“When the time comes, you will all be exactly where you should be. You have made your plans with the full knowing of your Higher Self, who guides you in all important things. Even if you have defiantly refused to listen to your intuition and decided to be somewhere unlikely on December 21, it will be exactly where you need to be.
Some of you - the dedicated Lightworkers who have worked so hard to spread the word and inform people of the important good news about Ascension - have felt at times that your work has been in vain because so many people still seem to ignore the encouragement to look inward, prepare, be awake, and develop greater love and spiritual connection now, when it really matters. It has not been in vain. We wish to tell you that all your efforts are appreciated and meaningful, even if the people around you seem to be oblivious to your nudgings.
You cannot see, from where you are, the ripples of light energy which flow outward from each of you, intersecting and overlapping sometimes when you gather, filling the space around you and flowing outward for long distances when you are alone. Your energy of love and concern touches the walls in your rooms, the trees in your yard, the neighbors’ houses, and much more. Once felt, the energy of Love never dies. It echoes forth across the Universe, raising the vibration as it goes. It has a powerful cumulative effect, which is why we are now at this exciting juncture where the level of Light energy has shown forth so powerfully that the entire Universe is being lifted to new levels.
What does this mean to you in your everyday lives? Everything. What does it mean to you that the air you breathe is fresh and clean? What does it mean that the mailman, the store clerk, the butcher the baker and well, everyone, is feeling friendlier? When the level of civility and kindness rises in your children’s schools, at your workplace, in the sports arenas and the playgrounds, when the public servants and the service workers everywhere look at you with respect and consideration? You may be thinking that this picture is impossible, given where you are now as a culture, where every news report contains descriptions of people behaving violently or mean-spiritedly. But look between the lines. There is growing disgust and outrage about the kind of “bad behavior” which went unnoticed 10 years ago, and there is also a new tendency to report incidents of heroism and kindness. Stories abound of neighbors helping neighbors, relief workers volunteering to help rebuild after the hurricane, firemen traveling a thousand miles to help their fellow firemen in need after the storm.
Turn off your televisions and look around you. Notice how often you hear someone spontaneously burst into song as they go about their day. It is working, My Children! The event we have called Ascension is already happening. You have been told about the individual choices which determine where each individual will “land” as they come out the other side of this historic event. Some will consciously choose complete Ascension, and will experience a brand new way of life in higher dimensions. Others will wake up on Dec. 22 and insist that nothing has changed, but even for them, it will have changed, because the energy of the planet has moved to a higher level, and they will have to adapt to the lighter atmosphere over time. Those who have chosen complete Ascension may be asked to return to help those who did not achieve it on the first round, but they will not be permitted to reveal all the elements of their knowledge to their students right away. They will become the spiritual teachers of the New Era of Enlightenment, bringing their wisdom, compassion and kindness to others. New organizations and institutions will be established which will change the balance of power and lift the level of well-being of the entire planet. It will be a truly Golden Age, as the second wave of human beings lift each other to a new appreciation of art, music, and beauty in all its forms.
You see, Dear Ones, these last convulsions of emotional Darkness which you are witnessing now are a natural precursor to the shift toward Light. Those whose soul contracts are coming to an end now will be leaving the planet, one way or another, clearing the way for ever greater feelings of cooperation, companionship and light-heartedness. Those who have created havoc with their power-hungry ways will be phasing their way out, as genuine freedom becomes the only acceptable form of life. Despots and tyrants, conniving bankers and crooked politicians will find their way blocked by individuals who are stronger, better organized and solidly in the Light. Fundamental changes in institutions and social structures will evolve gradually, as old, rigid systems which favored the wealthy and powerful will give way to greater fairness and equality of opportunity. This does not imply a leveling of society to mediocrity or boredom - just the opposite. A new openness will encourage all to flourish in a way that will allow everyone to work at something they love, and love whomever they choose.
You are truly on the verge of a new era, My Children. There is no turning back now. You have expressed your hopes and dreams for a new world of peace, and it will be yours. Now is the time for each of you to envision the beauty of living out your own part as an instrument of change, and to begin living each day as the Captain of your own Destiny. You will reap what you sow, in the most positive sense. Those plans and dreams you initiate now will come to fruition in a new way, with the help of the Guides and Angels who will be ever ready to assist if they are asked. It will become a familiar and completely acceptable tradition to call on Us with the knowledge that we will be here, more visible than in the past.
We look forward with delight to the welcoming a New Era on Gaia, your precious and hard-working Mother, who has supported and nurtured you for thousands of years. Your partnership will become more open and more satisfying for all. It is truly a time of celebration throughout the galaxy and beyond.
