct channel to talk with you, one on one, as you would call it, that we can hardly wait for Kathryn to launch our new project. We hope that all of you reading this will join us to have a real conversation about your challenges which arise from the earth changes happening every day now, and we expect that you might want to ask about the nature of life in other dimensions, and what it is like for those who pass over to higher dimensions after they have left their bodies. Of course, that is not what you will experience now, because you will be able to take your bodies with you this time. We know how attached you become to the experience of life in a body, so we have devised a way for you to ascend to the 5th dimension with Gaia while also remaining in the delightful material experiences of having a body.

For most of you it is beyond imagining - a body adapted to the 5th dimension for life in the exquisite vibration of unconditional love. It has been even for us an idea, a creation which has lived in our Universal consciousness, in preparedness for the current full materialization of it with all of you participating. You will understand these concepts of time/no time once you cross the boundary into the higher dimensions.

Now, I will try to explain to you a question which has been of great concern for many of you upon hearing of the conditions which will arise when some might resist the opportunity to experience a life in which the only emotions are unconditional love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, courage and patience - all the emotions of the spectrum of Light and Love. Those among you who are “hooked” on the darker emotions like jealousy, greed, lust for power, hatred, and vengeance may decide that their commitment is to a life of darkness rather than Light. We must arrange for alternative destinations for those souls, because of our contract with each of you to honor your free will choices. If such resistance to change should occur, the individuals who choose to remain behind when Gaia completes her transition will sort themselves into levels of development, based on the vibrational level they are living during this lifetime. Therefore, the higher level but fearful or reluctant souls will reside in one domain, while the “dark hats” - those who have unrepentantly committed heinous crimes against their fellows - will be assigned to another domain, in company with others of their own vibrational level. Thus, every soul will be sorted out according to their own inclination to raise their vibrational level or not.o you a question

As you can see, this is the only fair way to allow for every individual to reach their highest level, while still allowing for the planet to fulfill her path of Ascendance. Those who do ascend with Gaia will participate in the glorious experiment of a lifetime, the never-before event of ascending without having to “die” first. Yes, you will be given eternal life, to continue your path of ongoing soul development, evolving through the levels until all are able to reach the level of Enlightened Beings. 

This is our plan for all of you, my children. We do not wish to leave anyone behind, but we may be forced to wait longer for some than for others. Our dear Lightworkers from all over the Multiverse have come to help and to be a part of this grand completion of the first phase of Ascension. There are those among you who have already volunteered to descend to work among the reluctant beings who may later change their minds and need instruction in how to elevate themselves enough to follow their brothers and sisters who have gone on to higher planes. 

We do not wish for anyone to be left behind, but it is not possible for a soul to ascend to a level which is of higher vibration than they are prepared for. This has always been true. While the Master Teachers, for instance, can descend many levels to work with willing souls, their students cannot ascend to join them in the highest planes, because their energetic systems could not tolerate the dramatic shift, and could cause them to fragment and become disorganized in a serious way - literally “blowing their circuits.”

This design which acknowledges levels of vibration to determine the highest level of accomplishment for each soul has worked well for millions of years; it was not devised for this occasion. Yet, some will complain that it is not fair; everyone should ascend, regardless. What if they never heard of Ascension, or they did not know how to snap out of their attraction to darkness because they were abused themselves? Well, there will be those who are able to ascend simply because they have lived joyful lives in service to others, and some who will have to be alerted at the final hour so they can have the chance. However, given the reach of your internet and news sources, and the awakening events which will occur between now and then, it is unlikely that anyone will reach Dec. 21, 2012 without having heard of the impending transition.

You are the lucky ones, my children. You are being prepared in a methodical and controlled way. You have access to these lessons, and still you refuse to read carefully and to take them to heart. We do not blame you for not wanting to take the simple actions we suggest, because you cannot open your minds to anything which seems “illogical to you, or because you are afraid of the unknown. We wish it were otherwise, but we understand that this is the level of thinking you have been taught. We will continue to work with you, to send our Lightworkers like Kathryn to help you, because we treasure the unique and precious souls you are, regardless of your present level of development.

Keep breathing, Dear Ones, continue to practice your meditations, and read every single one of these postings, until the ideas begin to sound commonplace and obvious.

Reach for the stars, pray for help from your guides, and remember that we are here with you at every turn, forever.

We love you one and all,

Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am.”

Part 28, Lesson #4, A Meditation to Anchor With Gaia

​“The Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 has been a momentous event. It is a once in a thousand year astronomical event, appearing in the skies for the people of Australia to see. Its gravitational effects are felt all over the globe, however. This is a time of change; the beginning of a new era for all the people of Planet Earth.

By now you have no doubt been experiencing the effects of the enormous wave of love we sent to you on 11/11, and its reverberations through today. Did you find yourself wanting to hug the people close to you, even perhaps people you have never hugged before? Have you had impulses to give away your possessions to those who need them more than you do? We have seen this occurring frequently in the disaster sites of New York and New Jersey and elsewhere, where people who have suffered great damage forgo help in favor of giving it to their neighbors who are in even greater need than they are. Our hearts sing with joy at the growing connections of loving concern and friendship we see across boundaries that would have been impossible to breach in the past.

Today, we will offer you a quiet meditation to sooth your frayed nerves and ease the expansion process which is stretching your skulls to the point where some of you may be experiencing headaches or a bit of dizziness as you adapt to the increasing abilities which are being brought on line. If it feels to you as if your intelligence is increasing, even as your hearts are expanding to receive greater and greater waves of love, you are correct. Your DNA is being activated in new ways which will allow you to absorb greater amounts of knowledge, but more importantly, greater amounts of feeling. It is happening gradually, so that most of you who have been stretching yourselves in your personal growth may be finding it exhilarating, while others may feel what you think of as “stress” in increasing measure. Do not fear. You will not be pushed beyond your limits as long as you continue to practice the meditation we gave you in Lesson #1, which we wish for you to practice daily.

Beyond practicing the first meditation, we will add another exercise to help you advance in this expansion process. You may pause as you read this to close your eyes and concentrate as you go through the exercise.

Breathe gently and steadily, feeling the light tingling sensation along the passageways of your nose and throat. Slow the breaths so that the air passes ever so gently along the pathways, down the windpipe to your welcoming lungs. Feel the expansion as your chest rises to make room for more air. Expand fully, feeling the large space inside yourself where you gather the oxygen-laden air to nourish and satisfy your whole body. Remain a bit expanded in this way, even as your diaphragm works, like a bellows, pushing the partially-used air back out, allowing it to mix immediately with the air around you. Notice the remarkable fact that the air near and around you does not lose its power to nourish you. It does not become depleted of oxygen to a noticeable degree no matter how much you breathe, or how many people you may have gathered around you in your room. There is plenty for all. Such is the power of Mother Gaia to nurture and sustain all of you, as she will continue to do for all those who choose to anchor themselves deeply into her heart, and travel with her into the experience of love and light which awaits all of you in higher dimensions.

Her service to you will continue, but the stress on her abilities will be considerably reduced, as her traveling companions become lighter and more loving, more considerate of her needs, and less in need of the enormous amounts of food and energy which has increased exponentially in recent years. Yes, some of the DNA changes you will experience will mean that your nutritional needs will be altered, because you will be able to absorb nutrition from your surroundings in new and simpler ways, and your love of fashion and luxury can be met, literally, out of thin air, as you would say. This might sound incredible to you unless you remember that your air is also filled with many of the substances of life similar to your own make-up. This too will evolve and change to allow you greater lightness and freedom.

Now, as you contemplate the incomprehensible changes which are taking place in your bodies and your environment, also allow your minds to dwell, in peace and gratitude, on the thousands of years of selfless service, of creating endless abundance which Gaia herself has accomplished for the beings in her care. Every animal, every plant and every human has benefitted equally - the recipients of her love whether aware or not, whether grateful and appreciative or insensitive and gluttonous. All have prospered in their own way, over eons. It is now time for all of you to breathe more slowly and deeply, absorb more consciously, and as you do, gather your strength into a lightening bolt of loving intention and direct it downward, through your bloodstream, down into your living center, gathering the unique signature of your own DNA as it travels through your body. Send that lightning bolt from you down into the heart of Gaia, through the layers of rock, soil, water and magma, into the beating heart of your dear Gaia. Sing her praises as you send your gratitude and admiration to celebrate her triumph, her own glorious Ascension.

It is graduation day all over Planet Earth. You have all completed this phase of your soul growth. You will never again return to the heavy and challenging dark atmosphere of 3-dimensional Earth. This has been your last hurrah, as you might say. You must now gather your strength and your medals of honor for the good work you have done, whether that work might have been in the form of kings or peasants, men or women, even through those lifetimes where you learned the meaning of cruelty and destruction as the victim or the perpetrator - those most instructive lifetimes which resulted for most of you in enormously expanded abilities to feel empathy and compassion. Yes, at one time or another, most of you have played both roles, and recovered your balance as you reviewed and learned from the profound and humbling experiences we devised in endless variety for all of you. You have learned and progressed in your soul lessons, in spite of the apparently hopeless darkness you see on the Earth during this difficult time.
In fact, as the atmosphere on Earth became heavier and darker over the last several thousand years, you have had to work far harder just to remain balanced enough to maintain your connections with us and with your own hearts. As the bar was lowered, the testing ground became more and more difficult. 