We send our constant encouragement and Unconditional Love,
I Am That I Am”
Channeled by Kathryn E. May at 11pm, Dec. 5, 2012
Kathryn has been asked by Spirit to serve as the official "Voice of Mother/Father God." This blog is an archive of the channeled messages she has received from them.These informative and loving messages are here to assist us in this monumental time of ascension of the Human race. These messages, along with her book "Who Needs Light?" together act as a guide or manual for ascension. Read up and spread the word! Raise your vibrations and live in Love!
I made this blog as an easier way to navigate and search Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD's channeled messages. All text was copied exactly from her website WhoNeedsLight.org. *I did not write nor channel this information; I am not Dr. Kathryn*
Part 44, Lesson # 17, What it's Really Like "On the Other Side" Between Lives!
“Today we’re going to talk about something new. We do not wish to bore you with any repetition in these messages. This is fairly easy, since there is so much to tell you about in these complex and fascinating times.
Many of you are bracing yourselves for some sort of shock on Dec. 21. No matter how much you may have read about the transition coming up, it is not possible for you there on the ground to comprehend what is coming, but we continue to try our best to give you enough information to allay your fears while also preparing you to make what will feel like a dramatic shift in you physical, psychological and spiritual state.
We have talked a bit about your biological and emotional preparation involving a change in your DNA and the tsunami of Love which will lift your spirits and increase your feelings of love toward yourself and others. Today we will talk about your spiritual path.
Many of you who call yourselves “spiritual but not religious” have become aware, at least peripherally, of the concept of past lives, or reincarnation, as you call it. Perhaps if we give you a better picture of what reincarnation really is, and how it works in the bigger picture of the evolution of a soul, you will feel more comfortable about the dramatic events which are transpiring this month.
From a human, on-the-ground perspective, it would seem that the real life is here on Earth, and the time between lives would be some form of vacation in Heaven where angels and other spirit forms, only the good ones, float around playing music and sitting on clouds. At least, this is the way religions and Renaissance painters have mostly represented it. As you may be expecting, I am going to say: Nothing could be further from the Truth.
Let’s start from a more accurate description of where you live when you are not here on Earth. There are many levels or dimensions of existence within the spirit realms. We will begin our discussion of the first 12 dimensions, of which those from 3 to 5 or 7 are of greatest importance in our present situation. The first two are the realm of thought (1st dimension) and the realm of unstructured feeling, among other things (2nd dimension). The third dimension, with which you are most familiar, is your present Earth experience, where touch, taste, smell, sight and sound define the material existence where things appear solid, and your body is well tuned to process the relatively heavy energy and gravitational pull of the 3 dimensional plane. You are also fully immersed in an experience of space/time which unfolds in a linear fashion, giving you the impression that there is a one-to-one correlation between actions and reactions, cause and effect. Your human brains are highly adapted to this limited version of reality, such that you hardly recognize the possibility of other forms of experience.
The primary reason you are not aware of past lives or of your life in other dimensions is because of the Veil of Forgetfulness, which your ancestors long ago devised with us as a way of creating a life experience which could be unique, discontinuous from previous lifetimes, and which afforded the full experience of free will, without a connection to previous fears, remorse, or ego complications. This Veil is not absolutely opaque. Memories and feelings, as well as access to Universal knowledge may resurface in dreams, and the ability to pierce the veil can be cultivated, as with people who are known as psychic. It has been our wish, as the important shifts of this era approach, that more people have access to higher dimensional experience. This is the reason so many people are having “paranormal” experiences and are newly interested in the information which psychics can search out for them, and not only on the subject of future love and money in their own lives. Many are experiencing the happiness of communicating with ancestors and friends who have “passed on.” This is a much better description than “dead,” since there is no such thing. As the person’s body dies, the soul leaves its connection to the vessel which has housed it and returns to the higher dimensions.
Now we will tell you about what happens after a life is finished. The soul, set free of the bounds of a constricting material container, is able to expand as it rises gently toward the Light, which is the Light of Unconditional Love, generated and sustained, with the help of our Legions of Angels and Master Guides, for the purpose of welcoming and enveloping the Homecoming soul. Each soul is welcomed, as the prodigal son was welcomed in the Bible story, regardless of the quality of the life lived. Every one of our Precious Creations is welcomed with celebration and joy.
After a period of rest, as needed depending upon the circumstances surrounding the departure from the body, the individual soul will go through a process of review which encompasses all the events and emotional connections which were made during the past life, under the mentorship of a highly evolved Guide. This process includes a reversal of roles, in real time, so that the soul may experience the feelings and thoughts of all the others who came in contact with him/her in any important way. S/he will feel all the disappointment, pain, anguish and anger which resulted from his/her own actions, as well as the actions of Love and community, compassion and forgiveness which led others to positive turns in their paths.