We commend you for your continued commitment to rising above the tide, for reaching deeply into your soul memories to keep your balance enough to still be able to express love and tenderness, to be generous in times of need, and to care for the weakest and least fortunate among you. You are the children of our hearts, born out of love. We encourage you to expand, breathe, and keep expanding, to keep up with the changes occurring around you, even in the air you breathe.

You will find that old addictions and habits become unsustainable because of the discomfort they cause you. Your tastes will change and evolve as you ascend. Do not force yourself to cling to old habits or tendencies. Suspend your judgments concerning things as basic as the food you have been attracted to in the past, and the luxuries (or armies) you thought you needed to make you feel safe. Embrace peace in all your dealings, as neighbors, as citizens and as Earthlings. Breathe joy, love and peace, and we and Mother Gaia will take care of the rest. It is our joy to see you grow and to celebrate your hard-earned soul growth.

We look on with affection and pleasure as you join hands in preparation for lift-off. It will truly be a “bon voyage,” my children.

Your loving guides, your Creators and your angel helpers, in the name of all,

I Am That I Am”

Channeled by Kathryn E. May on Nov. 13, 2012, 11 PM

Part 27, Lesson #3, Do I Have to?

This one has me flummoxed. You'll see why. - K

Lesson #3

“Once upon a time there was a young girl who dreamed of flying away on a white horse with wings. She dreamed this lovely dream because she felt like a prisoner in a traumatic childhood. That dream kept her hopes alive, because she saw it as if it were absolutely real: the powerful horse would gallop out of the distant clouds, and at full speed, she would leap onto its back and be swept away before anyone could try to hold her back or pull her off her horse. She would fly, and the sense of freedom this gave her became the dream and the passion she has held, for herself and for others, ever since. Now, Kathryn, we feel your tears and your question: You couldn’t possibly want me to show this to the world. Why do you embarrass me?

We tell this story because it reveals the essence of who you are, and why you are doing this work of channeling our words and giving them to the world. There is nothing for you to gain, and much to lose if people refuse to open their minds to the truth of what you are writing, and assume that you are simply expressing your own opinions. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not your way to advertise yourself or to pretend to know far-reaching truths about spiritual or cosmic events. I wish to reveal to your readers what your true intentions are, and what we have asked of you. It has not been an easy assignment we have given you, but from the beginning of your training many years ago, you have continued, sometimes doggedly, to pursue the path toward greater knowledge and enlightenment, even when it meant going it alone. This is why you were chosen for this difficult assignment, channeling God, in a world where many will assume it is some sort of insanity or delusion. We know otherwise. We know that your first impulse is always to leap on your white horse and fly, as you did when we offered you the opportunity to ascend to higher dimensions with us.

We are now asking you to do something which may be the most difficult assignment of all. We are asking you to tell others how you are able to elevate yourself to higher dimensions, what you see and feel when you do so, and what inspires you to continue this journey, even when you are exhausted, or when people question your sanity or your intentions. Even beyond that, we want you to tell everyone you meet, not just your close confidants, that you are willing to teach them what they need to know to ascend too. You are well prepared to teach the brain focusing and meditation techniques, and to take our message to the world, in as large numbers as you can.

Do not leave it to others to accidentally stumble upon this posting. Send your message through your facebook account, and by sending an email to everyone on your email list. Should they decide to ignore or downplay the urgency or the truth of our information, you are the one who will feel the disappointment of seeing your friends, clients and family turning their backs. Of course we care, but it is you who will feel the pain of knowing you cannot reach people you care about, people you want to see flying, reaching for the stars, as you do. “Oh, my,” you say, knowing it is true, but not something you would say out loud to those you wish to invite to go with you. So, we will say it for you. We offer you the example of someone who began as you did, feeling miserable in life, lost without an anchor. It is your Kathryn. When she was offered the opportunity to learn the Visual Centering work, she stayed on to study so that she could teach it. When we offered her the glimpses behind the veil, to expand her psychic abilities to serve as a channel for us, she agreed and asked for more. She attributes it to her insatiable curiosity; we call it courage.

Now, Kathryn, you are jumping out of your chair, (yes, it is unfair to put you in this position, of doing what you would think of as singing your own praises, but we are testing you further, challenging you to report our words accurately, no matter what they are about.) Ironically, this is, of course, the hardest test we could devise for you - to admit your strengths, publicly, and to tell the world, here and now. We do this because we are asking you to teach what you know, and no one knows better than we do what needs to be taught, right now, and by the teachers who have been tested and proven along the way. As the disciples were asked in their time, to challenge the thinking of the leaders, to risk their livelihoods and their reputations to teach The Word, we are asking you and the others who channel our words to tell the world, with only the conviction of your own inner voice to guide you. We thank you all, the growing number of adventurous souls who bring the message selflessly, to encourage all to prepare now for the fabulous opportunity that is available to everyone, right now.

Contrary to popular belief, the Ascension is not something that will happen to anyone. It is not something you can wait for, or learn about in your science classes. As real and as present as it may seem to those who channel our words, there are many who have barely heard of this positive and thrilling possibility of ascending to the 5th dimension, with your bodies, and without having to die to get there. There is a challenge, however. You will have to rise to the occasion, as you might say. We have given you a sample, above, with Kathryn, of the kinds of challenges we present to our children on their way to a higher path of soul development. To all of you, we ask: Do as much, in your own development, to get out of your own way as we have asked of her.

Reach, my Dear Ones, to accomplish the things you came to this life to do. Love unconditionally, be willing to surrender your doubt and cynicism in favor of Faith and Light, and do not stop until you feel joyful in every minute of your day, no matter what is happening in your environment, or even in your thoughts.

Rise, as many of you have done in your dreams, when you fly freely and effortlessly. Do not be afraid to venture into unknown feelings and visions in your meditations. We will help you by sending you constant waves containing the energy of Unconditional Love. We will give you messages all day long - small reminders that we are here, supporting and urging you to take the simple actions you need to accomplish in order to be at the level of energetic preparedness you will need to transition. When the elevator ascends to the top floor and the doors open, we want you to be acclimated to the rarer air of the 5th dimension, which will overwhelm you if you have not conditioned yourselves, as you would for a climb up a high mountain. It is nothing if you are prepared, but it could be overwhelming to your body and your brain if you are completely unprepared. So, build up your spiritual muscles, everyone! Breathe, meditate in gratitude and fulfillment, as you reach for your highest level of being.

We are with you; we love you unconditionally, and... (now, please try to understand this from our perspective of acknowledging your free will) we wish you luck.

Your guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Saints, and your Yahweh”

Part 26, Lesson #2, A Model for a Community of Light

 “We are very happy to have been present today at an extraordinary gathering of the Rondout Valley healers, in upstate New York. It is a group of healers who come together to dedicate their time and energies to the health and well-being of others in their community, and they are dedicated to being the best they can be, in their personal lives and their work together - so much so that they meet to encourage and share their talents to forge strong bonds and improve their ability to offer free services in their community.

It is a heart-warming sight to see the talented group, lovingly helping one another, sharing jokes and delectable food, performing group healing sessions which are masterful, indescribably powerful and joyful at the same time. All the heavens rejoiced as you performed the loving healing work with one of your dear members, Suzanne. We want to reassure Suzanne that there is no need for her to worry or to need devastating surgery or other invasive medical procedures. Our great healers will work with her to completely cure the imbalance which caused the flare-up she is experiencing. As she was told, her dear Gabrielle will supervise the healing, along with Jesus and St. Germaine. Her doctors will be amazed when her next scan shows impeccable health.

We wish to acknowledge your work and to commend you on your livelong efforts to bring Light to those around you. As the energy of your combined power radiated outward and upward, the Light it generated could be seen throughout the galaxies. Star brothers and sisters from as far away as Andromeda celebrate your deep feeling and your combined commitment to Light.

Now, we have something else to tell you. During Hurricane Sandy, Kathryn and many others prayed urgently to spare your little Valley, because so many of you are already far along on your path, and because you are already well into the tradition of helping one another, serving your community energetically even when there is no pressing need. You and many others in your area give generously of your time and expertise to make your local area one of the bright spots on the planet. There are also large numbers of environmental protectors, whose dedication to Gaia has not gone unnoticed. Because of this, your area was bypassed by the storm, which passed all around you, but created little damage in your local area. We cannot explain to you the intricacies of the effect of your positive energy on the weather, but we can tell you that the energy of Love you generate there, as a result of the large numbers of Lightworkers and Earth Stewards, had a mitigating effect on the storm’s power as it passed through your area. 

We have asked Kathryn to place this message on her public website because you are an inspiring example of the meaningful work which can be accomplished when a growing percentage of the community begins to come together in service and in Love. You are all beginning to see these effects in other areas after the storm, as the recovery process In the Eastern U.S. extends from days in which survival was paramount, to weeks and months where large numbers of people will need to remake not only their homes but their lives.

We are delighted to confirm that romances have already begun to bloom in the ranks of service workers who came together for the same purpose, but whose paths would never have passed if it hadn’t been for Sandy. Even refugees who huddled in shelters were thrown together in close quarters with new friends and potential lovers. We foresee many happy marriages and a surge in new births as a result of the Loving energy which has lifted all hearts, in spite of the hardships.

For all of you who are in various stages of your awakening, and may have been shaken by the changes on your planet, do not descend into anger or blaming your government or Us for the suffering. It is an unfortunate but necessary part of the cleansing which Gaia is going through. Her burden had become unsustainable, and her path is to ascend to higher dimensions. Those who ascend with her in the coming weeks will find themselves able to create a new life - one in which material possessions are no longer important because of the great abundance all will experience. Worries about survival will become a dim memory, and there will be no one who will ever again experience loneliness or alienation.

Let these new understandings of the truth of human existence elevate your consciousness, Dear Ones. You have all overcome tragedy and Earthly upheavals in your present and past lives. These are challenges which have brought out the best in you. In fact, you show your brightest and best strengths and intelligence when you are “under fire,” as you say. Those of you who are able to keep your hearts open even as you struggle against difficult odds have always come away from these events with greater stamina, stronger friendships and a view of yourselves as sturdy and competent. This is the epitome of soul growth. 

What you do now during your most difficult days will determine your level of progress along your path as an evolving soul. Do not allow yourself, no matter how difficult your life challenges might seem, to sink into self-pity or despair. Reach out to those around you with loving intentions and a compassionate heart, and your efforts will be rewarded a hundred-fold, for this is the Universal Law of Flow, as it is described in Kathryn’s book. Some have tried to explain it on the basis of karma, but this does not account for the multiplying effect that Light actions have. But don’t take Our Word for it; try it yourself.
Commit those random acts of kindness, without any thought to being repaid or even thanked, and when you do, smile to yourself, with the knowledge that you have helped to lift the energies on the planet, to make the Ascension of millions even closer to fulfillment, and continue to prepare yourself to be one of those millions.

We have made another request of our channel, Kathryn, which has caused great excitement in our ranks. We have asked her to host an internet radio show, which will be called, to our amusement, The Channel Panel. She has agreed to the format, which will feature her channeling The Voice of Yahweh, while others whom she will be asked to invite will channel their familiar Spirit entities, so that we can show you what our communications between and among ourselves are like. We hope to afford you a greater glimpse into the workings of Heaven, so to speak. We are jumping with joy at the prospect of speaking with all of you as you call in to ask us questions and get to know us “up close and personal.” (We love to use your amusing cliches.) So, stay tuned, Loved Ones. We will be speaking with all of you soon, we hope.

We love you beyond words, our Children. Be secure and at peace. You will always be in our hearts. We await your Ascension with open arms.

Your Yahweh”

Part 25, Ascension Lesson #1

“It is time for all of you to begin your practice of Ascension. Yes, it is possible to practice before you make the final shift. We have done this with Kathryn, and with other channels and Lightworkers in the past few years, so that they can teach you what it is like to transcend, rise above your own third dimension, to travel with us in the 5th and beyond.

Many of you ask how to do this, so today will be the first lesson in how to ascend. You might think of it as flying lessons. You are young aviators who are venturing into the wild blue yonder for the first time. Here we go.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and focus our attention on the place on Planet Earth where you feel most at ease. Choose a place where you are surrounded by natural features, like water, forests, or fields of grain. You may love being at the beach, or hiking a mountain path. It doesn’t matter where it is, just that you feel at peace and connected to the Earth. In your meditation, you will be alone, for now. This does not mean that you will be alone when you ascend. We are practicing, remember. Each person must learn to do this on their own, without the distraction or help of a crowd.

Breathe deeply, picturing yourself there in your beautiful spot, peacefully surveying the beautiful scene. In your mind’s eye, see the blue sky above you, with little white clouds floating by; feel the Earth under your feet. You may sit down here if you like, on a large rock or fallen tree. We have placed boulders everywhere as handy seating all across your planet. If you have been a desert explorer, find yourself a comfortable place on a dune, where you can see the undulating waves of sand off into the distance, but for your peace of mind, make sure you see the oasis in the distance, not too far away. Place your handy backpack with water and any other provisions you might need nearby, or sit down next to a rippling, sparkling clean brook where you can drink your fill if you like. You will want for nothing in this beautiful place - all your physical needs will be met without effort or anxiety. There is no need to worry about your survival, for you will be given eternal life if you wish.

Revel in the feeling of a soft breeze caressing your skin, and the Light of a gentle morning sun warming your back. You are completely comfortable, completely at ease, and completely protected. You may catch a glimpse of your favorite animal friends from time to time, peeking at you with curiosity, content themselves in their own feelings of contentment and fulfillment. You can embrace them all, even the lion and the bear, for they are your friends, your brothers and sister souls. As the old book has said, here the lion will lie down with the lamb. You have already seen this in your internet videos - stories of turtles and pigs, men and crocodiles, women and gorillas forging life-long friendships. It is now commonplace. You are at peace with yourself and with all the Kingdoms of the Earth, your beautiful home. You can travel freely, without fear and with no preparation at all, because all your needs will be met, no matter where you are.

Allow your mind to settle gently. No need to figure anything out or make yourself see anything in particcular. Breathe deeply, feeling the oxygen coursing through your veins, nourishing and sustaining you. You can take nutrition from the air you breathe here in your beautiful place of solace and contentment. Feel how your mood elevates, leaving behind all thoughts of fear or want. You are now being cared for completely, the prince or princess of your magical domain, where you are able to create a beautiful oasis for yourself just by imagining it in detail. For now, just enjoy the beauty of Nature all around you. Hear the babbling brook, the breeze rustling the vegetation around you. You are at peace. 

Now, concentrate on opening the channel in the top of your head, the crown chakra as it is often called. Allow the light to softly flow down through your brain, permeating your whole brain, soothing and easing all the places where you have held ideas of fear, tension and want in your brain for many lifetimes, many incarnations. This time it is different. You can be the Captain of you domain, or the contented observer, the belle of the ball or the sparkling entertainer on the stage, admired by all your fellows and celebrated by the Legions of Light. You are free, free of all expectation from others, free from all worries and physical pain. At last, you can be the brilliant Creator among Creators, admiring your fellow beings no matter what their physical form might be. Mother Gaia herself breathes gently beneath your feet, sending her ripples of Love to you. Feel it gently permeating the souls of your feet, surrounding you with a gentle vibration which flows upward through your strong and healthy body. 

Allow the Light from above flow downward, and the Love from Mother Gaia flow upward, meeting in your heart of hearts, the deep place within you where you know you are loved unconditionally. Let the energy flow through you with gathering strength. It does not take you over - no, just the opposite. It adds to your own strength in a way that makes you feel invulnerable, invincible even. Nothing can hurt you or stop you from being the shining light you were meant to be. Feel your heart expanding and your mind opening up. You are free, completely free. Be aware of the sound of your own vitality, the song of your own unique being, which ripples outward from your heart to touch the life around you. The trees, the animals, the insects and the stones sing gently with you, sending their own rippling energy outward to join the glorious orchestra of sound you can hear any time you want. You only need to turn your attention to it, and you will be filled with the vibration and the sound of Unconditional Love. This is the beginning of your new life, my Child. It is the Paradise on Earth you have worked toward for thousands of years.

Stay there in your beautiful peaceful place, noticing more and more details in your surroundings, admiring the way the sun creates shadows around you, the way the wind caresses you, enlivening your senses even as you go deeper and deeper into your quiet meditation. Practice this every day, in the morning when you awake and the evening before you sleep. Get to know this beautiful place and the contentment and feelings of fulfillment which fill your heart as you breathe the nourishing air around you. This is your home, your own place where you can go to restore your strength and your peace of mind, no matter what else you may temporarily be doing in the rest of your day. Make it your own, by visiting it frequently as you go through the day, adding details to your surroundings with each visit, until you know every tree, every blade of grass, every insect that sings with you in Joy and Celebration.
We will share this exercise every day, as these postings guide you to higher planes in your daily meditations. Each day I will provide you with further guidance to practice your ascension. You will learn step by step what you will need to know to prepare you for the glorious moment when you will float through the portal to the 5th dimension to join your friends and companions there.

These exercises will be clearly labeled for you in sequence, so you can follow along with each progressive lesson as it is presented for you. Do not fear that you will be left behind or abandoned if your internet connection fails or if you wish to practice one exercise for a week or more before you go on. You may save these pages, print them if you wish, as long as you use them to share with others out of the spirit of generosity and goodwill with which they are given to you by this channel, Kathryn.

Now, go in peace, live out your days with increasing kindness, love and exhilaration. We are with you, every moment. We love you more than words can describe.

Your loving Yahweh, I Am That I Am”


Part 24. A Message for Kathryn’s clients, Lucy, Stephanie, Kelly, and all others who are taking part in healing practices to clear away old emotional patterns

“You have now seen freedom. You were able in your session today to let go of old anxieties and truly be yourself. Now your challenge will be to hold on, insist that you not go back to old, limiting ways. You will be able to fulfill the path you came here to walk, a path of service to others, and the Ascension with Mother Gaia.