The process of reviewing and feeling the darkness one has caused leaves the soul with greater understanding of the effect of dark actions on others, and inspires deeper empathy, compassion ad forgiveness. It also encourages the attitude of taking responsibility for one’s actions, which tends to carry forward into subsequent lives. You can see now why the experience of living many lives, in many different circumstances and historical periods, would tend to hone a soul of greater integrity, depth and virtue. The optimal soul path is one which carries the person along a trajectory toward greater and greater challenges, by living lives of greater degrees of difficulty as the soul grows in stature and confidence. We will revise one of your favorite adages here: If it doesn’t kill you (or even if it does) it will probably make you stronger. You see, from our perspective, “death” is just a familiar transition from one plane to another, characterized by great learning and evolution of the soul - a thing to be celebrated.
Of course, there are sometimes occasions where an ambitious soul takes on more than s/he can bear, or unforeseen shifts in the trajectory of a life may bring devastating hardship. Because of your free will contract, nothing is absolutely predetermined, although possibilities can often be seen in advance of an event. Therefore, a lifetime on Gaia has always held a sense of mystery, anticipation and great excitement for the brave souls who venture here. There is nearly unlimited variety in the possible choice of experiences - rich or poor, male or female, black, white, yellow or red - all options are encouraged as the soul works their way along the Ascension path through hundreds, even thousands of lifetimes. Many of those souls who were born in the early days of Planet Earth are now working their way up the Ascension ladder to positions of responsibility as Ascended Masters in the higher realms of the 7th through the 13th dimension. Although inexperienced souls do not have access to the higher realms because the frequencies there would not be tolerable for them, souls from higher dimensions can descend to be of service to those who follow, as they most often do in some form.
We, the Creators and Helpers of the high realms oversee with compassion and deepest love as our dear children struggle through enormous challenges which test their valor, their integrity and their capacity for Love and Forgiveness. Some lifetimes may be more successful in one area or another, but all are fodder for learning and advancement, and all are looked upon with the utmost respect, because we are aware of the inherent level of difficulty which is inevitable in a life on Gaia in 3D, where even the privileged and well-loved individuals encounter difficulties.
The goal of this process is to elevate yourselves to higher expressions of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Empathy, nothing else. In terms of soul evolution, it matters not at all whether you achieve great wealth or fame. Money, awards and accolades may make the journey more pleasant for a time, but they are not a measure of soul value or progress at all, in spite of the way you have pursued those things in your Western cultures above all else. We see these pursuits as unfortunate distractions, except in rare circumstances where the individual uses their position of wealth and fame to lift others from despair, poverty, and injustice.
As you can probably discern from this description, the process of soul evolution is largely reviewed and understood at the end of a life, in the Bardo, that place in the 4th dimension where planning and evaluation has taken place in the past. From there, souls have had the option to pursue training, teaching and learning in progressively higher realms, with or without further sojourns to “Boot Camp” on Gaia. However, it is understood throughout the Multiverse that soul-training on Gaia is the most perfectly-tailored testing ground to develop the higher frequency Light-filled qualities of Love and other virtues, which we consider the God qualities. Consider yourselves courageous, Dear Ones, no matter how bogged down and confused you might be feeling at present.
This discussion will serve as the introduction to the Spirit Realms for our purposes. We will continue in this vein in future messages with more information about the workings of the higher Spirit Realms. Please ponder this carefully and pass it on to your family members and acquaintances. Many will find this information enlightening, since it has been largely unavailable until now to those who are still in a body.
Until tomorrow, We will shine on you with Unconditional Love and Light,
Your Yahweh, I AM THAT I AM.”
Channeled by Kahryn E. May on Dec. 4, 2012 11pm.
Many of you are bracing yourselves for some sort of shock on Dec. 21. No matter how much you may have read about the transition coming up, it is not possible for you there on the ground to comprehend what is coming, but we continue to try our best to give you enough information to allay your fears while also preparing you to make what will feel like a dramatic shift in you physical, psychological and spiritual state.
We have talked a bit about your biological and emotional preparation involving a change in your DNA and the tsunami of Love which will lift your spirits and increase your feelings of love toward yourself and others. Today we will talk about your spiritual path.
Many of you who call yourselves “spiritual but not religious” have become aware, at least peripherally, of the concept of past lives, or reincarnation, as you call it. Perhaps if we give you a better picture of what reincarnation really is, and how it works in the bigger picture of the evolution of a soul, you will feel more comfortable about the dramatic events which are transpiring this month.
From a human, on-the-ground perspective, it would seem that the real life is here on Earth, and the time between lives would be some form of vacation in Heaven where angels and other spirit forms, only the good ones, float around playing music and sitting on clouds. At least, this is the way religions and Renaissance painters have mostly represented it. As you may be expecting, I am going to say: Nothing could be further from the Truth.