“When you have completed your transition, along with your loved ones, whom you will lead across the dimensional border to New Earth, you will find that life is utterly different from what you have know here on 3D Planet Earth. Your bodies will feel lighter, healthier (although you are both remarkably healthy and strong because of your advanced awareness of your bodies and careful care and feeding of your lovely vessels.) I say vessel because you know that you are primarily the soul who inhabits this body. This too will change somewhat, because the Ascension with this body means that you will remain in this body, becoming more healthy and resilient even than you are now. You will be able to bear children with your loving partners, and will find the experience even more exhilarating and thrilling than you thought possible.

“I commend you for your hard work, and the leap of faith that allowed you to move rapidly from old thinking and old habits of planning, controlling, and setting goals to a more free-flowing state where you can react to whatever comes without being thrown into a tizzy. (I love your clever colloquialisms.) Continue to work to sustain this stance of courage and integrity. You are brilliant lights, shining like beacons, warming our hearts and lifting our hopes that many others will be able to accomplish what you have done and will do in the coming months. 

“Be fearless, as you have been in your session today. Forge ahead to accomplish the tasks which will lead you to fulfilling your Dreams. It will be easy, compared to the way you have had to struggle and plan for the considerable successes in your previously difficult 3-dimension life. Those days are over for you, in your elevated state in which you can call on us, your Team from Higher Dimensions. We celebrate your transition, which you have courageously accomplished by following your Heart, and your Higher Self. You must now ask for what you want, without hesitation or false modesty. You are deserving, by your own definitions, although we do not judge or discriminate against anyone, no matter what their past actions might have been. We are only interested in seeing our Children move into a state of unconditional Love, which matches the state you will ascend into as you move with Mother Gia into the 5th dimension, and if you wish, beyond. You will find your considerable creativity expanding, taking your imagination to new heights and power. Do not limit your expectations in any way, for you will find greater energy, no resistance, and unlimited assistance as you fulfill your desire to be of loving service to others in your families and your communities.

“You will be the leaders of our new organizations and institutions of learning, and centers of celebrating the new spirituality, which will include the direct and immediate connection with Us, your loving protectors and guides. You will never again feel disconnected or alone. We are here for you, every step you make, every breath you take, as the song goes. We have loved you unconditionally forever. We are overjoyed that you have now learned to accept our love and take nourishment from it. Teach your loved ones, your partners and friends to do the same. Build a community of loving friends who will accompany you as you move through the veil into a new life, filled with Joy and Love, surrounded by the beauty of Planet Earth, healed and newly elevated in her own journey of Ascension. She has asked to leave the Darkness behind, the suffering which she endured for millions of years as she fulfilled her task of supporting and nourishing her human charges. 

“Mother Gaia has been released from the responsibility of continuing to carry those destructive beings who have tortured and harmed her body, drilling and exploding, poisoning and raping her of her resources without recognition of her suffering or gratitude for her constant efforts to heal their damages and provide ever more to satisfy the needs of all her children. Unfortunately, the use of those riches has been severely restricted, controlled and secretly hoarded by the few, leaving many increasingly in need and suffering want unnecessarily. This was never our intention or hers. In her next phase, she will carry with her only those souls who love her unconditionally and know her as the faithful Mother she is. This is a joyful time for her. She feels the lightening footfalls of her beloved ones, who will make the journey with her. She welcomes all those who come in love and joy, but she feels the companionship and appreciative presence of her most loving and enlightened ones now, and she rejoices with us.

“Go in love, my children. Never doubt that you will be protected on your journey. The time for anxiety has passed. Examine your feelings scrupulously to leave behind any residue of childhood beliefs and habits which generated feelings of fear or hatred, jealousy or self-doubt. Yours is the path of Ascension, and we await you with open arms.

Your loving Father, Yahweh, with Mother God and all the Legions of Light

Part 23, A Plea for Ambitious Souls to Ascend

“Now, let us begin with a greeting to all the new readers who have been sent to you by their friends, by your acquaintances from the cruise, and through our urgings. Welcome, my dear children, we revel in the growing curiosity and openness you are showing by listening carefully and well to what we have to share with you. The more people we can reach at this time, the more will be ready for the glorious Ascension which is so close at hand. Please bring your friends and family into this discussion so that they can also be prepared. You will be surprised how many are becoming more receptive to the spiritual work at this time.

The ones who used to be doubters are awakening, and the ones who used to be negative toward anything not confirmed in a laboratory are finding confirmation from their own scientists which allows them to seek deeper answers to the cosmic changes even they are beginning to feel in their bodies and their hearts. We delight in this, and encourage all of you to “spread the word,” as we say, for the time is near.

We understand it is difficult for you to imagine what is ahead, and normally we would simply say, “Have Faith, my Dear Ones,” and perhaps a few of you would be willing to suspend judgment long enough to experience the Shift without further explanation, but we do not wish to keep you in the dark. This is why I ask Kathryn to take down these messages to you so that I can explain and reassure you directly. You may be surprised at the number of people who are channeling the Ascended Masters, the Saints, and the Archangels. It is my wish to pierce the veil between the dimensions at this time, making our communication easier than it has been at any time in your current civilization. It was not always thus. Previous civilizations, before Atlantis, were more connected to their Source, and more open to communication, at the same time they developed advanced technologies which allowed them to explore the Universe with ease. It has been a slow, downward movement, in terms of the heaviness of your energies on Planet Earth.

Ironically, it has also made Earth the proving ground for ambitious souls who wish to advance in their path toward elevated states of being, for it presents challenges not found anywhere else in your area of the Universe, or anywhere in the Multiverse, in some regards. Beings from other planets have often tried to come here for one lifetime to experience the challenges of life on Gaia, and have experienced extreme difficulty adjusting to the heavy, dark energy which some of you have adapted to with skill. It is a legendary path you have walked, Earthlings, one which is looked upon with awe and sometimes amazement by others in the cosmos. You are known as the Creator Race, my children, because of your ability to adapt, build, and even flourish in the dark atmosphere which is frequently far too daunting for ones of more delicate makeup to tolerate. You come as adventurers, explorers and Saints, to test yourselves in the murky energy of your cultures which foster divisiveness, conflict, and in recent generations, unbridled greed and lust for power.

Many succumb to the downward pull toward disconnection from your spiritual connection with us, which you fully intended to preserve before you came. We do not blame you or judge you for this. We understand how difficult it is to remain clear and steady in the face of suffering and illness, and the temptations to indulge in material luxuries, even at the cost of leaving others at far distance from you in poverty and want. It has become the mantra of your powerful ones to try to convince you that you are not connected in any way to the suffering on the planet - in fact you (and they) are entitled to ever more of the world’s resources and wealth. It has been a seductive siren song, but one which has brought you to the present dangerous environment in which any number of states, with their often irrational leaders, could have completely destroyed the planet with one touch of a button. This situation created alarm throughout the Multiverse, with beings who understand better than you are able to at this point, that all are connected, all are One. 

Your well-being, and the integrity of your dear Gaia are a matter of great concern to those who have watched your progress and admired your courage as souls who venture into such dangerous waters in your efforts to learn deeply felt lessons on your path to higher dimensional realms. Indeed, such Saints as Germaine, Archangels Gabrielle and even our great Michael himself have ventured here to test their mettle. They know how challenging this proving ground is. This may surprise you to learn that the Great Ones are your older brothers and sisters, forged in the fire of the beautiful Blue Planet, as you have been. However, this time of heavy atmosphere and dark challenges is coming to an end. Gaia herself has made the decision at long last to accept her well-earned reward to elevate herself, as all beings on the path to enlightenment have done over the eons. 

Because of her intention to elevate now, you are all put in the monumentally challenging situation of having to elevate yourselves, at lightening speed in Earth terms, to adapt to the Shift. You must wrench yourselves from the familiar, the well-know, the old tried and true atmosphere and attitudes and belief systems you have become so entrenched in, and raise yourselves to a new level of consciousness, and you must do this at the risk of being left behind, to leave your precious bodies once more in the cycle of repeated incarnations. But this time, those who refuse to participate in this Ascension will not be permitted to return to their beloved Gaia for further lessons, but will be given other assignments in places which are exactly adapted to their lower energy levels, to begin again. These places will be darker and heavier in their atmosphere than your Earth is now, because the refuseniks are darker than most, those who reject the music of the Ascension in favor of personal power and greed. This is not punishment, as your ancient books have sometimes made it sound. It is simply a sorting process, based on human free will choices, where everyone rises to their own level, and will be channeled to the tailored situation which suits their choices in this lifetime.

I can hear many of you thinking: “Who would choose to come to a lifetime in which such monumental choices can determine such wonderful or perhaps dreadful outcomes, in the blink of an eye? Who would play a game with such high stakes? You would have to be crazy to take such risks, and under such circumstances, where you might have been temporarily blinded or led astray by this lifetime’s traumas or temptations, and because of this you might miss the opportunity to Ascend to a glorious, heavenly place, to remain in our bodies and go to Heaven??? Who would put themselves in such a dilemma?” 