Let’s start from a more accurate description of where you live when you are not here on Earth. There are many levels or dimensions of existence within the spirit realms. We will begin our discussion of the first 12 dimensions, of which those from 3 to 5 or 7 are of greatest importance in our present situation. The first two are the realm of thought (1st dimension) and the realm of unstructured feeling, among other things (2nd dimension). The third dimension, with which you are most familiar, is your present Earth experience, where touch, taste, smell, sight and sound define the material existence where things appear solid, and your body is well tuned to process the relatively heavy energy and gravitational pull of the 3 dimensional plane. You are also fully immersed in an experience of space/time which unfolds in a linear fashion, giving you the impression that there is a one-to-one correlation between actions and reactions, cause and effect. Your human brains are highly adapted to this limited version of reality, such that you hardly recognize the possibility of other forms of experience.
The primary reason you are not aware of past lives or of your life in other dimensions is because of the Veil of Forgetfulness, which your ancestors long ago devised with us as a way of creating a life experience which could be unique, discontinuous from previous lifetimes, and which afforded the full experience of free will, without a connection to previous fears, remorse, or ego complications. This Veil is not absolutely opaque. Memories and feelings, as well as access to Universal knowledge may resurface in dreams, and the ability to pierce the veil can be cultivated, as with people who are known as psychic. It has been our wish, as the important shifts of this era approach, that more people have access to higher dimensional experience. This is the reason so many people are having “paranormal” experiences and are newly interested in the information which psychics can search out for them, and not only on the subject of future love and money in their own lives. Many are experiencing the happiness of communicating with ancestors and friends who have “passed on.” This is a much better description than “dead,” since there is no such thing. As the person’s body dies, the soul leaves its connection to the vessel which has housed it and returns to the higher dimensions.
Now we will tell you about what happens after a life is finished. The soul, set free of the bounds of a constricting material container, is able to expand as it rises gently toward the Light, which is the Light of Unconditional Love, generated and sustained, with the help of our Legions of Angels and Master Guides, for the purpose of welcoming and enveloping the Homecoming soul. Each soul is welcomed, as the prodigal son was welcomed in the Bible story, regardless of the quality of the life lived. Every one of our Precious Creations is welcomed with celebration and joy.
After a period of rest, as needed depending upon the circumstances surrounding the departure from the body, the individual soul will go through a process of review which encompasses all the events and emotional connections which were made during the past life, under the mentorship of a highly evolved Guide. This process includes a reversal of roles, in real time, so that the soul may experience the feelings and thoughts of all the others who came in contact with him/her in any important way. S/he will feel all the disappointment, pain, anguish and anger which resulted from his/her own actions, as well as the actions of Love and community, compassion and forgiveness which led others to positive turns in their paths.
The process of reviewing and feeling the darkness one has caused leaves the soul with greater understanding of the effect of dark actions on others, and inspires deeper empathy, compassion ad forgiveness. It also encourages the attitude of taking responsibility for one’s actions, which tends to carry forward into subsequent lives. You can see now why the experience of living many lives, in many different circumstances and historical periods, would tend to hone a soul of greater integrity, depth and virtue. The optimal soul path is one which carries the person along a trajectory toward greater and greater challenges, by living lives of greater degrees of difficulty as the soul grows in stature and confidence. We will revise one of your favorite adages here: If it doesn’t kill you (or even if it does) it will probably make you stronger. You see, from our perspective, “death” is just a familiar transition from one plane to another, characterized by great learning and evolution of the soul - a thing to be celebrated.
Of course, there are sometimes occasions where an ambitious soul takes on more than s/he can bear, or unforeseen shifts in the trajectory of a life may bring devastating hardship. Because of your free will contract, nothing is absolutely predetermined, although possibilities can often be seen in advance of an event. Therefore, a lifetime on Gaia has always held a sense of mystery, anticipation and great excitement for the brave souls who venture here. There is nearly unlimited variety in the possible choice of experiences - rich or poor, male or female, black, white, yellow or red - all options are encouraged as the soul works their way along the Ascension path through hundreds, even thousands of lifetimes. Many of those souls who were born in the early days of Planet Earth are now working their way up the Ascension ladder to positions of responsibility as Ascended Masters in the higher realms of the 7th through the 13th dimension. Although inexperienced souls do not have access to the higher realms because the frequencies there would not be tolerable for them, souls from higher dimensions can descend to be of service to those who follow, as they most often do in some form.
We, the Creators and Helpers of the high realms oversee with compassion and deepest love as our dear children struggle through enormous challenges which test their valor, their integrity and their capacity for Love and Forgiveness. Some lifetimes may be more successful in one area or another, but all are fodder for learning and advancement, and all are looked upon with the utmost respect, because we are aware of the inherent level of difficulty which is inevitable in a life on Gaia in 3D, where even the privileged and well-loved individuals encounter difficulties.