Well, my children, the answer is: You did. You, the daring ones, the creative ones, and the ones in a hurry to learn your lessons so that you could make this leap to higher planes of consciousness in one glorious pole-vault into the 5th dimension and beyond. You have forgotten, as all humans do, your contract to come here, to participate in this cliff-hanger of a life challenge. As you look around you and see the millions of people who seem confused, or asleep, or preoccupied with their grumbling, day to day trudging and earning and accumulating, you may scratch your heads and think, “These are the daring ones?” Yes, my children, you, all of you. You are the children of my heart, the souls of my soul, the loved and cherished ones We have nurtured through eternity. You have made this Ascension possible, by your long lifetimes of dedication to the path We created for you - to live in darkness and in light, through lives of hardship and of privilege, through degradation and fame, wealth and poverty, in order to experience the range of emotion of which humans are capable. This experience has forged your strength, although you now find yourselves in the state of strength without awareness.

You were aware before you came to this lifetime that this would be a last-chance opportunity to raise yourselves up, to leap through 2, 3 or more levels of evolution in one grand celebration of Light and Love. Now, my children, I challenge you to rise to that level of enlightenment you had in mind when you took on this glorious effort. Now is the time for you to give it your all, or as you are fond of saying, “hit me with your best shot.” Leave your worries and just get happy, as the old song says. Throw your cautions to the wind and rise up, up to the rarified air of the 5th dimension, where angels and saints come to meet you, where you will take into your own hands the life of Eternal Love which you have been promised so long ago. Yes, Eternal Life is the promise we have pledged for you. It is yours for the taking. Do not turn away in doubt because others around you refuse to believe in something they cannot yet see. You see, in your mind’s eye, the Promised Land. It is as your holy books have predicted. Eternal Life, where you will all find an end to suffering and a new beginning.

Join us, Dear Ones. The migration has already begun. The gates are open for you to walk through of your own accord, but you must raise your vibration before you walk through, or the higher pitch will overwhelm you. Do as I have instructed earlier: breathe, exercise gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love. These are the emotions of the higher realms. Elevate yourselves until these are the only feelings you feel as you go through your day. Start with one 24-hour period, then another. Breathe love, nothing else, and you will be ready. Yes, you can change yourselves that quickly, because these feelings are not foreign to you. It is now a matter of holding that even pitch, carrying your own tune, you might say. It will carry you through the portals and into the arms of all of us who await you. Come, my children, all of you.

I Am Eternally, Your Yahweh, Father God, Source/Creator, One.”

Part 22, The Science of Ascension

“Now, I would like to talk to you about the coming Ascension from another perspective. Many have asked about the facts behind this phenomenon. Is there scientific evidence to point to what is happening now? The answer is, of course. All enormous galactic events are determined by scientifically verifiable laws of physics, as your physicists are beginning to discover. Your dear Einstein began the recent age of exploration in physics by teaching you all that time and space are not as simple and predictable as you had thought, but that they are relative to the conditions in which they operate. I will not attempt here to explain the intricacies of the laws of physics as they apply to Ascension. I can, however, assure you that it is well within the understanding of your advanced physicists, in the areas they call quantum mechanics. 

We created Planet Earth to be a place in which time and space are felt and measured by every one of you as a familiar and reliable experience. This gives the inhabitants of the Earth the impression that the whole Universe must operate by the same laws, but this is an illusion. As space exploration has proven, outside of the atmosphere of Earth, there is no time, and space can be stretched or warped, according to your requirements and perspective. It is important to understand these things as we enter the new era of change. It seems inconceivable to many of you that a planet could “rise” from the 3rd dimension to the 5th and beyond, but from the perspective of the Universe, this is perfectly natural. Your scientists are exploring the concepts, and sometimes the reality of worm-holes, black holes and other exceptions to the linear conception of space/time. Other civilizations across the Universe have studied these phenomena and made them work for them, so that they can travel thousands of light-years from their planets to visit you here in their space ships in what you would measure as minutes. They are filling the skies now, ready to assist you in any way they can. They come in peace. Because of the resistance of your leaders to accept their offers of help which would benefit all your populations, we have been forced to use less direct means of helping you, by interfering with some of your electronically powered weapons, for instance.

Your U.S. government has explored many of the possibilities of space travel beyond the ones you have seen on your TV presentations. In fact, they have mastered the connection between intention (the use of the mind to direct a ship) and propulsion to the extent that they have been able to travel to Mars and back with ease. Much of these technologies were reverse-engineered from the remains of the ship they brought down near Roswell, New Mexico, and others. The ships you think of as “UFOs” are your neighbors and friends. They come in peace, but your military has made it very difficult for them to reach you, or to communicate with you directly, because those in power do not wish for the general population to have access to the advanced technology they wish to teach you about. Free energy, for instance, has been available to you since Tesla developed the basic principles in his laboratory. As many of you know, J.P. Morgan, his patron, destroyed his lab, his life, and prevented him from continuing his work because it would have had wide-spread economic implications: It would have made it impossible to control and profit from the energy you use.

You are now at a turning point. Vastly more powerful and efficient sources of energy are available to you, as some of your high-level political people understand. Others, who are intimately linked to the military-industrial complex, are trying to convince you that the primitive fossil fuels, oil, gas and coal, are necessary and good for you in every way, making your lives better and cheaper. This is nonsense. They are promoting the highly toxic and destructive Golden Goose which has made them rich at the cost of the planet’s health. We have been trying to give you free energy for many years, but those who try to disseminate this information have been murdered or ruined financially. We are working with some of your present leaders, who cannot yet reveal our plans to help you because of danger to themselves in your current contentious political climate. We are going to circumvent this, to provide Planet Earth with the free and abundant energy sources you have wanted. We recommend that you watch the wonderful documentary movie, made by our dear Foster Gamble and friends. It is called “Thrive,” and it is now free for you to watch on the internet by going to It will explain much of this in a very comprehensive way.

Now, some more of the science behind Ascension. For those of you who wish to pursue the intricacies of this topic, I refer you to the physicists and others who have tried to explain it in depth. David Wilcock and Drunvalo, Gregg Braden, Fred Allen Wolf and others have done a good job of collecting the data for popular consumption. Here I will stick to the practical elements. The explanation for what it will feel like to move from the 3rd to the 5th dimensions is difficult to put into words. We can only give you descriptions of facets of the experience, which you will put together little by little, as we explain it to you in these pages. It would be impossible to put into words what it will feel like in total. Many of these descriptions were given to you by our Jesus on his time on Earth, and some of it has been recorded in various writings, including your Bible, but much of it has been distorted, as you are tempted to do in your human form, to make it sound unpleasant, dangerous, or Apocalyptic. This is unfortunate. It has made it harder for you to accept and celebrate that which should be seen as a glorious event - one which will benefit all people. You have even been taught to be suspicious of anything that increases the benefits of life to the whole population! 

So, you must suspend your suspicions and your fears to absorb the meaning of what I am telling you. Open your hearts, and you will know what I am saying is true. First, you will begin to feel a rise in the energy vibration which Planet Earth emits. This will be measured by your scientists, who have been able to scan the planet to detect the taurus waves emanating from the heart of the planet outward. The electromagnetic vibrations are changing and can be measured, just as the notes of a scale can be measured by the size of the wave they produce. The wave length of the Earth’s vibration is changing. As you also know, colors and light can be measured in a similar way. It will be felt by those who are intuitively connected to their senses as an increase in positive energy (Light). It can be felt emotionally as waves of Love, which will also be measured by your scientists as it sweeps across your planet. You may have to search your internet sources to find the evidence, because it will probably not be reported in your popular news outlets, but it will be easily measurable with the instruments they possess. In fact, it is already happening.

You have been aware of at least 3 pole shifts, in which the magnetic pole of your planet has shifted, creating different magnetic measurements. This is the reason some of your ocean animals and birds have become confused and lost their way during migration. This is unfortunate, but it has been necessary for Mother Gaia to make adjustments to compensate for the changes in the Earth surface which your drilling and building have caused. Because of the building of your massive cities made of iron ore, which was mined and moved from its original place, the balance of the planet has been effected. Pole shifts have happened in the past, with disastrous results to the civilizations which were more or less eliminated as a result. Because of the rising consciousness of your people, who have sent their prayers and pleas for stability and continued existence in human form, we have come to help, and Gaia has modified her changes to make them more gradual and incremental than they would have been otherwise. This possibility has always existed as one of the possible future scenarios for the planet. We are delighted that you have done your part - enough of you to make the Ascension possible rather than the more extreme weather and shifts in the crust of the Earth which might have occurred otherwise. 

You are now well into the transition which will complete, at least from your short-term perspective, within the Earth-time measure of a few months. As the vibration rises, you will feel physical sensations which would seem strange to you, and which you would call medical problems if you were not aware of what is happening. You will be inclined to feel more generous, more loving and more expansive in your emotional responses. Some of you will be suspicious of your own motives, even thinking of them as weakness or poor judgment, since you have been taught that selfishness is normal. It is not. You are social and giving in your nature, and inclined to help each other when you see desperate need around you. You will begin to respond to less urgent needs, with kindness and helpfulness.