The goal of this process is to elevate yourselves to higher expressions of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Empathy, nothing else. In terms of soul evolution, it matters not at all whether you achieve great wealth or fame. Money, awards and accolades may make the journey more pleasant for a time, but they are not a measure of soul value or progress at all, in spite of the way you have pursued those things in your Western cultures above all else. We see these pursuits as unfortunate distractions, except in rare circumstances where the individual uses their position of wealth and fame to lift others from despair, poverty, and injustice.
As you can probably discern from this description, the process of soul evolution is largely reviewed and understood at the end of a life, in the Bardo, that place in the 4th dimension where planning and evaluation has taken place in the past. From there, souls have had the option to pursue training, teaching and learning in progressively higher realms, with or without further sojourns to “Boot Camp” on Gaia. However, it is understood throughout the Multiverse that soul-training on Gaia is the most perfectly-tailored testing ground to develop the higher frequency Light-filled qualities of Love and other virtues, which we consider the God qualities. Consider yourselves courageous, Dear Ones, no matter how bogged down and confused you might be feeling at present.
This discussion will serve as the introduction to the Spirit Realms for our purposes. We will continue in this vein in future messages with more information about the workings of the higher Spirit Realms. Please ponder this carefully and pass it on to your family members and acquaintances. Many will find this information enlightening, since it has been largely unavailable until now to those who are still in a body.
Until tomorrow, We will shine on you with Unconditional Love and Light,
Your Yahweh, I AM THAT I AM.”
Channeled by Kahryn E. May on Dec. 4, 2012 11pm.
Part 43, Lesson 16, Cosmic Events Are Underway
“I want to tell you about the cosmic events which have been discussed on the internet, but have not been officially acknowledged by the government institutions who control information. It is important that citizens be informed, even though their media outlets no longer provide that service. I am happy to tell the secrets, because they have been hiding good news. Unfortunately, this is because the traditional approach to anything which seems inexplicable should be feared, and therefore hidden from the public lest it cause them to panic, or cause them to be less easily controlled.
We do not fear panic. We believe that is an insult to the intelligence and balance we see growing every day in the population of Planet Earth. We see your curiosity, and sometimes concern, and we wish to satisfy both whenever we can. Fortunately, we now have the advantage of sharing our information with you through channels who serve as our Voices. This is wonderful for us, because we have very interesting news.
December 21, 2012 is going to be a cosmic/psychological/emotional/biological event. We will start with the cosmic part. As most of you know, the Center of the Milky Way is also the Center of the Universe as you know it. It is sometimes called the God Head, or the Source of All things. That it is, the Center of Creation - the workshop from which We have sent outward the Consciousness of Love and Light over billions of years, embodied in the planets, stars and beings of every form and substance, including you, the Childen of our Hearts, and your dear courageous planet Gaia. We have our fingers on the heartbeat of the Universe, you might say. W
The intricate interplay of mass (energy), motion, gravity, and all the physical forces of the Great Universe interacting with the Consciousness of All Beings are coming together at this time in never-before ways. This will create an interaction with the individual process of Planet Earth’s Ascension to higher dimensions, which will complete on Dec. 21, and with the individual soul paths of every being on the planet. Because you all knew that this completion was one of the possible scenarios which was likely to occur during your lifetime, you came into embodiment now with the hope of playing a part in this momentous event. You have each been instrumental, individually and as a group, in the co-creation of this Great Ascension of the human race.. This will create an
As the planets and stars align in very auspicious ways with the center of the Universe on 12/12, and the Angels stand holding open the gates of the Portals all souls must traverse when they go from the spirit world in higher dimensions to the lower levels of 3D in the Earth realm, We will use this Portal to send Earthward the most powerful energy waves the Earth has ever experienced. Many of the more commonly understood laws of physics may seem to be transgressed, but there are more complex Laws which your scientists have yet to identify. And yes, there will be an appearance of the Orion planet/ship Naburu which will play a part in the creation of new creative energy on Gaia, but do not fear a Cosmic Battle of the sort your science fiction writers prefer. This is an event of Light, a sacred elevation in the life of a planet and of the human race, as well as a shift for all the Universe as well.
We will send enormous waves of Love from the 7th Dimension of Christ Consciousness to surround and permeate the bodies of every being on Earth. This final tsunami of Love, along with the accumulation of energy which has been building for several months now, will work on your DNA to change the biological network of physical responses with which you respond to everyday life. You have lived for thousands of years with the adrenaline-based fight or flight system as your survival mechanism, which served you because the dangers you faced in less civilized times required quick action to insure survival. This will no longer be necessary in the New Gaia where Love and Friendship will reign supreme and the lion will literally come to lie down with the lamb.
New conditions require new biology. You will feel yourselves changing from the fear-based responses which were so familiar to you to Love and Compassion for your fellows, whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral. Hostility, rage and fear will become a thing of the past as you grow into your New Gaia surroundings.
For some of you, the transition will be nearly instantaneous as you make the leap to life in higher dimensions. For others, the changes will seem more gradual, so that you might say to those of us who have been trumpeting this Shift, “What was the big deal about?” We assure you, it is a truly big deal for life on the Planet. Like the weather, you might not notice it right away if the temperature were to rise by 1 degree every day, but you will feel the effects soon enough. For those who are completely unprepared for the events to come, there will be a protective veil of forgetfulness which will subdue the conscious awareness of the most dramatic quantum leap of energy, but the ultimate effects of change will take place in everyone regardless of their state of conscious preparedness.
We do not wish to cause terror or massive disruption in the process of making these monumental changes; we are creating the Dawning of Your Dreams, the Fondest Wishes of your Hearts, which you have helped to bring into being. Gaia will be going through unavoidable shudders and shifts, but your deep connections with her consciousness will help to mitigate the upheavals. Continue to send your loving energy downward, deeply anchoring into the Heart of Gaia. It will help to stabilize you as well.
We do want you to be aware that whatever the outcome of these changes may bring for individuals, they will be exactly in alignment with the soul contracts you designed for yourselves before coming to this life, whether you choose to ascend in a human body to the 5th dimension and beyond, or whether you chose to live out a regular cycle of death and transition to spirit form as has been the way on Earth in the past. As always, we honor your free will choices.
We tell you these things to calm your anxieties as you proceed through the intense changes which may be causing you to experience physical symptoms which might feel like illnesses to you, but which are a part of the clearing process in preparation for Dec. 21. Look to your symptoms to remind you of the old memories of trauma and pain you may have left unexamined. Reach out to healers and friends to learn calming practices to elevate your energy and heal your past injuries. Offer a hand or a shoulder to others who may be suffering the growing pains of opening their hearts and minds. Do not try to hide your feelings or suppress them with the old methods of self-medication; the changes in your bodies begin to reject such practices to the point where you will find it necessary to change your habits because of the negative side-effects.
All in all, it is going to be a pretty exciting time leading up to the finale on the Great Winter Solstice of 2012 - the beginning of a new life on Gaia. Hold onto your hats, Dear Ones, we have wonders in store for you.
With great Love, we send you Peace in this glorious time,
Your Yahweh and the Legions of Light”
Channeled on Dec. 3, 2012 at 8 pm by Kathryn E. May
We do not fear panic. We believe that is an insult to the intelligence and balance we see growing every day in the population of Planet Earth. We see your curiosity, and sometimes concern, and we wish to satisfy both whenever we can. Fortunately, we now have the advantage of sharing our information with you through channels who serve as our Voices. This is wonderful for us, because we have very interesting news.
December 21, 2012 is going to be a cosmic/psychological/emotional/biological event. We will start with the cosmic part. As most of you know, the Center of the Milky Way is also the Center of the Universe as you know it. It is sometimes called the God Head, or the Source of All things. That it is, the Center of Creation - the workshop from which We have sent outward the Consciousness of Love and Light over billions of years, embodied in the planets, stars and beings of every form and substance, including you, the Childen of our Hearts, and your dear courageous planet Gaia. We have our fingers on the heartbeat of the Universe, you might say. W
The intricate interplay of mass (energy), motion, gravity, and all the physical forces of the Great Universe interacting with the Consciousness of All Beings are coming together at this time in never-before ways. This will create an interaction with the individual process of Planet Earth’s Ascension to higher dimensions, which will complete on Dec. 21, and with the individual soul paths of every being on the planet. Because you all knew that this completion was one of the possible scenarios which was likely to occur during your lifetime, you came into embodiment now with the hope of playing a part in this momentous event. You have each been instrumental, individually and as a group, in the co-creation of this Great Ascension of the human race.. This will create an
As the planets and stars align in very auspicious ways with the center of the Universe on 12/12, and the Angels stand holding open the gates of the Portals all souls must traverse when they go from the spirit world in higher dimensions to the lower levels of 3D in the Earth realm, We will use this Portal to send Earthward the most powerful energy waves the Earth has ever experienced. Many of the more commonly understood laws of physics may seem to be transgressed, but there are more complex Laws which your scientists have yet to identify. And yes, there will be an appearance of the Orion planet/ship Naburu which will play a part in the creation of new creative energy on Gaia, but do not fear a Cosmic Battle of the sort your science fiction writers prefer. This is an event of Light, a sacred elevation in the life of a planet and of the human race, as well as a shift for all the Universe as well.
We will send enormous waves of Love from the 7th Dimension of Christ Consciousness to surround and permeate the bodies of every being on Earth. This final tsunami of Love, along with the accumulation of energy which has been building for several months now, will work on your DNA to change the biological network of physical responses with which you respond to everyday life. You have lived for thousands of years with the adrenaline-based fight or flight system as your survival mechanism, which served you because the dangers you faced in less civilized times required quick action to insure survival. This will no longer be necessary in the New Gaia where Love and Friendship will reign supreme and the lion will literally come to lie down with the lamb.