Kathryn experienced this today, when we stalled her car so that she would go across the street to speak with her old friends who needed her information to help them leave behind their rigid religious teachings for a brighter perspective. They are good people who will be able to ascend when they are able to let go of dogma and the anxiety it produces, to follow their hearts instead. She only needed to take out the jumper cables, to find numerous neighbors who were willing to spend considerable time with her trying to solve the dilemma of why her car would not start. We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for responding to our request to teach when the opportunity arose. It is easy for us to interfere with the electrical system on your cars and other appliances, by the way. We only use these measures with those who are likely to acknowledge and respond positively, as Kathryn does when we send her messages by way of her computer or her car. 

(K: I am feeling waves of electrical sensations of pain in my toe. What are you showing me now? Ah, yes. You also are able to send us messages by way of our own electrical equipment - our nerve endings - in the same way you do with our electrical machinery. Is that it? Now the pain has stopped. I think this concept could be extended to many other areas of our experience. This is one of the ways we are being sent information about -ouch- Ascension. I am simply listening and responding to the signals, as I am being told to tell you. You can do the same.)

“Yes, Dear. This is what we wish for you to emphasize. All this information is meaningless if people don’t know how to apply it in their everyday lives. So, here is the practical guidance. You may experience headaches, greater aches and pains in your bodies in old injury places. Do not be alarmed by this. It is a result of the rising vibrational level, which your bodies will need to adapt to. Do not run for your painkillers and sedatives. Work with your bodies. Use the resources of energy healers and body work therapists, as many of you reading this are trained to give and receive. You will need more rest, and you will need to take time away from frantic schedules and work demands to stretch, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Turn to your partners to attend to each other’s bodies. Find comfort and increased stimulation in your sexual experiences with each other. This will help you to make the transition to a higher vibrational level. If you do not have a sexual partner, offer to provide massage, especially foot massages, with your children or your friends. This will help you to integrate the changes more smoothly. Children will respond quickly to the rising energies, and will be able to help those around them to elevate as well. Reassure them and learn from them. Do not try to suppress them or control them when they show exuberance and increased vitality. Follow their lead, and allow the same exhilaration and joy to permeate your own mood.

Of course, this “more so” phenomenon will bring out your difficult moods and unresolved emotional responses. Work with yourself to forgive your past - all of it. Guilt and shame have no place in this important transition. You cannot feel joy when you cling to guilt. Find it in your heart to forgive those who have harmed you, no matter how serious or abominable the offense. Let it go. Turn your attentions to the present, and to the waves of unconditional love we are sending you. This will help you heal in a way you did not believe possible. Let childhood injuries and disappointments be washed away in the cleansing waves of Love, which has always been the greatest healer. 

Those of you who have done much-needed psychotherapy work have an advantage in that you are aware of the areas of healing you need to address. Do the final stages of that work by forgiving yourself, for presumed weaknesses, for past transgressions, and for being your unique human self, warts and all, as you say. It has all been a necessary part of your growth - even the destructive impulses you have felt have been part of your development as a soul. It has helped you to learn empathy and compassion. Use that empathy now, to accept every part of your self, and every part of the human condition, failures and triumphs, destructiveness and cruelty. It will not serve you to remind yourselves of how awful some of your members are or have been. It was all part of the larger design of which you have no complete knowledge at this moment. You will learn more as you ascend, as your Vision opens to greater understanding of the workings of the Whole, and your part in it.

For now, you will need to rely on your Faith and your deep intuition to guide you. Faith, by the way, is not blind. It is a visceral response to the sensations you can feel when you open your awareness to the reality of our presence all around you. Sensitivity to emotional cues gives you a higher level of intelligence and awareness, contrary to popular beliefs which encourage “rational” separation from your own greatest powers. So, those who are sensitive, embracing their own abilities to translate physical evidence into psychologically meaningful cues, will have the easiest time making the shift. Look around you. Identify the individuals who are cheerful, kind, at ease in their own skin, and get to know them. Follow their lead, regardless of their position in society or their economic status. Ask them about peace of mind, and how they have found it. You will learn things you could not learn any other way.

Talk to each other about this Ascension process. Do not be afraid that people will think you are crazy. They are all feeling it too, and are also afraid to talk about it. Reach out, to neighbors and acquaintances, to children, and even to the animals around you. You will see that they too are becoming more receptive and curious about you, as the rising tide lifts all boats, as you often say. Time is short, on Planet Earth. It is now time for you to begin to make your choice, to remain with your beloved Gaia as she ascends, or to be left behind. I assure you, there is no reason to cling to what you have known, just because it is familiar. What we have in store for you is far better, by any standard you can imagine, except one. Power over others. That element will disappear. It does not exist in higher dimensions. No one will own another, or be able to Lord it over another. Equality is the rule, although you may not know what that means. It does not mean sameness, or mediocrity. It means that each living being will be free to rise to their highest potential, without fear of suppression, derision or obstacles. Creativity will reign, and joy will be the order of the day. Celebration of all life is a moment by moment experience, and all souls will be accepted and celebrated with equal joy.

In the coming Golden Age of humanity, there is no fear, no suffering, and no death. We will be there with you, visible to you as if you had new eyes. Come, my children. Prepare yourselves for our new adventure together. No one will be left out or rejected. No one will be left behind unless they choose it, of their own free will. It is our deepest hope that no one will be foolish enough to trade Love for the illusion of power over others, as you have known it in violence and in abusive relationships. Rise. Leave behind the suffering you have known, and join us.

We are here with open arms awaiting your transition, which to those who are prepared, will seem like getting off the elevator at a higher floor than usual. Open your ears and hearts to be ready for the Great Wave of Love to overtake you on 11/11, and again on 12/12. It will be the beginning of your lift-off. 

Words cannot describe our love and our great hope for you, Beloved Ones, we await you.

With unlimited and unending Love for all our Children,

Your Yahweh - FatherGod, with MotherGod and all the Spirit world in concert with Us. We are One.”

Part 21, Encouragement and Love as We Recover

​"Dear Ones,

We wish to continue our conversation with you, so that you know we are here working with you all at this important time. We ask our channel, Kathryn, to be prepared to take down these messages every day (or every night) for the coming weeks, and to put them on her web site for all to read. We beg of you - Please send these postings on to everyone you know, so that no one is left out of the discussion.

You have the means to send Kathryn an email to ask any questions you want to send to us. We will do our best to answer all your questions.

Now, some further information and encouragement for you. For those of you who may have been disturbed by the Storm, we are sorry. It is not Mother Gaia’s intention to wipe her children off her body. We have decided to give you the disturbing truth about this storm. It was a gathering storm of normal proportions which might have caused some damage; she did not create the monster it became. There is an activity on your planet known as HAARP - a secret scientific group with advanced abilities to control weather patterns. They are the source of the “chem-trails” some of you have suspected of causing damage in the past. Ironically, they are much more skilled at causing havoc in the weather patterns than in calming them. This is not an accident. Their intention is to cause irreparable damage to the entire planet, to the extent that whole countries, even whole continents are brought to their knees.

We have occasionally mentioned the Dark members of your societies whose intention it is to gain world domination and absolute power. It is their wish to destroy, conquer, and enslave. There is a religious fervor to their madness, a group delusion which convinces them of their entitlement, and the rightness of their actions. I will tell you more about their beliefs at a later time if you wish. For now, it is only important that you know that Gaia herself did not wish to create this havoc, and neither did we.

These secret groups, whom you sometimes call “Illuminati” - ironically, for they have nothing to do with Light. Just the opposite. We prefer to call them the Dark Hats, or as our Ashtar refers to them, the “naughties.” We do not wish to frighten you or encourage a sense of dread concerning their power over you. They are being contained for the time being, gradually preventing them from doing the massive damage they would like to inflict. This storm was intended to be even more forceful than it was. Your prayers allowed us to come to the aid of some of you, in the midst of the worst of it. Our legions of angels and your star brothers and sisters were able to fly into the worst of the winds to spread out the effects of the storm, which if its energy had been concentrated along its path, would have caused much greater loss of life.

It is our sacred contract with you that we not interfere with your free will, but when groups of you pray and ask for our assistance, we are able to help. Continue to ask, my children. We want to help you. The area where Kathryn lives is filled with people who place their Faith in us and communicate with us in large numbers. We were able to spare her little valley completely, as she and her friends prayed for us to do. We hope that you all will communicate with us. You should know that when we look at your planet from afar, your prayers beam toward us like beacons, light beams of great power. We try to answer your prayers in ways that will benefit you without betraying your original contract or your own need to create learning opportunities for yourselves.

This storm, as unfortunate as the losses are, has created light on your planet as never before, as neighbor helps neighbor, volunteers for organizations like the Red Cross and other blessed groups, and awakening individuals across more than half of your country, the U.S., dedicate themselves to selflessly helping others. Your hearts have expanded to meet the need for loving action, and your compassion has grown exponentially as you acknowledge your concern for one another and take action to help out. We commend you on that, and find great satisfaction in the fact that you are using this event to raise the consciousness of your society as a whole, as race and socioeconomic boundaries wash away with the hurricane detritus. 

We will not allow those among you who wish for chaos and disaster to triumph. These are last-ditch efforts on their part to try to impose their will on others. Their technology, while more advanced than you know, is nothing compared to the abilities of those who have come to help you. We tread lightly now, intervening where we can, while allowing your growth to continue at a rapid pace. As you are seeing all around you, adversity brings out the best in most of you. Your news sources, many of which are owned by the Dark elements we mentioned, prefer to concentrate on the one or two incidents of conflict or anger among those who wait for limited resources. The reality could not be further from this. The vast majority have behaved with restraint, compassion and love. 

There are efforts afoot in other parts of your country and in the world to create massive earthquakes and tsunamis, but we are already working hard to mitigate the damage of these actions. Your science has progressed to the point where it is fairly easy for them to know where the fault lines in the Earth’s crust are, and the likely effects of a well-placed explosion underground. Gaia is pained by these ruthless interferences into her body integrity, and has also asked for our help. Our most effective interventions take the form of sending massive waves of unconditional love, which you will feel increasing in the coming days. 11/11 will be a second wave, more powerful than the one you felt on 10/10. You are becoming stronger, elevating your energies to embrace the feelings of unconditional love you are receiving from the entire Multiverse. 

This is truly an unprecedented event, the Ascension we have been describing to you. Gaia is completing her Ascension. It is nearly done. You have all been invited to make the transition to live, once and for all, on New Earth, where there is no want, no war, and no disease. Already, groups of people are walking through the gates to their new home. The conditions there, while delightful, are not set in stone. There will be need for all your skills, all your strengths, as you establish new ways of exchanging what you need and establishing organizations and system of governing, or teaching, of sharing, and of celebrating. Come, all of you - do not return to your humdrum lives. Take this opportunity to free yourselves of old fears and self-doubt. Elevate, and meditate every day. Create your dream of the new life you will live, not simply in luxury, but in the fulness of Unconditional Love and Light.

Look for our messages and the evidence of our work all around you. Take our intention to spread the Light and Love across the planet. Join us in relieving the immediate needs and discomforts of those around you, and in the process you will be elevating yourself. Every day counts, every action matters. Do not waste your time accruing emergency supplies for the distant future. They will not be needed. Prepare yourselves by expanding your awareness, your compassion, and your empathy for you fellows. Do not wait for government agencies or commercial power companies to come to your aid. Help yourselves and each other in creative ways. We will be there to help you, as you plan and carry out your generous work. You will feel us as you feel the wind at your back.

Do not become discouraged in the aftermath, as destruction is revealed and the difficult task of cleaning up faces you. Use this opportunity to unburden yourselves of the unnecessary objects and toys you have accumulated. Free yourselves as you help others. Carry your message of strong heart and strong conviction - the recognition of your own important place in the flow of life on your dear Gaia.

Arise, my children. Do the good work you are capable of in your hearts, and we will be there with you. Be courageous, and remain undaunted. Now is your time for noble action and steady resolve. 

I love you, each of you, for your unique and individual gifts and talents. Your guides, angels and Ascended Masters celebrate your strengths and celebrate your phenomenal growth as you move toward your own Ascension. We await you with tears of joy. Gabrielle holds her glorious trumpet, ready to sound the joyful announcement that it is now time for you to lift-off. Surrender to your best impulses, Dear Ones, they will lead you to a joyful reunion with Love.

With unending love, we cherish you now, as ever before,

Yahweh, and the Legions of Heaven (the 5th dimension and higher). We await you."

Part 20, Ascension Practices

​“We have asked Kathryn to receive one of these messages every night for the duration of preparations for Ascension so that you will have the most up-to-date and thorough information possible. We will, however, honor the fact that Kathryn might for some reason need an entire nights’ sleep once in a while. (They are instructing me to put a :) here – K.) :)

Briefly, here are a few bits of information which will help you to prepare yourselves. Many have asked what to do to leave self-doubt and anxiety behind. I have sent you a manual for this purpose. It is called “Who Needs Light?” It will tell you everything you can be taught with words about how to conquer these destructive tendencies. The next part will be up to you.

1.) The first step is to acknowledge that Anxiety is not something that happens to you, or something that is inflicted by your environment. It is a lifestyle you have adopted, like a preference for spicy food or wearing a particular kind of clothing. It is something you do, as a reaction to something you think.

2.) You may be complaining that you cannot control your thoughts. They just happen. You believe this because you have not been taught the basic human discipline of managing your thoughts and emotions. It simply takes practice. Begin with the focusing and centering exercises in the book, or meditation practices you have been taught. Be diligent. Breathe, concentrate on not allowing your thoughts to stray to destructive or unpleasant “what if” kinds of thoughts. They are your thoughts. You own them. They are in need of grooming and exercise, just as you are, to be at your best. Do not be discouraged if you are not successful after an hour or a week. This is a life-long practice which will serve you well.

3.) Begin to practice what some have called “random acts of kindness.” This is also a way of life, not an exceptional moment once a week. It is a wonderful concept. Make those random acts a part of your purposeful repertoire, so that you are always searching for an opportunity to do something to raise another person’s spirit or make their day easier. I am not referring to giving money to a charity, although that is one possibility among many. If you use that method, make sure you give large amounts, and often. The recent weather gives all of you opportunities to think about how you could establish organizations or networks with your neighbors to prepare for similar difficulties.

4.) Turn off your television. The news there is contrived to create conflict and fear, and the programs are wasting your time that you could use to improve yourself and connect with others. Do not complain that there is something wrong in your life if you have spent an hour in front of the TV. It depletes your energy and interferes with walking your intended path of self-improvement and elevation.

5). Be aware of your constant fear-based thoughts about the future, about what others might do or what disasters might befall you or your loved ones. This negative thinking is not “preparation” nor is it caring or helpful. It creates darkness in your own aura and inflicts doubt and fear on others. The future holds great joy and celebration for all of you. You only need to reach for it, and accept it when it comes looking for you.

6.) Be ready to revel in the feelings of unconditional love which will pour across your planet on 11/11, in a heightened peak of good feeling which we are planning to send to alleviate your fears and fill your hearts. Be prepared to accept the offerings of love and good will from your neighbors and friends as they too are inundated with loving feelings. Act on that love, and it will come back to you tenfold.

7.) Move your focused awareness into the center of you brain, into the Light channel where you can feel our presence all the time. We are sending you love at all times, to increase your storehouse of good feeling and peace of mind so that you can raise your vibrational level. This is your Ascension preparation, and it will make your life easier and more joyful every day.

All these suggestions are powerful actions which will change you, sweeping away old habits of negative thinking and destructive actions. You will find you can heal your addictions and help others in the process. Copy this list of suggestions and keep it with you. Practice each of these activities every day. You will not regret the feelings you experience as you go through your day, and you will be astonished at the effect it has on your happiness quotient. You have all said you want to be happy. Now do it. Because, like fear and self-doubt, happiness is something you do.

Go in peace, my children. Share this with others, and live in the glow of love you are creating around you.

Your loving Yahweh, I Am That I Am, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, etc.”

Part 19, A Message for Kathryn

This is for our dear Kathryn. You have asked about your own Ascension. You have also volunteered to help others make the transition. We have accepted your help, as we always do, and you have been actively preparing your clients and friends and your readers so that they can make it through the portal to higher dimensions.

For those of you who have worked hard for many years to elevate yourselves even before you knew about Ascension, it may not be so obvious where you are. You have practiced your meditations, you have talked with us every day, and you have traveled with me, with Jesus, Makarta, and your dear teacher Amos, through the gateway to the place you thought of as the other Gaia. 

Yes, my dear, you have made the transition as part of your training with us, and you have come back to help others. You have asked if there is anything more you need to do, or anything more we wish for you to do. It fills our hearts with tenderness and love to see your willingness to give so enthusiastically of your energy and your time so that your fellow travelers can also Ascend. You, my dear, are a gate-keeper and a way-shower, and the reason you are able to do that is because you have already been here with us. You have spent time in the 7th dimension, the level of Christ consciousness, learning the ways of Jesus, and you have practiced your comings and goings in your meditations until you could transition almost effortlessly. What is that but Ascension?

You are certain of the information you teach because you know first-hand of the love and support you felt from us. Now it is time for you to share with others what you know from your own experience. It has been a very personal adventure for you, and we did not encourage you to share the more intimate details as you were going through it in your training, but now you have some perspective which comes with time, you will choose to tell whatever anecdotes you feel will be best understood by your listeners. It will help them to move fearlessly toward their own elevation to know that you have been there, done that, as you Americans say.

​Now you must prepare for your trip back to your country home, that beautiful place where you have lovingly built your rooms, your gardens and your friendships. There are others there who will welcome your “coming out of the closet.” Many of them are eager to make the Shift and will find reassurance in your experience.Now you must prepare for your trip back to your country home, that beautiful place where you have lovingly built your rooms, your gardens and your friendships. There are others there who will welcome your “coming out of the closet.” Many of them are eager to make the Shift and will find reassurance in your experience.