New conditions require new biology. You will feel yourselves changing from the fear-based responses which were so familiar to you to Love and Compassion for your fellows, whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral. Hostility, rage and fear will become a thing of the past as you grow into your New Gaia surroundings.
For some of you, the transition will be nearly instantaneous as you make the leap to life in higher dimensions. For others, the changes will seem more gradual, so that you might say to those of us who have been trumpeting this Shift, “What was the big deal about?” We assure you, it is a truly big deal for life on the Planet. Like the weather, you might not notice it right away if the temperature were to rise by 1 degree every day, but you will feel the effects soon enough. For those who are completely unprepared for the events to come, there will be a protective veil of forgetfulness which will subdue the conscious awareness of the most dramatic quantum leap of energy, but the ultimate effects of change will take place in everyone regardless of their state of conscious preparedness.
We do not wish to cause terror or massive disruption in the process of making these monumental changes; we are creating the Dawning of Your Dreams, the Fondest Wishes of your Hearts, which you have helped to bring into being. Gaia will be going through unavoidable shudders and shifts, but your deep connections with her consciousness will help to mitigate the upheavals. Continue to send your loving energy downward, deeply anchoring into the Heart of Gaia. It will help to stabilize you as well.
We do want you to be aware that whatever the outcome of these changes may bring for individuals, they will be exactly in alignment with the soul contracts you designed for yourselves before coming to this life, whether you choose to ascend in a human body to the 5th dimension and beyond, or whether you chose to live out a regular cycle of death and transition to spirit form as has been the way on Earth in the past. As always, we honor your free will choices.
We tell you these things to calm your anxieties as you proceed through the intense changes which may be causing you to experience physical symptoms which might feel like illnesses to you, but which are a part of the clearing process in preparation for Dec. 21. Look to your symptoms to remind you of the old memories of trauma and pain you may have left unexamined. Reach out to healers and friends to learn calming practices to elevate your energy and heal your past injuries. Offer a hand or a shoulder to others who may be suffering the growing pains of opening their hearts and minds. Do not try to hide your feelings or suppress them with the old methods of self-medication; the changes in your bodies begin to reject such practices to the point where you will find it necessary to change your habits because of the negative side-effects.
All in all, it is going to be a pretty exciting time leading up to the finale on the Great Winter Solstice of 2012 - the beginning of a new life on Gaia. Hold onto your hats, Dear Ones, we have wonders in store for you.
With great Love, we send you Peace in this glorious time,
Your Yahweh and the Legions of Light”
Channeled on Dec. 3, 2012 at 8 pm by Kathryn E. May
Part 42, Learning to Live with Love
Yahweh said:
“We will make this a short message tonight.
You have all been working hard to absorb the rising energies of love. What an irony is that! Your systems are so used to tolerating poison and small daily abuses, constantly inflicted, that unconditional love is enough to make most of you choke and squirm!
This will change. With each passing day, the field of energy sweeping across the planet will awaken thousands more, and then millions more, until every single person on the planet will have been either lifted by the ecstasy, or infuriated by the interference. Yes, of course there may be a few who are so cold-hearted and dead that they are unable to evolve at all. In fact, they are the ones in the news in the past few weeks. It is unfortunate that your news outlets are so fascinated with violence and gore, because it presents a very distorted perspective on what is actually happening on the planet.
What we see from our bird’s eye view is the beautiful Gaia and her inhabitants awakening to feelings of Love, excitement and pleasure in the small and wonderful events of everyday life. Friends are reaching out to friends with long-unexpressed warmth and gratitude. Children are being noticed and fondly affirmed for their charming ways. Animals - well, the animals are already on a very high level, with examples of the lion laying down with the lamb, symbolically. A recent story described a lion who adopted the baby gazelle who was orphaned after the mother was eaten. You see, the feelings of kindness and good will are felt in their most basic form by the animals who are sensitive to the resonance of energies around them.
The effect of this energy is profound and universal. Your scientists have not yet discovered the subatomic particle which carries the emotional feeling/meaning which is generated by large numbers of human beings who feel an emotion in concert with each other. Studies have shown that meditations conducted with large groups can effect the purification of water, the level of crime, and the healing of seriously ill patients. They have not yet widely publicized the effect of many people together feeling an uplifting and celebratory feeling, but it is massive, cumulative, and ongoing.