Go in love, and do not dwell on your own feelings of loneliness and longing to be here with us again. You can come and go as you please, knowing we are always beside you, with Light and gratitude for your service. Tell the world of your adventures, dear one, so that they can be reassured. It is time for all to acknowledge their strengths as well as their weaknesses! Do not hesitate to let people know how adventurous you have been, and how far you have traveled.

We love you one and all, and look forward to closer and closer connection with all of you.

Your Eternal Father, awaiting your arrival,
I Am That I Am, Your Yahweh

Channeled by Kathryn E May, PsyD on Nov. 3, 2012, 4 am.

Part 18, In the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

“Dear Ones,

It is time for us to tell you more about what to expect as you go through the coming days of change. Events will take place on your planet that have never occurred before.

As you have seen from the enormous storm you have just witnessed, Mother Earth is going through a cleansing process. It was not intended to cause suffering or pain to the people, but it was necessary for her to use her power to help to wake up those who have been complacent, even completely in denial of her consciousness and her crucial role in your survival and your well-being for eons. This storm, as a result of the widespread devastation to the electrical systems, has brought out the best in people. Neighbors who have never spoken to each other are helping each other, sharing what they have, reassuring the elders and caring for the children. 

My legions of angels have done their best to mitigate the effects of the storm to prevent loss of life. Please understand that those who have come home to us during this event have completed their commitment; this passing was part of their original contract before they came to this life. They are now here with us, in joy and contentment. They are not in pain, and they are not suffering because of the necessity for them to leave their loved ones. They are aware of the coming glorious event in which they will be here with us to greet their ascending brothers and sisters who will elevate to the 5th dimension and above to experience the unconditional Love and Joy with them.

It is difficult to explain to all of you who are used to 5-senses evidence-based material reality, but you are now entering into the final stages of the transition that will carry you, along with your planet, whom we call Gaia, to higher levels of vibration. In the process of that transition, you will experience some anomalies and discomforts in your bodies - many of you are already feeling it. You may experience aches and pains in the area of old injuries, or passing illness which might feel like the flu or digestive upsets. These are natural, like the sensations you would feel on a fast roller-coaster, or an elevator that ascends abruptly. If you practice the exercises Kathryn has taught in her book, and the meditations your yoga teachers have recommended, you will find you can ride out the changes best by anchoring deeply within yourselves, putting your roots down by sending a connecting thread or energy anchor deeply into the heart of Gaia, who welcomes your connection. Send your gratitude and love to her, and she will return your love ten-fold. Send us your prayers, and they will be answered.

As the storm approached, many of you prayed for the family and friends around you to be spared the greatest suffering. You did not think of yourselves, but fervently prayed to mitigate the suffering. We have tried to answer your prayers. Material possessions may have been swept away, but this is of little consequence. People who are displaced must be helped to find comfortable housing for the coming weeks. It will give families and friends the opportunity to share their large spaces with people in need. Make use of those mega-mansions you have foolishly built. They are too large for one family to live comfortably without becoming strangers. Those of you who have much, share it with those who have been displaced. You will learn about others, especially if you welcome people into your homes whom you have not known well in the past. Be generous, and you will be rewarded richly, with love and gratitude from us and from your fellow countrymen and women. Already we are seeing acts of generosity, even heroism, of the sort you have rarely witnessed in your culture. It has elevated both the givers and the receivers. 

You will not regret your generous acts. They will help you to raise your consciousness and your level of vibration toward the feeling of unconditional love and joy you will need to experience in your transition to higher dimensions. The higher you are able to elevate yourselves now, the more natural it will feel to you to move with grace and joy into the state of happiness you will feel when you reach the goal we have in store for you - a state of infinite understanding, peace, perfect health, and unconditional love. It has been called “Revelation,” and that it will be. Fear and anxiety will be left behind, for they are unknown in the higher dimensions, as are competition and warfare, greed and cruelty. Those tendencies will completely drop away in the coming weeks, as you are bathed in waves of powerful energy from the cosmos.

Your DNA will respond to the energy waves by awakening, gradually bringing into operation abilities and higher levels of awareness and intelligence which have been imbedded in your human form, dormant for thousands of years. For those who have been asleep, lulled by your material comforts and electronic distractions, it will come as a shock to experience new levels of creativity and expansive awareness, but with faith and help from your fellow humans, your star brothers and sisters who have come to help you, and us, your guides and spirit helpers, you will thrive. 

We have already guaranteed your survival by eliminating the possibility of nuclear warfare. We can tell you now in the waning hours of Old Planet Earth, that you will not ever again have to fear annihilation by your foolish leaders who place their own egos and their material gain ahead of their people’s wellbeing. Some of your current leaders, including your American president, are playing out their parts as the keepers of the spirit of love and cooperation. You have seen it in the responses to his leadership: truly caring people are falling in love, with each other, with hope, and with the possibility of genuine cooperation. All is in line to help you in your coming Ascension. You do not need to fear chaos, as you are now seeing. Your strong leaders will help in the transition, by raising your spirits and setting an example of compassion, empathy and concern for the welfare of all the people.

Have no fear, my children, you are in our loving embrace. Your work now is to throw off the painful memories of childhood rejections and ego-bruising neglect and abuse. You will be freed of those old, dark feelings of melancholy and dread. Open your hearts, and move toward those you love, without fear or hesitation. Walk with us in the Light. It is the destiny you looked forward to eagerly when you made your contracts with us to come to this glorious planet in this, the momentous time of change.

We are not referring to a 5,000 year evolution, or even the 26,000 year cycle which is indeed upon us. It is true that civilizations have lived and disappeared on your planet before, ice sheets have formed and melted, as humans have made the long journey to bring you to the place where you are now. Your scientists are making discoveries daily, of pyramids left on your planet, still present on every continent, hidden beneath the rich vegetation which has disguised them, invisible in plain sight. Egyptian archaeologists have discovered, at last, the bodies of “extraterrestrial” beings who came in ages past to assist their leaders in building the civilization you have called Atlantis. It did exist. In fact, it has already been found, as you will see from your internet pictures, in the place which you have called the Bermuda Triangle. Massive pyramid structures are at last visible to you because of your improved underwater photography, and aerial detection of energy forms. 

Your inclination to be “skeptical” - which is really a kind of blindness - has prevented you from accepting the obvious: You are not alone, and have never been alone. Others have been here before you, with more advanced technologies, given to them by the friends from distant planets who wished to share their wealth of knowledge, because it has brought freedom and joy to them on their home planets.

They have known the state in which all prosper, all are welcomed, and all feel the love of their Creator and their fellows, as a way of life. They have tried to share these gifts with you, and have been successful at times, but your leaders’ suspicions and irrational fears, and their need to keep absolute control over the flow of information has made it more difficult, although not impossible, for you to know the truth. You have accepted their control, and consumed the lies and propaganda they have presented to you, no matter how nonsensical it might have been. 

The time for this blindness is past, dear ones. You are not seeing weather balloons, or hoaxers with boards making crop circles. Your star brothers and sisters are revealing themselves by uncloaking their ships for all to see, as the weapons aimed at them have been gradually disengaged. Welcome them. They come to teach and to assist you. They will make your transition easier. They come in peace, which should be obvious to you by now, since they have been hovering, waiting for you to invite their help for generations now. They could have destroyed your planet a hundred times over if that were their intention. But destruction is unthinkable for them. They come with love, and with patience and generosity, awaiting the disclosure announcement they hope will be forthcoming.

So, as you see, nothing is what you thought it was. We are trying to prepare you by sending you these messages, through this channel and others, but as you are aware, you are often reluctant to share these readings, or even absorb their meaning fully. You keep your knowledge secret, for fear others will ridicule you for your growing belief that this is real, that the information you read here is truthful and genuinely given from the heart. These are not foolish or deluded dreamers who offer their wisdom, often to deaf ears. They have continued their call to awake, even during the dark years when no one would listen, lovingly and patiently showing the way with their own Light. 

It is time for you to embrace this coming change, and to send this message of enlightenment and joy to everyone you know. Shout it to the rooftops: Here we go! It is time! All are invited, don’t miss out on the thrilling enlightenment to come! Join hands, join hearts, and fly!

Well, of course, you will remain in your bodies, so levitation will come slowly and a bit awkwardly to some of you, but prepare yourselves for new forms of “trans-portation,” without the need for your troublesome and toxic gasoline. Do not fret, as Gaia tosses off your sources of “power” in favor of more elevated forms of travel and sustenance.

Now, go on with your recovery efforts, but do not bother to rebuild the cheap amusements or inferior housing. They will not be needed. Dance, and yes, run, in the streets. Share your considerable wealth and your hoards of money and food. You will not be needing them. You will soon experience something far more exciting and fulfilling than any material possession or material security could offer.

If you are one of the awakening few who have the wisdom to patiently read several pages of life-affirming information, congratulations on your growing Faith. You will be the leaders who will usher in the New Age. Share your knowledge and your wealth of Heart-centered wisdom. Go out among your fellows and embrace them. Reassure them and comfort them. The coming weeks will bring not only relief, but unfathomable joy.

Go in peace, with our eternal Love,

Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am”

Channeled by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on November 2, 2012, 5 am.