A crescendo of feeling is sweeping across the planet, lightening and lifting spirits. It has now gathered such momentum that the outcome will be unimaginably wonderful. We cannot tell, from our perspective, whether the result will be overwhelmingly spectacular, or simply unbelievably wonderful. It is that good, and it is thanks to those hard-working, well-meaning regular people whose dedication and love for their fellow humans has led them to spend many hours every day in connection with the children, family, and community members who matter to them. This resonates far beyond the small group who experience this intimacy and contact. It ripples outward, building exponentially as it moves Heavenward to meet the incoming waves of Light energy flowing toward you from outside the atmosphere of the Earth. What a wondrous crashing of lightning and charged electricity emanates from the meeting of these positive energies! It has truly created a tsunami of Love!
How it warms our hearts to see our beloved Children lifting their heads to the sky, calling out to us in joy and celebration! We hear your prayers and your gratitude, your lingering fears and your tender exclamations of love for one another. For your love, we send more love; for your fears, we send more love, and for your tenderness, we send more love.
Carry your heads high, Dear Ones. Join hands every chance you get, and continue to practice the meditation I gave you in Lesson # 1. It is gratifying to see the success and comfort many of you have found after practicing this Way of the Light.
We celebrate your ongoing successes, and we welcome your questions. Send them to us, and we will try to answer them all, to allay your fears and put a smile on your face at the same time! Just try us! Do not hesitate to contact this channel with your questions and concerns. You have worked for this for thousands of years. You deserve to be kept in the loop, as you like to say.
We love you without limit, and look forward to your comments and questions,
Your Yahweh and Company”
Channeled by Kathryn E. May on Dec. 2, 2012, 10 pm.
“We will make this a short message tonight.
You have all been working hard to absorb the rising energies of love. What an irony is that! Your systems are so used to tolerating poison and small daily abuses, constantly inflicted, that unconditional love is enough to make most of you choke and squirm!
This will change. With each passing day, the field of energy sweeping across the planet will awaken thousands more, and then millions more, until every single person on the planet will have been either lifted by the ecstasy, or infuriated by the interference. Yes, of course there may be a few who are so cold-hearted and dead that they are unable to evolve at all. In fact, they are the ones in the news in the past few weeks. It is unfortunate that your news outlets are so fascinated with violence and gore, because it presents a very distorted perspective on what is actually happening on the planet.
What we see from our bird’s eye view is the beautiful Gaia and her inhabitants awakening to feelings of Love, excitement and pleasure in the small and wonderful events of everyday life. Friends are reaching out to friends with long-unexpressed warmth and gratitude. Children are being noticed and fondly affirmed for their charming ways. Animals - well, the animals are already on a very high level, with examples of the lion laying down with the lamb, symbolically. A recent story described a lion who adopted the baby gazelle who was orphaned after the mother was eaten. You see, the feelings of kindness and good will are felt in their most basic form by the animals who are sensitive to the resonance of energies around them.
The effect of this energy is profound and universal. Your scientists have not yet discovered the subatomic particle which carries the emotional feeling/meaning which is generated by large numbers of human beings who feel an emotion in concert with each other. Studies have shown that meditations conducted with large groups can effect the purification of water, the level of crime, and the healing of seriously ill patients. They have not yet widely publicized the effect of many people together feeling an uplifting and celebratory feeling, but it is massive, cumulative, and ongoing.
A crescendo of feeling is sweeping across the planet, lightening and lifting spirits. It has now gathered such momentum that the outcome will be unimaginably wonderful. We cannot tell, from our perspective, whether the result will be overwhelmingly spectacular, or simply unbelievably wonderful. It is that good, and it is thanks to those hard-working, well-meaning regular people whose dedication and love for their fellow humans has led them to spend many hours every day in connection with the children, family, and community members who matter to them. This resonates far beyond the small group who experience this intimacy and contact. It ripples outward, building exponentially as it moves Heavenward to meet the incoming waves of Light energy flowing toward you from outside the atmosphere of the Earth. What a wondrous crashing of lightning and charged electricity emanates from the meeting of these positive energies! It has truly created a tsunami of Love!
How it warms our hearts to see our beloved Children lifting their heads to the sky, calling out to us in joy and celebration! We hear your prayers and your gratitude, your lingering fears and your tender exclamations of love for one another. For your love, we send more love; for your fears, we send more love, and for your tenderness, we send more love.
Carry your heads high, Dear Ones. Join hands every chance you get, and continue to practice the meditation I gave you in Lesson # 1. It is gratifying to see the success and comfort many of you have found after practicing this Way of the Light.
We celebrate your ongoing successes, and we welcome your questions. Send them to us, and we will try to answer them all, to allay your fears and put a smile on your face at the same time! Just try us! Do not hesitate to contact this channel with your questions and concerns. You have worked for this for thousands of years. You deserve to be kept in the loop, as you like to say.
We love you without limit, and look forward to your comments and questions,
Your Yahweh and Company”
Channeled by Kathryn E. May on Dec. 2, 2012, 10 pm.
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